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Does using Marvel Mystery Oil in the Fuel accomplish anything? Many of our customers have experienced excellent results with Marvel Mystery Oil in their engines. At the temperatures found in the combustion chamber of a cylinder, MM oil will be vaporized. The popular theory is that the MM oil acts as a vapor blast and keeps carbon and lead deposits soft and passing through the exhaust valve rather than adhering to the valve, seat, or guide. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, take a look at the PiperCub Forum article. Why does a radial engine have an odd number of cylinders? Radials are built with an odd number of cylinders to give a better firing order and corresponding smoothness with lack of vibration.
The accompanying illustration shows the firing order and cylinder numbering sequence for a typical 9 cylinder radial. You will notice that every other cylinder fires in order and that at the end of two compression stroke revolutions, the pattern repeats itself. Piston / Crank Arrangement Q. What are my options as far as cylinder bores are concerned - chrome, steel, etc.? This question must be answered on an engine model by model basis.
All W670 Continental and R680 Lycoming engines originally utilized steel bore cylinders. Steel cylinders are still an option for these engines, though many operators are switching to some type of chrome cylinders to avoid the rust problems inherent with steel cylinders. During WWII when these engines averaged several hours per week, rust was not a problem, but today's operator might only average 25 or 50 hours per year.

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In this case it is not unusual to see rust form on the cylinder walls with a resultant loss of compression and increase in oil consumption. Steel cylinders do have a strong advantage in that the cast iron piston rings readily seat into steel bores. As to chrome bore cylinders, there are basically three options: Channelchrome or one of two newer chrome processes (Nuchrome or Cermichrome). Channel-chrome, developed around WWII, is a hard chrome process, which has a cracked appearance (looks like a dry lake bed). Oil is free to travel through these channels (hence the name Channelchrome). Channelchrome wears very well, much better than steel, and does not allow corrosion.
The down side with Channelchrome is that it often takes significantly longer to seat the rings into the slick chrome surface, and even then the oil consumption may not be as good as with steel. Nuchrome and Cermichrome, both newer and similar processes, use the hard chrome surface into which are impregnated silicon carbide particles (similar to fine sand paper). In the first few hours of operation, the rings are quickly seated by the silicon carbide and the silicon carbide is worn away by the rings. Oil consumption is typically better with the newer chrome processes and may even surpass steel. Both the newer processes appear evenly gray (similar to steel) and neither has the cracked appearance of Channelchrome.
All Jacobs L6, L4, and early R755-A2 engines originally used steel cylinders. The later R755-A2 and all R755-B2 engines require chrome cylinders. What is a good break-in procedure for a newly overhauled engine? The following is a procedure that works well, though it certainly is not the only way to break an engine in. ENGINE BREAK IN PROCEDURE STEEL, CHROME, OR NUCHROME CYLINDERS: • Use only straight-weight mineral oil for break in (SAE 40 for winter operations, SAE 50 for spring/fall operations, SAE 60 for summer operations). • Pre-oil the engine either with an engine pre-oiler, or by removing the front spark plugs and motoring the engine over with the starter until engine oil pressure is developed.
• Start the engine and verify that the oil pressure is within the manufacturer’s limits. Test run the engine for five minutes not exceeding 1200 rpm. Avoid long periods of ground running as this promotes cylinder glazing. • Shut engine down and check for oil leaks. • Taxi for takeoff and do a normal run up procedure • Take off, climb to 2500-3000 feet, and level off.
• Keep the mixture full rich and pull power back to 70-75 percent. Do nothing but shallow turns or straight and level for one hour.
• At the end of one hour, place the aircraft in a 300-500 fpm climb at full power for three minutes. • Begin normal flight operations. • At the end of 25 hours of operation the oil should be changed, the valve lash checked, and cylinder base nuts retorqued (see the Manufacturer’s Service and Operators Manual for your engine). I understand that some parts from the W670 tank engine are usable on the aircraft engine.
Do I always need to pull my engine through before start up? Only if you want to avoid liquid locks. By gravity oil is drawn into the lower cylinders.
If the oil level in the combustion chamber is so great that the piston contacts it, something is going to give, and it will not be the oil. Pulling the engine backwards will often clear the combustion chamber of oil, but will only transfer the oil to the intake pipe where it can again be drawn into the combustion chamber and cause a liquid lock. If, as you pull the engine through, a liquid lock is suspected, the only safe recourse is to remove the lower front spark plugs and drain whatever oil if found there. It is a small price to pay for getting to fly behind a radial engine.For more on this topic,. What is the clean kit? With reference to the question about liquid locks, the clean kit is a product that increases the oil capacity of the existing sump on the Jacobs engine and decreases the chances of a liquid lock (not to mention wet start ups).
The kit is available from The 195 Factory, 164 Hart Rd, West Glenville, NY 12010 – 518.882.6392 – Q. How important is it to retorque cylinder base nuts and readjust the valves on a radial engine?
Readjusting valves is very important. After an overhaul as the valves seat in, the adjustment will change (usually the valve tightens). If the valve lash reaches '0', then the valve will be held open all the time, with a resultant loss in compression and eventually a burned valve. We recommend readjusting the valves at the first 25 hours after overhaul (we adjust them before and after the test run) and every one hundred hours thereafter.
Retorquing cylinder base nuts is an important operation that is often overlooked. See 'Maintaining the Jacobs Engine - Retorquing nuts'. This article speaks specifically to the Jacobs engine, but this information is generally applicable to the Lycoming and Continental radials as well. Is it possible to fuel inject these small radials?
Radial Engines, Ltd. Currently holds the STC to fuel inject the Jacobs R755A2/B2 on the Cessna 195 and WACO YMF5.. We are continuing the work to gain approval for STCs on many other airframe and radial engine combinations. Keep watch on this site for news as this technology expands. None of these engines were originally fuel injected, although attempts were for decades prior to REL achieving the Jacobs STC. We expect to produce fuel injected versions of all engines we rebuild in the coming months and years.
One can hardly read any poker forum without running across individuals claiming that this or that site is. Usually they are humiliated with the forum “experts” rudely telling them that the reason they’re losing is because they aren’t good poker players. I’m sad to say that I used to be one of those “experts.” I was one of the doubters until I actually caught one. If you view the image below it looks like a normal hand being played (certain information has been dedacted to protect the innocent). Normal Table [LOCK] It looks normal unless you really examine the photo. Using some highly classified vector digital imaging software from the CIA I picked up on eBay for $50, I caught the dealer dealing off the bottom of the deck. I was as shocked as anyone but it all made sense once I thought about it.
Notice in the picture above how they put that little box in front of the players sitting to the right and left of the dealer so as to obstruct their view. Players sitting that close would normally catch a dishonest dealer but “conveniently” the software blocks their view. Dealing from the bottom of the deck! But that wasn’t the only I caught. Notice the player to the right of the dealer in Seat 1. Notice anything out of place?
