Drivers Allwinner
If you have an Allwinner A23 mobile phone or tablet, and searching for a tool which can connect or communicate with your personal computer or Laptop. Then, you have landed at the right place, from here you can download Allwinner A23 USB driver download, and install it on your computer. You can use these drivers to communicate with your mobile phone or to flash of the mobile using, or rooting of the device using the computer, then you can download the and install it. Allwinner A23 USB driver download How to install USB driver To install USB driver on your computer, first, you should download the file from the given link.
Then unzip the folder to the desktop, and find the setup files. Double click on the setup files, and follow the instruction which is being given by the officials while installing. At the end you will see the USB driver has bee installed on your computer, restart the computer once, to save the changes which have been made by the USB driver. Now, you can use your Allwinner A23 mobile phone to connect the personal computer, there will be no, recgonize error on the computer. You easily can transfer data from one side of the USB cable to the other side of the cable.
There will be no error. Must remember: But, before connecting your mobile phone to the USB driver, make sure to enable the USB debugging on your phone. • Go to the setting of your device • Go to the developer option, • enable the USB debugging option given there. Features of Allwinner23 USdriverer If you are a user of Allwinner 23 mobile phone then you cannot connect your mobile phone to the computer without of using this USB driver. If you have not downloaded and installed the USB driver on your computer, then please first download and install it on your computer.

Code: adb backup -apk -shared -all. Basic information PC: Windows 7, pro. USB 2.0 port. ADB Driver 'Drivers-AllwinnerA10-32bits 32Bit_Win_7_Vista_XP' from 2011.
ADB Platform-Tool, Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31. Logged in as normal User, not Admin. The development kit is not installed, I just downloaded the Platform-Tool, unzipped it and started 'adb' - I just want to make a f***ing backup Tablet: ALLWINNER A13 9'.
Linux kernel source tree. Contribute to linux development by creating an account on GitHub.

Android Version 4.2.2. USB Debugging enabled. Detail Info's: Model number: JL902 Kernel Version: 3.4.0+ jlingzhang@srv-fw-compile3 #1 Mon Build-Number: full_gs702c-userdebug 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.root.20131207 NOT ROOTED. Problem: I do not get a connection from the PC to the tablet.
Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Writer. Also no RSA Key question comes up at the tablet. The adb tool just throws an error:'device not found'.
I tried several things, log in as Admin, 'adb wait-for-device', plugging and unplugging. Nothing helped. The adb tool works fine, I tested it with a Samsung Galaxy S2. I'm not quite sure about the adb USB driver on windows, but there is no exclamation mark nor other problems reported.
So this should be fine. Anyone any hint, tip or solution? Would be great - gathering for hours with this problem - searching forum 'n stuff. Thanks in advance Juha. Code: ERROR No useable device has been foundI think since in Android 4.2.2 the RSA Key authentication was introduced, something is wrong with the connection.
Because I would expect the RSA Key question on the tablet, but the tablet does not show this dialog. By the way, I recognized that the USB driver for the ADB interface is titled 'Drivers-AllwinnerA10' but the tablet has a A13 core. But I do not find another driver at the moment and the vendor ID -VID_10D6&PID_0C02&REV_0202&MI_01- fits (otherwise, windows wouldn't install it anyway). Does it make sense to search for another driver? Hi from messing with various drivers and android devices i have found that installing PDA net for windows (theirs and android version too but not needed) once pdanet installs let the drivers for your phone be installed, if by any chance you have drivers already installed what you can do is go to device manager, click on your device uninstall the drivers, unplug your phone and then open pdaNET a window will come up waiting for you to connect your phone and the driver installation process will begin. The program downloads the correct driver for mostly any model phone you have and works flawlessly with ADB, if by any chance this helped just give me a thanks! Thanks for the tip.
It really installed an USB driver as you said (I've deinstalled the other driver before). But sadly the result is the same. I can't access the ADB interface - same error 'Device not found'. At this point I want to say thanks to all viewers of this thread, it seems really to be not an easy task. I'm still open minded in any direction and would be happy for any suggestion what I might try. Even a hint, how I could reduce the possibilities for the root of my problem.
