Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 Usb Driver For Windows 7 Free Download

I’ve broken free of the iTunes collar, the manacles of Mac and the yoke of iPhone madness yes friends, I am back in the warm embrace of Android at last as I have now been moved to a Samsung Note II! Despite the joy, there was one small itsy bitsy hiccup along the way and that was Windows 8’s absolute refusal to successfully install the drivers and let me browse my brand new Samsung Note II with Windows Explorer.
Every time I would connect the cable to any of my USB ports, I would get USB Driver installation errors saying Unrecognized Device Error. I tried everything I could find on the web to no avail, so I tried the most basic concept I could think of I swapped out the cable. The default white cable that came with the phone would charge the phone no problem connected to the PC, but would refuse to properly install the drivers. Method 1 – Change the cable (it really works!) I literally used a $1 OEM cable I bought from a dollar store years ago for an old Motorola phone. Within seconds, the phone connected, correct drivers loaded and boom, windows explorer popped up with all the phone’s files available.
If you fail to find USB drivers for your device from the given list below don't worry, you can try Samsung Kies software to establish connection between PC to your Samsung smartphone very easily. Well, for your. 7, Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos, Download. 9, Samsung Galaxy A7. 45, Samsung Galaxy Grand 2, Download.
So there you go, before you try anything, swap out the cable! If that doesn’t work, then I would suggest fiddling with the other solutions found online. Method 2 – Don’t use a usb 3.0 port Some folks have reported that using a USB 3.0 port on the PC in question may not work correctly. Try using a USB 2.0 port instead if possible.
Method 3 – Ensure you have the right settings By default my phone was already set to the right settings for USB file transfers so I’ll assume most of these ship with the same configuration, hence why I have this as method 3. I found this on a forum and while it did not work for me, it seems a few other folks declared it a success. • Launch the phone key pad on your note and press *#7284# (don’t forget to start with that * symbol!) • When you press the last pound sign (#) this will bring up an option that will allow you to change your USB connection settings (modem or PDA) – change it to PDA. • At the bottom there is a button that says Qualcomm USB. • In that menu click on MTP + ADB option. • Save and reset.

• Wait for your phone to restart. • Plug the micro USB cable to the Note 2 and the the other end to your PC or Mac • Let your computer down load and install drivers. • Once installing is done, unplug then replug phone. • There should be a USB symbol on your phone in the status bar – click on it. It should ask if you wsnd to use mtp or ptp. Click MTP • At this point your PC should open the phone’s folders in explorer similar to the screenshot above.
• Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight. Remember, you do not need to use Kies or root your phone for this to work and you should not have to fiddle with manually installing and downloading drivers in Windows 8, it should work no problem as is. First and foremost Jack, i want to thank you and the original author of this post!! I have a verizon note 2 international version unlocked and flashed for CRICKET wireless (not sure if i described it right) so the basic fix of typing in the *#7284# did not work for me either but. Thanks to jack offering the UNLOCK code made me do my happy dance!! Im glad i didnt give up as i use my phone for business.
If EVERYONE who has tried this and failed at typing it in, save yourself a headache and USE THE UNLOCK CODE FIRST = *#22745927 and ENABLE THE HIDDEN MENU THEN PROCEED TO USE THE *#7284# happy thanksgiving everyone! FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVE A PROBLEM despite trying out every listed method, TRY THIS: I recently bought a Galaxy Note 3, i decided to plug in my Pc it only recognised it as a Cam Device. Plain and simple. Now i tried everything listed here AND at other various never ending tech guru sites and NOTHING helped.
I tried all the *#7284 and usb 3 and 2 and samsung kies and what not. Out of desperation I opened Samsung Kies 3 (for Note3) and mind it this kies was NOT detecting my phone at all. Under Tools, there was an option Reinstall Device Driver. (my Note3 was plugged in with usb3 to my Pc running XP sp3). Clicking on that started a loading and waiting process for almost 5 mins and Voila! Notification popped up that not just the Pc but Samsung Kies detected my Note3.
I hope this helps all of you. Trust me i was almost on the edge before God blessed me! Tried method 3 but no success so then I There is no problem with my laptop USB I have tried each post and many more without success. Hey there, someone please help me im struggling to fix my phone! Had my note 2 for nearly 2 years and only EVER connected my phone to Laptop once. Now when i go to use it again – all it ever does is charge.
However i do not want that. I want to transfer files. Now and again it flashes on computer but goes off the moment i budge?! How do i get to completely stay on just files transfer style? Not charging.Otherwise im gonna end up loosing all my files?!