Neither did I at first. But again, I used my imaging software to get a close up and guess what I see? Cards up the sleeve He’s got a card hidden up his sleeve! I guess it should have been obvious after his fourth pocket aces in a row. Conclusion: Online Poker is Rigged! So now I have proof that and if anybody tries to tell you differently, they’re in on it!
If you feel you’ve been cheated then you may want to check out a tool developed by Bill’s Poker Blog called the. It can tell you if there are any statistical abnormalities with any of the hands you feed it. Really a great tool to help you gather evidence about online poker being rigged.[/LOCK] Also check out: • • • • [contentad] On a more serious note: • • • • • • • •. LOL, Most of you guys are either to dumb or blind & dumb, Yes online poker is Fixed. I sent info into the Justice Dept & that start an inquirety. Within 6 months all poker got shut down.
I had an e-mail with the winner of a 5000 player freeroll listed. & yes that player won with some unbelivable hand. 3 times he hit a straight flush to beat quads. Once he call a 5 player all in with 2/9 os and board showing 2 K 6,two of the players raised preflop all in. He hit running 2’s for quads & beat poc A, poc k, final hands were Quad 2’s, FH K’s over 2’s, FH 6’s over 2’s, FH 2’s over a’s,FH 2’s over 9’s & Flush. I watch his entire play & recorded every hand.
6 hours 18 minutes. The whole tourny he never had a bad beat. So you non believers you need to wise up but most of you are bots taking sides for the rigged sites anyhow. Online is definitely rigged. I play heads up nl online.
And every opponent i play hits tons of hands. I am not even trying to beat the player i am tryng to beat the randomizer so i have to play a low variance game to try to win. Looking over my hand histroy over pair vs under pair it a coin filp thats the rate im winning and this is over 100 k hands. The premium hands there hitting is at a rate that can’t happen in nl holdem. Games 100 percent fixed. You watch any poker show on tv play any live game. And sit down and lpay one session on one table the same amount of hands and i guarantee you will see a lot of bigger hands, more bad bets and strange holdings like aa vs kk vs qq.
Its definitely rake generated to cause big pots. But being bad beat is part of poker. It happens all the time but at the rate it happens online is not realistic. I played milions of hands online and live. Something is going on. The reason they can do this becasue nobody can catch them.
The only person to be caught was absolute poker when they had a worker named potripper clean people out also neo neo. They worked for the company. They got caught cause they showing off hand history. So the proof is already there poker is rigged. And nobody would of found out if one of the workers didn’t show off he could see the cards.
So if they can see cards they can also rig the randomizer to make the cards fall a certain way. Its a program they are creating and you can do whatever you want to a program.
And just because you profit some doesn’t mean its not rigged. Just leaving a comment to say I would probably pay more money everyday just to know if its rigged for peace of mind cause I mean I 100% bevieve it is cause I doubt 99% of the world is brain dead.
But im sure they will get caught and I hope they die anyone who says it isn’t rigged Is clearly chinease or cheating themselves. I mean I get what people are saying 8 3 and they flop nuts when u have aces. But then again ive hit trips at casino twice with pocket aces and gone out to straight draw when I read what he had an he intantly calved with a draw after the rebuy when were both 1st and 2nd, funnly enough I was 2nd after a hour and a half with aces 2nd place up againt first its an absolute skam and I hope someone gets the electric chair over it. Work it out $500 a player on average and not 1 person wins •. I dont give a shit online gambling IS rigged, It go’s the same way all the time I have a good day win a few tournies then you can GUARANTEE the next day you will suffer the most unbelievable bad luck like yesterday i raise with 4x blind with kq get called by about 6 players flop comes kq 6 with 2 spades table checks round im last to act i put 2k into a 5k pot next player moves in for 25 k to me table folds i snap call he shows j spades 3 of clubs then it comes spade spade giving him a back door flush wtf is up with that??
It continued all night dominated cards being hit pairs busted by lower pairs every time pokerstars is a joke •. Hi all, Online poker i do not know whether it is rigged but it does not represent true odds. If your a good poker player you know what i mean by true odds. You can calculate them and the hands in no way reflect this. Every time someone gets a pocket pair they hit their 2 outer. This just does not happen in real life. All these 5 to 1 and 6to 1 draws all of a sudden become 2to1 and 3to1 online.
Their software is flawed and needs to represent real playing better so that real players who know what their doing aren’t getting bent over by a bunch of idiots who see a pocket pair of 3s and auto push every time because it always trips em. I have to say when you go AI on turn the guy has 10 outs for a house on the river. So he is actually over 22% at that pt. However I do agree about the online fix conspiracy.
I have many strings of beyond belief consecutive games available for anyone to see should they wish to be bored or in total disbelief for what i say. Live last night. I cant seem to cash whilst reaching more than my share of FTs. It seems to me the more relaxed about putting chips in the middle the bigger your rewards by the pokergods. Im sick of everyone stealing my BB and so Stevie raises my BB to just 7k requiring another 4k to call. I hit top two pair with Q9 and I check it to stevie who just checks it back. A brick on turn and im left with about 24k and thers about 17k in pot and so i shove and stevie calls.
He did no wrong. He had TP TK with his AQ and one card to come he hits his 3 outer. I’m all in 93% fave and Im oot once again, at least not on bubble again mbot oot yet again in disappointing fashion. I cannt bear turning up again for freeroll sunday only to bubble agin as i did last time after about 7 hours of play. I am not sure about rigged but I do notice I seem to get the same hands alot in one session and I take some unreal badbeats that the odds are so remote it is hard to believe,ex. I just finished playing for about 4 hrs on the hilife site a cake network site and I cud not win w/ AAs, KKs, QQs a str8, a flush didnt matter here is the last hand I playd. I was in the big blind and had 3 4 of clubs the blind are 1 and 2 hun seat in #1 pos makes it 4 hun to go every 1 folds but me and sb we both smooth call the flop comes A,2,5 I flop a str8 and chk so does sb.
Guy in 1st pos bets 400 I make it 800 sb folds, #1 calls turn comes an A #1 bets 1200 I push make it 2600 to go he calls and turns over A7 I have the wheel the rivr comes A! Runr runr 4 quads WOW!!!!! I am not xactly sure but the odds of runr runr AA has got to b about 2% w/2 As out. PrettY F– kd and really makes me 1der rng?not so sure •. You make me want to puke,getting well paid for posting this rubbish by the well heeled rigged sites I would say fkn idiot,for every 1 thick cunt like you there are probably 10,000 knowledgeable people that have seen how these sites are operating. Pure fraud is the only description for how they are dealing,but i would think you will not have the balls to post this comment,people power should prevail here and all of these site should be sued for at least 2 billion dollars for what they have stolen and i emphasise stolen because they are fraudulently stealing our money and hiding their opperations in some remote crooked country to avoid detection.