I'm still not quite sure, if the driver is the problem or even if the tablet itself has some kind of software defect on this kernel version - By the way, does anyone have the same kernel version (posted at the beginning - 3.4.0+ jlingzhang@srv-fw-compile3 --- repeated for your convenience) of Jelly Bean (4.2.2)? Do you have experience with the ADB interface then? How may I isolate the real problem? Any idea wellcome. I have nearly an identical tablet except mine has the PnP code of Vendor 10D6/Device 0C01 and it shows as P706 on the USB description. I installed PDAnet, that actually was able to upload the Android version of PDAnet to the tablet, so I think that's a definite for the driver working. But I'm also having trouble getting ADB to list the device and I'm using the latest ADB from the SDK.
Since ADB tries to setup a network server, I'm wondering if the ADB driver on windows has to be tethered as a NIC somehow?, just a theory. I'm using a fresh install of XP and can do a complete rollback, so I'm certain it's not the OS. There's also another quirk about this tablet. I wanted to do a backup of the firmware from this device. Where Is My Water Apk File Free Download. Techknow's utilities use ADB to issue several shell commands to copy 'partitions' to the SD card, I thought I might as well try to do that manually only to find what would've been copied as /dev/block/nanda, nandb, etc. Is named /dev/block/acta, actb, etc.
But lack of 'root' means I can't read any of those partitions or even copy su into /sbin. Uberizer isn't any good since as far as I can see that also uses ADB. Any known issues with versions of ADB? Or even any other tools which do similar to ADB?, or even a way to 'root' these devices just by Terminal and SD? Right, I've made up a pack to automate putting SU on the device and setting up permissions on SU and BUSYBOX.!!!
This is only for the VID_10D6&PID_0C02 device, your mileage may very with other devices.!!! DRIVER directory should contain the USB driver you need, otherwise try installing PDAnet and tell it to replace the driver. Install USB driver, run SUME.BAT to hopefully backup all the needed stock firmware to SD; adb shell su cat /dev/block/acta >/mnt/sd-ext/acta.img cat /dev/block/actb >/mnt/sd-ext/misc.img cat /dev/block/actc >/mnt/sd-ext/system.img exit exit adb kill-server qUE. CONFIRMED SOLVED Yes, that was it! I copied the adb_usb.ini file into user directory (which only contains these ascii chars '0x10D6' - no CR no LF or anything else) and it worked out!!!
Thank you (Thanks meter will follow ) Some interesting things I discovered now: • There was no RSA-Key question at all on the tablet!!! • as I did the full backup with 'adb backup -apk -shared -all' I was asked on the tablet to confirm this So obviously something strange is going on here.
Since it is claimed everywhere the with Android 4.2.2 the ADB interface should be generally RSA-Key protected. Okay, might be that I misunderstood something here At least this problem is solved and I appreciated every comment in this thread. One question would be final to answer: Who should have brought the adb_usb.ini to my PC. The ADB driver? The ADB Platform-Tool package? So, whom to blame here - NO - just kidding.
I did briefly try the platform-tools (since I didn't mind the OS being trashed), they didn't add any adb_usb.ini and there isn't any real indication the file was needed/didn't exist, they could've simply put a note on the ADB utility when it didn't find any devices. I'm not sure what ADB backup does. As far as I know the mounted partition images are differently named to various backup tutorials, so I get the feeling ADB backup just simply copies the user data and not much else.
I recommend doing the backup I mentioned as well, it'll at least capture a copy of the boot partition, which if the device doesn't have that you'll probably need to revert to using live suite or some other firmware utility to restore it. Getting the firmware for that is another story, read a fair amount of posts here and other places on the net that don't sound fun.
I personally still can't get superuser to behave for using su on the terminal/term.apk (I want to remove useless 'system' apps and make sure the device isn't talking back to anyone, i.e. Google), but I'll keep tinkering. My main aim for getting one of these tablets was to boot other firmware from the SD slot, but it looks as if the u-boot process is locked to internal NAND. So might have to modify it by adding 'fatload mmc' to the script.