Zt2 Download Directory
Zoo Tycoon 2: Links to Mods! Ready to add a little variety to your Zoo Tycoon 2 game?

Windows Xp Sp3 Iso Download Crack more. Here are some links to the various mods that you can add into the game! This is not a comprehensive list, just a list of mods that I enjoy using in the game, so make sure you use them as a launching pad for finding more! Also, I did not make any of these mods!
Hi, the download and install worked perfectly fine for me! But it seems there's already a bunch of mods installed with it, is there any easy way to turn all of them off? Subaat June 8, 2017 at 11:29 pm. Only way is to cut the expansion packs / Mods files from ZT2 folder and paste them in another folder outside of game. Once you have downloaded the.z2f file, navigate to your Zoo Tycoon directory, which is commonly located at: C: Program Files Microsoft Games Zoo Tycoon 2 2. Place the.ztf file within your Zoo Tycoon directory and then you're done! Installing a Shell-based Download 1. Download your desired download.
They are the result of many talented creators who have contributed to the Zoo Tycoon 2 community from all over the world - make sure you thank ‘em when you go snag your new downloads! Also, huge thanks to BenZooMaster for putting together my downloads for me and helping to link everyone to where you can find the ones I use and many more! - How do I install mods for Zoo Tycoon 2? Place the Zoo Tycoon 2 files in your C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon 2 folder.
Do not place the files in any of the sub-folders within the Zoo Tycoon 2 folder. Also, always make sure that you back-up your game before installing new mods! My download looks like a little book not a Zoo Tycoon 2 icon. What do I do? There are two types of folders that the Zoo Tycoon 2 mods come in: a Zoo Tycoon 2 file that is displayed with the Zoo Tycoon 2 icon and a rar folder which looks like a pile of books with a belt around them.
Zoo Tycoon 2 files can go directly into the downloads folder. The rar folder is simply a compressed file that makes it faster to download your files. To “unpack” a rar simply right click it and select “Extract files” Your mods will then be extracted and you should see the Zoo Tycoon 2 files now! - Why doesn’t this download work? Unfortunately, I don’t know! These downloads have been made by extremely talented members of the Zoo Tycoon 2 modding community - some with more care than others.
Some downloads may conflict, so try removing some to see if it allows others to work. Also, use Google actively to try to solve “conflict” problems. Often someone else has already run across the problem that you may be having and can help you figure out how to solve your issue. In the end, your issue may be unique to your computer and the combination of downloads you have in your folder, so it may take some time, but keep researching and you should find an answer! Just be prepared if that answer is “this download just doesn’t work” and you have to remove it to get your game going again.
Always back-up your save files before you install new downloads! - I can’t find this download! Zoo Tycoon 2 is an older game and the community around it, while still active, is older too. As time goes on some downloads may disappear as their main websites deactivate or their creators lose interest in maintaining their webpages.
If you desperately want a specific download, try asking around to still-active members in the community. Blaster Pals Software on this page. Someone may have the folder and be willing to send it to you via e-mail or upload it for you. However please remember some creators may have had “no re-uploading” policies that would prevent most people from feeling comfortable sharing the files without their permission. A good way to safe-guard against losing files in the future is to keep your own personal archive of your downloads. Even if you are not actively using them in the game, at least you will have them on hand and won’t be disappointed if you go to re-download it only to find the site that used to host it is gone. Links to Download Forums!
(German) (amazing!).