I would say to everyone let us join together and take action against these scum and their payed supporters and wipe them out for good. Their supporters will bullshit about variance and randomness,and the amount of hands dealt,deal 1000 hands off line then deal 1000 hands online there is no comparison statistically the difference is staggering,and the fraud is so obvious it is sickening. It is now time to out these criminal bastards for what they are. SCUM IN SUITS •. Let me know where I can upload a screenshot that proves online poker is rigged. I can show you a hand where I knew with 100% certainty that I had a losing hand the moment I saw my cards. Before acting I predicted that I would be 3bet preflop, that my 4bet would be called.
That it would be all in on the flop and that my hand would be best at that point but would not remain so at showdown. My prediction was borne out completely. When you look at how weak my opponent’s starting hand was it seems that he also knew how the hand would play out before he 3bet me. This kind of prediction, that isn’t possible in live poker, is increasingly easy online.
My biggest leak online is not folding for all-in bets when I am a huge favourite. If I could fold in those situations, the ones where it’s easy to predict whether or not one’s hand will hold up, I would be a massive winner online as well as live. Not sure if this is true or not but I’ve read on another site that the Daily Mail (UK newspaper) commissioned independent research that found that making flushes, straights and full houses is 20% more likely on-line than would be predicted by the math. Personally I don’t believe that on-line poker is random as I think it’s beyond the capability of the servers that they use but it might be equally unfair. Interestingly I make my living from live poker but can’t seem to even break even on-line (I rarely win my all-ins even when I’m over a 90% favourite) whilst I have friends that do very well on-line but struggle live. It’s not that it’s a different skill set or anything like that IMO, I believe that they are more accustomed to the way cards fall on-line which is nothing like the way they do in the real world. The more i play & study the less i believe “rigged”; however, my biggest gripe w rng alleged fairness is not post flop scenarios, but w pre flop.
Is it just variance that should be expected when in, for example, a s&g when im dealt every single non playable hand available & not sporadically but one after the other and on and on. Not only are they not playable but the pattern is strange, too. Like 2 9, next hand 2 9, next hand 3 9 then 4 9, then 2 9 again. Patterns like that. Is this just normal card dead crap?
I honnestly just wonder how anyone who has been playing seriously online can think that any of the major website are offering real poker games ESPECIALLY at the lower limits where most people play so poorly that a simple no brainer and basic nit game would mathematically gives you a tremendeous edge. People who make money are obviously going to defend those website no matter what; But I am quite close to wet my pants laughing when i see people sincerely claiming that those site are all legit! Omfg, how is it possible to be THAT stubborn and blind:D?
In fact, when you to understand things, you really start to hate people. I think i am going to be a professional poker player after all. And no, definetly online poker is not rigged. I have just been scammed by FullTilt Poker. I have money deposited on the site. I was having technical problems and did everything their IT department said to do but, I couldn’t bring up the site again.
I asked to close my account and give me my money back. They required a photo ID and a copy of my utility bill. I thought it was strange because no other site has required me to do this to cash out.
I complied several times. They keep saying the picture on my drivers license is not clear. There is a Florida Seal that partially blocks my face.
I have the same physical address, IP address, bank account and password, nothing has changed. They still refuse to release my funds. It is not alot of money but, when they do this on a massive scale I’m sure it adds up. That is why we need regulation so companies cannot scam you. Do not play FullTilt they are unprofessional and will keep your money. This has been going on for about 3 months and I have spent about 20 hours trying to get back what is due me.
My time is not worth it and I’m sure I’m not the only one they have taken advantage of because it is so frustrating that I just gave up. Yes, Online poker is rigged. Do some baseball players use steroids, do politicians line their own pockets, do larger corporations take advantages of their workers and customers to make extra money, do pirates still plague the open seas, does the mafia exist, does google sell out Chinese citizens to their government just to keep doing business in china? Sorry, but the idea that these poker sites, that just happen do business in countries that have no laws that govern how they conduct their business using software that can easily be rigged, are noble, upright and trustworthy is laughable. Hey Koen, Send me your PT stats. I don’t believe your results. Your accusation proves my point.
Because others have taken samples from millions of hands and the one thing everyone seems to agree upon is that starting hands hold up as statistically expected. Now, others might tell tales of action flops and such but the cold hard truth is that starting hands hold up as expected. So your claim is a fabrication or you are talking about a sample size too small to be statistically relevant. So offer up your PT stats or we have to conclude your statement isn’t accurate. Hi, Nice one Joe!
And by the way Bill, the debate IS endless. But facts are facts. Fact is that poker sites (like so many other things in life) are made for profit.
Not for people having fun, not for great poker players to make money with their skills, or wannabepro’s or rookies to get broke on. They only make it to get as many people hooked to the feeling of winning so when they loose they will come back for morelosses And how to do that best? Keeping things really random and honest how it should, or making the game more intens, so more action will come from any direction of the tables? Seriously, the amount of straights, flushes, full houses etc IS really much higher then in real life games. And it IS NO coincidence. It is also no coincidence why broadcasted poker only shows those exciting hands, but almost never the more boring parts. While that is an imported part of the game, patience and aggression.
Sure big laydowns and lucky draws too, but that doesn’t happen too frequent. I even know some guys who know a few gaps in the system and exploiting them. Fact also is that there are no clear laws or independent companies or services who can keep things clean. So if some (probably all) of theses sites are in fact rigged somehow, we will never know for sure!! AND no-one can prove it! And the funniest part (which comes in handy for the online pokersites) no-once can prove the opposite! As I said, the debate is endless Casino’s (not online) are not rigged and will do anything to keep cheaters out.
They make enough money with fees and rake, and drinks, slots, roulette, etc etc. But for the online casino’s it is my believe that it is not enough profit. Especially for the small ones. The biggest ones have a reputation to keep up and allready making enough money so they want to keep things just as good as possible. Oh, one last thing [quote] See, the problem is that nobody of any real significance or trust has asked. You claim that requests for 10 million hands have been denied but who was asking?
What was in it for the poker room to spend a man-month of effort to deliver scrubbed (removing personal information) data? Would the requester be able to get national/world headlines with his findings? [/quote] The CAN spend millions of $$ for advertising campaigns but they CAN NOT deliver prove that their software is 100% legit and save??? Putting for once and forever an end at the accusations and discussions whether or not theirs something funny going on What’s that about??? Can you explain that to me please??? Then their are those cheatersCollusion for one, but also guys who have databases recording every player habbits, strengths en weaknesses. Is it cheating?
I don’t believe it says so in the policy of the sites, but to me it is. Actually, I can go on for a while, unfortunately. But for me it is clear. I still play online though, but only because it’s the only place I can play whenever I want since their are not many games in my area. I’ve made some strict rules for myself for playing online though so I won’t loose too much money.
And you know, It’s still nice seeing that your AA stays alive about 50% of the time, online that is Koen •. Joe, I do know that a rather popular author and economist asked two different card rooms for several billion hand histories and the two rooms both offered to accommodate his request.
But then the first room found out that he had asked the second room and put pressure on him to withdraw his request from the second room. I don’t know where that stands. Whether or not they were technically able to scrub the data so as to remove any sort of identifying information and what not. But his hypothesis was that poker is a game of skill and he was going to use the hand histories to demonstrate that. Now, that two rooms would fight with each other over who got to give their data to him begs the question of how confident they are that no abnormalities would surface in his research. See, the problem is that nobody of any real significance or trust has asked. You claim that requests for 10 million hands have been denied but who was asking?
What was in it for the poker room to spend a man-month of effort to deliver scrubbed (removing personal information) data? Would the requester be able to get national/world headlines with his findings? Chances are the answer is that nobody of any consequence (based on the above criteria) has ever asked for it. Sure, random rigtards might but no matter how much evidence you provide a rigtard he’s never going to believe that he losses because he’s a bad player. He’ll claim the data was manipulated. Or he’ll claim that they only gave him the hands that weren’t rigged.
Overall there’s no advantage to address people like that. You have nothing to win and everything to lose. And to your point about RNG. I think most rooms started off with software RNG.
I know Chris Ferguson had some hand in helping come up with an algorithm at Full Tilt. But once a site begins processing enough hands per hour software simply isn’t efficient enough and it becomes a bottleneck. So then hardware based RNG is used because it is far more efficient. The hardware is purchased from recognizable vendors who make their chips for all sorts of applications of which gaming is only a small slice of their market. And unless there was a major flaw in the algorithm it would be very difficult to judge which RNG produced the better return to the poker room (if at all). There are simply too many variables including whether increased revenue today from something like action flops would burn players out more quickly and thus result in long-term lower revenue.
On top of that you have constantly changing variables such as certain types of promotions encourage certain player behaviors and an advertising campaign may have hit bringing in a new demographic of players. On top of that, in order to measure all of this you would then have to involve an increasing number of people in on the conspiracy which increases the chance of getting caught. So, all in all, I really don’t think much of what you’ve said has changed the debate much. Hi Poker sites could very easily post results of 10 million+ hands (just remove all the players names) that would settle the arguments once and for all. Even withstanding requests to do so, none have yet that I know of. I do not wish to be another conspiracy nut but this is somewhat suspicious. It seems possible to me that each site has experimented with several different RNGs (random number generators) and settled on the one that was most profitable.
I realise that my statement doesn’t make sense because if they were truly random as there would not be any difference but perhaps there are degrees of randomness. Perhaps their systems are close to but not perfectly random. Only an extensive study of hand histories would prove it one way or the other. As for the sample hand above, I’ve recently seen 3 pairs (ok not 4 but I’ve seen that too) dealt in the same hand in a live game and all 3 of those pairs made sets on the flop. I do not believe that the live game was rigged just that sooner or later if you play enough hands you’ll see everything. Let’s hope that the poker sites end this debate once and for all by publishing a study of millions of hands played at their sites.
You’re a joke. People don’t even listen to the argument before strawmanning a completly different one. No one is claiming that internet poker favors any one player, jackass. The claim, which has evidence in the form of trial testing, is that most of these sites, like FTP, have been known to produce an inordinate amount of “high” hands to be realistic. In live poker there is not a flush or a straight or a set in every hand.
If the dealing were more realistic, the players who play smarter and more realistic would win more, not the players who go all-in every hand and win on a bad beat. Full tilt poker is no different, i caught someone, well someone anounced to me my pre-flop and post flop%. Which according to the site is illiegal so i emailed ftp and told them the played id of the person and what did they do, send and email saying that there was nothing that they could do, and they were aware of the problem but couldn;t do anything. Well why in the fuck is it against the fucking rules if you are not going to do anything about it,,,, fuck u. Basicly guys ftp dont give a fuck if u cheat or not.
So the message is dont play at ftp unless you are a cheater cause ftp dosent look out for honest players. Party poker is sooooooooooo rigged. I must have been involved in 10-15 races today, not won one. We got same pair i got better kicker, i lose on river.
Worse kicker, i lose. Flop full house, i lose.
Flop straight, i lose. Hit flush, i lose. I just cant win for shit. Wouldn’t mind if i was a crap player but i haven’t played a live cash game and lost for a long time. I give up on online poker. It’s a fucking rip off.
An anyone who tells u they makin a livin online is talkin crap. Only one winner an that is the site. To Bill who posted on the 5th. You haven’t read up on the whole TRUE story. Yes some players cheated on UB and Absolute, and thanks to some industrious people, it was exposed, but that story is only the small tip of the iceberg.
There are hundreds (maybe more) of others doing similar things on all the sites. BUT what is more troublesome is that long before the expose of UB and Absolute went public, the management of those poker rooms tried to bribe the people who had done the cheating to keep it quiet by offering them big big dollars. If you think that these online poker rooms are not rigged, or even feel some kind of need to be above board – WHEN THE WHOLE INDUSTRY IS ILLEGAL in the US, and every american who plays online is breaking the law – you are incredibly naive. Take care donkeys.
Consider this.when answering the question is online poker rigged, the answer is clearly yes and no. When you start playing online most people opt for the free cash games and tournaments which I believe are fixed. It is in the best interest of every poker site out there to see to it that newbies feel the rush of winning so they will soon commit their hard cash to playing for real.
I’ve been playing online for 5 months now(all freebies) and dispite my knowledge and experience increasing daily my success at the tables has actually gotten worse. Here are two simple examples, the other day I’m playing a cash game(freebie) and in less than 30 hands I got beat by two four of a kinds. The odds of seeing two four of a kinds in a single day at a B&M game are next to nil. The other day I played 10 hours straight at a B&M casino and I didn’t see a single four of a kind. I couldn’t begin to count the number of bad beats I have experienced online and I play daily hoping to make poker something I can do for a living one day. I sincerely believe that it is in the best interest of poker sites to ensure that newbies have immediate success when they play their trash hands and suck out the smart player with a runner-runner. Now real money cash games and tourneys on the other hand I don’t believe are fixed because now you can count your sudden bad luck at the tables to the mere fact that you are playing a higher caliber of player.
I’ve watched pros play the freebies and get their a$$es kicked by some newbie that got “lucky” with a suck out. Ask yourself why the pros would even waste thier precious time allowing themselves to be beaten by newbies if not to give them the misguided belief that poker is easy and anybody can win if it’s your lucky day.
They call it grinding out a living for a reason because it’s not easy. If you’re a newbie and you think that your success online after a couple of months will translate easily to the real world then boy are you in for a rude awakening.
My advise for anyone starting out, invest the time to read the books, learn the game for free as much as possible and don’t take the bad beats personnally. Ask yourself if you played a solid game and if you can answer yes than you’re on the right track. Above all though manage your bankroll and your play at the tables responsibly and with discipline. Let the cards fall where they may and God Bless to all the men and women who love this game as much as I do. Look, I played at Party Poker, and had tons of bad beats.I stopped playing there.
It seemed way to set-up, it was eerie. A bad beats one thing but to have someone call all-in with 82 off suit up against AA and flop a full house seems way to convenient. WHY THE CALL TO BEGIN WITH??
Was he stupid? OR was it a set-up? We’ll get to that in minuteOK Then I tried Paradise,It was just a joke all together but thats personal preference I guess Now I play at Poker Stars and I have had my ups and downs and its the same there too, more bad beats.
As well as Vegas Poker 24/7, I am 3rd place for the week on the tournament leader board, I came in 6th and won $458 this week in a $50 buy in NL tournamentI seen alot of bad beats that game too! BUT My point is, no matter where you play you will see and experience bad beats, its part of the game. BUT you can decrease your odds by playing a different stradegy!
YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR CHIPSThey dont put a gun to your head and force you all-in.I understand AA is very good and if you move you move, but its your choice just the same as the idiot with 57 suited thats going to call “cause its suited”. Remember that. It’s basically a coin flip!! Use all-in moves to your advantage, not just to do it cause the book says to, people online are different!!
Be aware of who your playing with, watch them and there moves, try to determine if thats type of player you want to move in front of rather wait a round and see the flop.I try to never put ALL my chips at risk unless I have VERY good odds I will win. Now i been bad beaten before, but it was still my choice to put it all in! Sometimes I win, Sometimes I lose, sometimes its a good hand, sometimes its badthats poker. Uh, do you mean other than overplaying a small pocket pair?
I think you played this hand like a complete donkey and the results are quite expected. The only pair on the table that you could possibly beat is the deuce.
Based on the way this guy played the hand, I would have put him on a hand like KJ or AJ (though poorly plaid). Obviously he’s a bigger donkey than I expected but your play is just as bad, if not worse. First off, you’re down to 5 handed. You’re well in good shape to money. The other two players are on the ropes and you’re almost tied for second. Why the hell would you get into a big pot with the only guy at the table who could bust you?
I won’t even get into how terribly you played this hand but suffice it to say that I disagree with nearly every play you made. Your call of his all-in was, IMHO, completely absurd. I can’t even think of a legitimate hand you should be thinking that you beat. The only hand you beat here is a bluff. You’re willing to bet your entire tournament life on beating an all-in bluff from the chip leader? After 50 suckouts in a row on pokerstars!!! This hand was the last draw for me!!!
OK I GOT IT!!!!!! This is for real people!!! How do sites make money off you?? Through rakes and Buy ins! If I lost all my money then the site wouldn’t make anymore money off me!!!
So here’s what happens. Pokerstars and the others all control your money! They let you win some and make you lose a bunch! You will always end up breaking even! But who really wins??? Thats right, they keep you in the game so they can collect Rakes and Buy ins from you!!! Makes sense now doesn’t it!
I started with 50 dollars, got as high as 150, back down to 50, up to 150 again and again!!! Who is really winning??? You guessed it Think about it!!! This is for real!! One more thing to add for online poker sites!!! Play any pocket pair, play A K, throw everything else away!!!
If you have A Q, watch out, someone will have A K never fails!!! This is how Online Poker is rigged!!!!!!!!!!! Full Tilt, where the pros play HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Where you sit on the button with kings, guy tries to steal with ace six, you reraise him, he calls anyways, and he “miraculously” flops trip aces.
Then you ask him why he called the reraise, he says my ace six was suited. Where the pros play.
Where the fish play and win like everywhere else. Keep the fish alive we need customers.
Without the fish we have no poker room. 80% of our business would leave us. Where the pros play HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hey Bill, Do you currently work for every poker site? Can you actually be 100 percent sure? Im not saying it is or not rigged, but just b/c a company has not been caught, doesnt mean they don’t rig it.
Just b/c you can’t see why they would do it, doesnt mean its safe. There is greed in this world and people don’t give a fuck about stealing and who they steal from, or even how they do it. I have looked at the facts, and honestly I would not be stunned if they did get caught cheating the system. So on your website, say what you want but you can never be 100 percent sure. First I’d like to say the first photo is a joke but yes online poker is rigged!
There are definately people out there that can see our cards, that must be a simple hack for any hacker. And I’m sure they would be smart about it as well, occassionally losing some hands. I’d lose hands on purpose if I knew what your next hand would be think about it.
Ive copied and pasted some of my Good and bad beats, let me know if you wanna see them! I play on pokerstars, but I play on the micro SNG! I’d like to see the pro’s play online and tell me these hands are realistic! Its a DoGGy DoGG World!!! I know what you are saying.
I was at Hollywood Poker, a skin of Poker Room. I was talking with another player who just beat my ace queen with king nine after pushing all in with it. Ok thats not so bad. Then, Im dealt pocket aces. The big stack on the table goes all in, and I say to my buddy,and this is EXACTLY what I said, “heres where I go out, watch this, Im going to get raped”. I called his ace ten all in with POCKET ACES, a 90% favorite. Flop comes 2-10-10- just as I predicted and Im out of the tourney.
He didnt even need the turn or the river. Ive requested the chat from HOLLYWOOD POKER, and the will NOT release it to me.
I wonder why? I played 200 hands in this tourney, but I picked the EXACT hand where I would go out. Hmmmm, seen it all before, HOLLYWOOD POKER. Here is the hand history. NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $5+$1 (Real Money), #1,235,214,967 >TURBO 5+0.5 Multi Table Tournament, 8 Nov 2006 3:40 AM ET >Seat 1: GrandyH ($7,540 in chips) >Seat 2: marigomess ($16,235 in chips) >Seat 3: icewolf61 ($9,905 in chips) >Seat 4: BAZ-N.Z ($13,580 in chips) >Seat 6: s.moore ($16,090 in chips) >Seat 7: Put_em_Up1 ($8,650 in chips) >Seat 8: Vanny2121 ($8,090 in chips) >Seat 9: Jenstomat ($18,300 in chips) >Seat 10: Sucker ($9,710 in chips) >ANTES/BLINDS >GrandyH posts blind ($1,000), marigomess posts blind ($2,000).
>>PRE-FLOP >icewolf61 folds, BAZ-N.Z bets $13,580 and is all-in, s.moore folds, >Put_em_Up1 folds, Vanny2121 folds, Jenstomat folds, Sucker calls $9,710 >and is all-in, GrandyH folds, marigomess folds. >>FLOP [board cards 2S,10H,10C ] >>>TURN [board cards 2S,10H,10C,4S ] >>>RIVER [board cards 2S,10H,10C,4S,2H ] >>>SHOWDOWN >BAZ-N.Z shows [ AS,10D ] >Sucker shows [ AD,AH ] >BAZ-N.Z wins $3,870, BAZ-N.Z wins $22,420. >SUMMARY >Dealer: Sucker >Pot: $26,290 >GrandyH, loses $1,000 >marigomess, loses $2,000 >icewolf61, loses $0 >BAZ-N.Z, bets $13,580, collects $26,290, net $12,710 >s.moore, loses $0 >Put_em_Up1, loses $0 >Vanny2121, loses $0 >Jenstomat, loses $0 >Sucker, loses $9,710 •.
Pokerstarst and online poker is rigged. I was on the shortstack with 20 chips left, and i hit a full house 3’s full of 9’s. So i fold my suited connector next hand with my $100. The next hand i just smooth call my 34 off suit for 20. The flop comes 384. One guy put me in for my last $100 I predicted he had a pocket pair and the turn would put out another 8 to give him a higher 2 pair. Then when I called sure enough he had 99, and the turn threw out another 8 exactly as I predicted.
No I’m not pshychic I just have had this exact same scenario happen to me so many times, and it never varies is why I was able to predict this outcome. It’s a damn computer programmed, programmed to due whatever the programmers are paid to make it do. So to say it’s random is completely assanine. Pokerstarst and online poker is rigged. I was on the shortstack with 20 chips left, and i hit a full house 3’s full of 9’s. So i fold my suited connector next hand with my $100.
The next hand i just smooth call my 34 off suit for 20. The flop comes 384. One guy put me in for my last $100 I predicted he had a pocket pair and the turn would put out another 8 to give him a higher 2 pair. Then when I called sure enough he had 99, and the turn threw out another 8 exactly as I predicted. No I’m not pshychic I just have had this exact same scenario happen to me so many times, and it never varies is why I was able to predict this outcome.
It’s a damn computer programmed, programmed to due whatever the programmers are paid to make it do. So to say it’s random is completely assanine. Ok, what we have here is the 90% ignorant and the 5% suspect and the last 5% whirlwind cheats. You 90% ignorant are those who do not understand technology and dismiss an even slight implication that your so holy poker site would let this happen. Well ignorant 90% it DOES HAPPEN!
The 5% suspect think it could happen but it could never happen to THEM! Haaa, wrong again. Between source IP spoofing, loopback mirroring, SPAN ports, and all of the other related network architecture that non one except ppl like me understand- we have a fail proof way of lifting ur $$$. As to the last 5% cheats, as of reading these posts I have decided to change sides from honest player to balls to the wall cheat, just to take all of you idiots $$$. You’re begging for it. And I realize the funny photoshop pic’s of the poker characters were meant to be a spoofbut it should be all the posters on here who dont believe in cheats that should be laughed!
So HAHAHAHAAAA HAAHAH HAHAHAHAAAAAA •. Firstly, the initial images that sparked off this debate were added via photoshop for sure. I mean do you really think partypoker are stupid enough to graphically show that they are cheating players out of their money?!!
They can just as easily do it without giving hints on the screens as to what they’re upto! Secondly, although the screenshots posted are fake, I really do think that the site, along with the majority of other worldwide online poker sites, is rigged in such a way that will create maximum profits for them. After all, they are in the cut-throat world of business and will take up any way of screwing people over to maximize profits It’s just way too much of a coincedence that there are so many bad beats happening on the sites. People may argue that the reason is due to the higher volume of hands being played compared to non-online poker games, but if you look at the statistics of it all you will find that there are WAY too many bad beats occuring. So the final word on the subject is: DON’T BE SO FUCKING STUPID AND STOP PLAYING ONLINE!
Now I have a question. As I have mentioned, my most recent site has been Full Tilt. This site occasionally features several of it’s “pros” playing on the tables with us average joes. All of the “poker isn’t rigged” folk consistanly balk that “bad beats happen, get over it”, well then why is it that in the hours i’ve spent watching these tables with the “pros”, they don’t catch any. Not one that i’ve seen.
Now it sure as hell doesn’t take even one hour for me to get a bad hit or ten. Stick that one in your pipe and smoke it. I saw this link posted earlier, so I checked it out and read about my current “problem” site Full Tilt.
It lists as a place that holds the “permit” and “server” for Full Tilt, so I checked the other sites that they hold permits for and lo and behold, every site that I have lost money to is there, from poker to casinos. It amazes me that only the sites i’ve lost money on were listed. Not saying that the others are legit, but I feel almost black listed. I lose big and always to a bad beat, like AA to 10 9 os all in pre-flop and him hitting two pair (my most recent) on the poker sites (ie. Paradise, UB, BetUS, Full Tilt, recently). When I saw that they are all governed by the same entity, I litterally felt ill. All of these sites have my basic information (name, add, etc) so it’s not hard to group me in a “fuck this guy” category.
I just played in a Big MTT. AA lost 3 times in 10 hands, twice heads up and once 3 handed. The winning hands heads up were J10 who flopped a Jack and hit runner runner flush, calling AA all in. 3 handed a fish with Q2 flopped Q2.
Heads up again very next play after Q2 wins. AK raises preflop 500 reraised 2000 by AcAd and AsKs calls. Flop is 7910 with 2 clubs. AA reraises all in, and AK calls, runner runner JQ, and 3 out of 10 hands AA is out of the tourney.
Of course it couldn’t possibly be rigged. We all know how honest online poker gaming sites are. Great Post Bill, you nitwit. I just played in a Big MTT. AA lost 3 times in 10 hands, twice heads up and once 3 handed. The winning hands heads up were J10 who flopped a Jack and hit runner runner flush, calling AA all in.
3 handed a fish with Q2 flopped Q2. Heads up again very next play after Q2 wins. AK raises preflop 500 reraised 2000 by AcAd and AsKs calls. Flop is 7910 with 2 clubs.
AA reraises all in, and AK calls, runner runner JQ, and 3 out of 10 hands AA is out of the tourney. Of course it couldn’t possibly be rigged. We all know how honest online poker gaming sites are. Great Post Bill, you nitwit. This comes from someone who is a realist.
I don’t like to think that people are bad – but when it comes to money, they usually are. I have watched bad beats happen on Party Poker for so long that it became an obsession of mine. I personally won only 1 of the last 26 times I had pocket aces. Even when I try to steal the blind with them, some “idiot” with a 3-5 unsuited calls.
The flop is A-2-4 giving me trip Aces and all the confidence in the world becaus the only hand that could beat me now without horribly unlucky runing turn and river cards is a straight and that would mean that the idiot called my all in with a 3-5. The turn is a inconsequencial 9 and the river is a king and the game is over! My trip aces lose to this straight. So that makes the idiot a true lucky idiot – or does it. If this happened once or twice I might over look it and justify it as bad luck, but really, who in their right mind call an all in bet having a 3-5 unsuited (or suited for that matter)?
Now – this is the best. I’m dealt an Ace-8 suited. Someone raise me – I call. The flop is 8-8-10. I check and my opponent raises me high numbers.
The turn card is the 4th 8 and I check again. My opponent goes all in. I follow – I mean wouldn’t you? He shows pocket 10’s and thus he has 3-10’s to my 4-8’s. I don’t think I need to tell you what the river card was but it should suffice to say I lost the hand. This just doesn’t happen in reality games. This is what Party Poker is doing and why they think they can get away with it.
Party Poker is not content with the juice money they make in the tournement rooms. So – 20% of the time they stick a DICK in the room. Any name – LOVE2ROCK from Little Rock Arkansas. And while you think you are playing a straight up game, you are playing with someone who can see exactly what the cards are and how to take everyone’s money.
Trust me, I know this is true. Sure, you can win every now and again but no matter how good a player you are, when pocket aces lose over 90% of the time, something aint right. Now – people say, “well that wouldn’t be legal.” Right – but what are you going to do? Find the company and trael to that country and sue the CEO for cheating? Chances are you are playing illegally anyway as gambling is probably not legal in your state. So it would be like going to the police to say the hooker you’ve been screwing gave you herpes and you want to sue her for damages. Save your money and play with your friends or in Vegas where there is actually something for the people who play in and run the tournements to lose if they are caught cheating.
Vegas would be destroyed. I used to think that online poker sites can not possibly be rigged so as to protect the integrity of the site, until one night when I actually saw something really strange. I was in a tourney and one guy told another to go all in. He did, and as I was thinking about my next move (pokerstars gives you 15 seconds to decide), after 5 seconds my hand was folded for me, and so were all the other player’s hands. The next 4 hands these two guys beat the rest of the players with: straight flush, full house, four of a kind (aces), and four of a kind (kings). Now how can you possibly explain that? I used to think that online poker sites can not possibly be rigged so as to protect the integrity of the site, until one night when I actually saw something really strange.
I was in a tourney and one guy told another to go all in. He did, and as I was thinking about my next move (pokerstars gives you 15 seconds to decide), after 5 seconds my hand was folded for me, and so were all the other player’s hands. The next 4 hands these two guys beat the rest of the players with: straight flush, full house, four of a kind (aces), and four of a kind (kings).
Now how can you possibly explain that? Online poker is about as random as the sun rising in the morning. In real life everyone does not hit big every hand.
Free Download Windows Xp Professional Sp2 Full Version. Esepcially in heads up preflop all ins during tourneys, 2 pocket pairs the lower pair most of the time catch sets against you if you are a marked player, or 2 over cards beat your pair 99% of the time. One guy flops set other hitss runner runner str8 with to over cards, etc.
Sometimes this can happen yes, but nearly 100% of the time in these situations shorthanded on preflop all ins. 4 cards involved in a hand always hit this big is not against the odds??? You so work for online poker and are a shill Bill •. Online poker is about as random as the sun rising in the morning. In real life everyone does not hit big every hand. Esepcially in heads up preflop all ins during tourneys, 2 pocket pairs the lower pair most of the time catch sets against you if you are a marked player, or 2 over cards beat your pair 99% of the time. One guy flops set other hitss runner runner str8 with to over cards, etc.
Sometimes this can happen yes, but nearly 100% of the time in these situations shorthanded on preflop all ins. 4 cards involved in a hand always hit this big is not against the odds???
You so work for online poker and are a shill Bill •. Alright, here is what it is about. Hannspree Drivers Download on this page. If online poker worked correctly, the fish would eventually get wiped out by the good players, and they would quit playing, costing the sites lots and lots of money.
Therefore, this explains why my two straight all in pocket aces were called by the exact same hand, 2-4, and lost both times. They need the idiot fish to hit, in order to keep them playing. Now, even being dealt pocket aces two straight hands is a rig in itself. Having the same hand call them twice, and wipe them out both times, is completely ridiculous. Online poker is so 100% rigged for action, it is amazing they still operate. Maximum rake, quick tourney turnover is all these crooks want.
As well as keeping the idiot fish happy. Sad to say, but it’s true, Online Gambling is definitely Rigged and all the facts can be found at Why is online poker rigged? It’s as simple as that. Plain old fashioned Greed! Some try to say that these sites can’t make it on just the Rake alone, but that’s a bunch of BS! How many Brick and Mortar rooms have you heard about closing down because the Rake wasn’t enough revenue to keep things going? None, Zero, that’s how many!
Yes, I’m an advocate for PokerConduct and that is why I’m here. The TRUTH needs to be told!
He makes no sense. U cannot expect to do well just because u are better in real life. Yet another bullshit excuse for losing to much.
As for the same two hands in a row and the same suits, improbable but definately not impossible, and thats a fact, for sure not astronomical. He is obviously not the pro he thinks he is or he would have seen it before. Cant wait fr something to back up these rigging rumors for gods sakeAll ive seen is sore losers whining!!!!!!!!! I just dont get the card up the sleeve thing.
Its not a god dang real player. Card up the sleeve or not I dont see how it matters, its a computer player. Its not like the guy is actually there able to use the card!!!!!!!!! And the bottom of the deck thing is just a visual glitch Everyone is blowing the whole thing way out of porportion. Party poker is perfectly ligit.
I think all the losers need to quit whining because they cant manage to keep there account in the plus I have never had any problem ruling every table almost and I certainly dont cheat All of u need to read a few poker books and all of a sudden u will realize that the whole cheating idea is proposturous. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!! There are people who work for the pokerrooms that can see all the cards, they win money and return it to the pokerroom. The only money they receive is a paycheck, with some nice zero’s. You think they go through all that programmingtrouble for some rigging, no they just put in some cheaters who can see all the cards.
Rake is just cover. Manipulating software is as easy as 123. But i think this is the best rigging joke i’ve ever seen. Lol, the only rigging joke i’ve ever seen. But to bad he hasn’t put more effort in evening up the resolutions. I have been a poker player for many years at casinos and real live games. I have always had success at these live cash games.
I can say with absolute certainty that there is suscpicious activity in online gaming. I think my first clue to this was when I played in back to back sit and go’s and saw the exact same PP in opposing players hands.only to be followed by the EXACT same flop! And when I say the same flop I mean the same suites as well. I think the odds of this happening are astronomical. It was on Full Tilt poker and the site was notorious for rediculous beats, much like Poker Stars and Party Poker. And as for some idiot trying to make a joke about it with some silly doctored photos.well that just seems to me like he’s trying to take heat off of the company he works for.
I’m sure eventually you will see something on CNN, so until then it’s real simpleSTOP PLAYING ONLINE! To all those that think online poker is rigged, here is an easy solution, either a) buy yourself one of those stupid RNG programs so you “know” what cards are going to come on the board (haha load of bs)(just spend some money for nothing) b) carry on playing and giving your money to others who play properly c)STOP PLAYING oh and to the poster who stated that people call with 72o and win, sorry about that, thats one of my favourite hands, boy when the board comes in my favour, you get paid BIG time lol •. I don’t know what to make of it. I seem to do not so bad in tournies. But it seems everytime i do a cashout I lose and lose and lose. Yesterday i played for more than an hour and a half on a tourney at pokerstars and i was not able to get a decent starting hand. Note: I had cashed out for a tourney i came in 4 th place the night before.
Today i was doing real well in a re buy tourney i have pocket 8’s. The flop comes 8 J J i’m first to bet so i slow play the full house like i’m supposed to and i get action so i call and the turn is a 4.
He bets and i raise all-in for 25,000. He calls my all-in. Guess what the river was!!!
It was a J and guess what he was holding in his hand. He had the last J. Co-incidence my ass. Bad beat my ass.
Another thing. I play a lot after winning big and when i do i used to go to ring games or sitn’go. I could never win. Always seem to make 4th but could never crack the money. Then i heard that they load the table with 3 or more players and they are all on msn messenger communicating there hands to each other. No wonder i can’t win. One last comment.
Pokerstars and most all other sites run out of khanawake, Quebec canada. An indian reservation run by the mohawk nation. The same mohawks who murdered a policeman.
The same mohawks who smuggled liquor and cigarettes out of new york to sell for profit. The same mohawks who barricaded the mercier bridge and held the city of montreal hostage with.30 caliber browning machine guns. The same mohawks whom their elders(government) supported this. I have the news footage to prove it too.This is the gaming commission that controls these websites. Corrupt, murderers, terrorists. Why don’t these stories circulate? I don’t care if pokerstars or anybody finds out about what i am saying.
I am done playing online. I am getting out now while i still have my shirt on my back.Shame on you chris moneymaker, shame on you greg raymer and shame on anybody else who helps to promote these corrupt sites. Ever wonder why you harldy ever see anyone from montreal, or quebec on these sites. It’s because they know.
So Beware all. While that is a funny post, the actual statistic tell a different story. After running a statistical review of Party Poker over 35,000 hands and 8 different players we found the distribution of cards and winning hands to be heavily scewed toward certain outcomes. For one example, an inordinate amount of straights, almost 4 times the random expectation per hands played, appeared in our study. For a poker player attempting to play with the odds, these rel=sults were startling to way the least. While we can not say for certain whether Party Poker has written these irregularities into their program, or if they are even aware of them, it is not advisable to play at a site where the deal is not random as robots and other statistical methods of cheating could be possible.
While most internet poker sites have not shown these irregularities, we strongly advise to avoid Party Poker. Too many other poker sites with a better chance of being legite to take a chance on a suspicious site.
I agree with JJ and Rob. I also play multiple sites and found the Partypoker network to be biased toward lesser probability hands, mostly if the idiot playing them raises and reraises. I have heard this “reward the raiser” idea can be programed into the algorythm, but have only noticed a bias at partypoker.
PokerStars and Pokerroom seemed much more realistic when it comes to those miracle hands hitting, but if you insist on playing with the larger crowd at partypoker, then raise, raise, raise. Rob also had an excellent analysis of the incentive behind it. Its fun to laugh at people when they suggest a site is rigged, but in the case of Partypoker it may not be completely unfounded. I would strongly suggest one of the other sites. Audit all of them.
Not only is party not the only one i can no longer find one thats honest. Reason: bad player puts 100 in site sits at 36 call every card. Random cards loses in 20 hands 10 minutes players get 80 site gets 20 rake. Guy never comes back rigged cards site insures he wins half he shouldnt it takes 600 hands b4 he loses his money. Good players get 20 site gets 80 in rake he returns cause its so much fun and thinks he just got unlucky lol if even 1 site is like this the bad players flock to it. The good ones chase the fish to the rigged site. Honest sites either go under or join the club.
More players plus larger pct of the deposits go to rake. Tough to stay honest and go out of busines.
We need REAL regulation. Not south african division of pwc or indian gaming club you give em heap big wampam we letem u steal from white man. First of all I play on numerous online poker sites. Every poker site pans out to be genuine that I have played, except Party Poker. I am 100% sure that Party Poker is rigged.
Aside from my personal expereinces with Party Poker, you can go anywhere on the internet and see thousands of people that say the same thing, but you don’t read anything about the other poker sites. Why does Party Poker continually come up? It’s the only site if you flop two pair it’s usually a good idea to fold or fold pocket aces for that matter. When I play online poker I usually play 4 games at once and the tables flops (at Party Poker)coincide from table to table, which sometimes I can figure out whether or not to play my hand based on what happens at the other tables Mostly I avoid Party Poker, but I am sure their is a way to use this rigged site to your advantage in knowing that it is fixed. I just can’t believe that this site gets away with this blantant and obvious card rigging.
I am pissed and something needs to be done about it. Party Poker needs to be audited and taken off the internet. • Pingback: •. I agree with a statement made above.
The dealer IS INDEED dealing off the bottom of the deck, and there is a bar in place to protect the sight of that. However the “card” placed in the players sleeve is a scam in itself. To anyone that doesn’t know what I mean, go ahead and copy the ORIGINAL image, then paste it into Paint and blow it up. You’ll see there is no card up the man’s sleeve, he’s just a greaseball, hate him for that. But don’t call him a cheater.
Funny yes, but I left Party Poker because I play a site that atleast has more competitive players, instead of the jackasses that just go all-in every hand on 3 7 offsuit, and I’ll agree some of the hands I’ve seen dealt are a little fishy, and the computer has a serious hard-on for giving the flushes, even if puts all 13 cards of a suit into play, where are the realistic odds? The complete (and updating) list of all the types of online poker cheating, scams, and other types of naughty behavior. One can hardly read any poker forum without running across individuals claiming that this or that site is rigged. Usually they are humiliated with the forum.experts.
Rudely telling them that the reason losing is because they aren.t good poker players. I.m sad to say that I used to be one of those.experts. I was one of the doubters until I actually caught one site cheating. In this post I will attempt to address every argument ever heard regarding online poker being rigged. Mind you, I do work for a company that develops online poker software but my motivation is not to convince people to trust *my* employer.s software, rather it is to have a central place where people can point misinformed message board and blog posters who think somebody is pulling something on them.
I.m not sure whether it.s funny or sad that even after my post on why online poker is not rigged, I still get people emailing me trying to convince me otherwise. The funny/sad part is that despite the fact that all but called people who make that claim without hand histories or other empirical evidence idiots I continue to receive 1. 5 emails a week telling me some bad beat story and QED, online poker is rigged. So with that in mind, I.m going to expound a bit on some new points as well as clarify previously made points. Pauly emailed me this link the other day and I just can.t help calling the guy on his bullshit.
He's certainly not the first person to make such absurd claims but he happened to be the one I decided to pick on. Many players will tell you that online poker tells either don.t exist or are difficult to judge. That's a load. All the online pros know the tells but it's some sort of unspoken rule never to let others in on it. Well, that ends right now! I will share with my loyal readers 5 of the top online poker tells that they (and we know who *they* is, don.t we?) don.t want you to know about.
One of the common topics you.ll see mentioned in the poker blogosphere is bonus whoring. Of course, bonus whoring is the act of playing on a particular site in order to take advantage of a reload or some other type of promotional bonus. Many people chase bonuses from site to site and even include bonuses in their monthly win/lose figures. The more I've thought about it though, the more I.m beginning to question the wisdom of bonus whoring. Have you ever been left scratching your head trying to figure out why your opponent played the hand the way he did? I certainly did so I found a fish and hooked him up to the USB port on my computer and did the same to myself. The results of this experiment are below: I'm going to let everyone in on the biggest secret in poker; there is no secret!
You can quit looking for that special book, video, website, etc. That.s going to turn your game around and make you into the next Phil Hellmuth Ivey.