Someone please help cause its really annoying. Nope, none of these worked. Ever since upgrade to 4.4.3, the damn thing has stopped being recognised by PC’s. Tried different ports, diffrent cables, did your method 3 (was already at PDA) and absolutely NO MENTION of any Qualcom or anything else at all.
Nothing, nada, zilch. This is Galaxy note 2 N7100 I am talking about. Still stuck with this phone that has me a slave to google and samsung. The best option I think is to root it and remove all the unwanted SPYWARE apps that google and Samsung shove down my throat.
Or better still, chnage to a windows phone. Shahbaz, you are the man 😉 2 key points for all GT-N7100 users: 1º) Qualcomm options won’t appear because we have a Exynos chipset. Not Qualcomm (that only applies to GT-N7105 4G devices) 2º) *#0808# opens the USB settings, that are quite more useful than the *#7284#.
In my case, none of the available settings was checked, and as soon as I checked MTP + ADB, it started working. I hope this solution will help all users that aren’t able to fix its USB problems yet. Tested in Stock rom Android 4.4.2 Kindest regards.
Told me to restart the phone. (that just skipped from my mind) I was searching and come across your sol., the 3rd sol.
U shared, it showed only two options not the third (MTP + ADB) but I just left it as it is. Pressed the back button. After restarting (and didn’t attempt any tweaking at all).it worked fine.
For reminding the restarting the phone. It just need restart, which worked for me. (btw good to see you share the solution, worthy of visiting here). All the above 3 steps dint worked for me. Root Sign 1 0 Download Diya more. so kindly check the 4th alternative ist go to ur phone settings then go to ABOUT DEVICE AND CONTINUOUSLY CLICK THE BUILD NUMBER MORE THAN 7 TIMES. BY THIS UR DEVELOPER OPTIONS WILL BE ENABLED AND WILL SHOW ABOVE ABOUT DEVICE CLICK ON IT AND GO TO USB DEBUGGING CHECK IF IT IS ENABLE OR NOT. IF IT IS UNTICKED KINDLY TICK IT AND THEN PLUG UR PHONE WITH UR LAPTOP AND SEE THIS WORKED FOR ME HOPE IF ANYONE FACING SAME AS I HAD FACED WILL BE HAPPY FOR U. Verizon Note 2 Flashed to Pageplus.
Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf Editor here. Had the problem for a LOOOONG time. Read all the stuff and I was one of you that *#7284# would not open anything.
So then saw the other post to “unlock” first by doing *#22745927 Again nothing for me. So I was sure my problem came from when it was flashed so I backtracked.
What I did was I opened phone dialer and hit ##366633# and DISABLED it. ( During the flashing process you need it enabled ) Once I did that I also made sure ( and not everyone will see this in there menu, I did because I flashed the phone myself and turned this on) that in settings under “Developer Options” I unchecked USB debugging. Once I did both these the cable was connected and all worked well. I could see my PHONE and SD CARD under my computer. I hope this helps someone else. Thank you so much!!!
I’ve been looking for this solution for weeks now: my Vista PC just wouldn’t see my new (old) Note 2. I feel like such an idiot but it took me a while today to see that asterix in the *#7284# sequence – thank you VERY MUCH for pointing this out. Inititially the change to MTP + ADB wouldn’t work so I switched my original Samsung cable for the cheap cable a few times – and then it did work!
Another restart of my Note 2 later and my PC finally recognises the device. Oh man, this is fantastic. Thank you very, very, very much. I am pleased as punch.
This is the driver for the Realtek RTL8187L adapter card. These are the latest drivers.
Ensure that you have the correct driver for your card. There are a number of Realtek cards much like the RTL8187L which sound similar such as the which can also be found on this website. Note that there are a number of drivers for the RTL8187L Realtek which was the last updated in 2011 being the latest driver which has been added below. Note that the Windows XP/Vista/Win7 are the Beta drivers for the card.
There are also Linux drivers such as the Linux driver for Kernel 3.0.0/3.1.0/3.2.0 as well as the Linux driver for kernel 2.6.X. There are also Apple Mac versions listed below. Note the two versions for the Apple versions of the hardware. Realtek RTL8187L (code 31) on Windows 8/8.1/10 If you are getting an error such as Device Manager showing error code 31 then you have to go into the Device Manager and (right click on the driver) to uninstall the driver on your computer. You will also have to check the box to let it delete the driver files. Now reboot your computer and Windows will attempt to install the driver again.
Most times it will fail to install the driver. Download the Windows 7 beta driver above and install it again after the reboot. The Windows 7 driver is compatible with the Windows 8/8.1/10 operating system according to Microsoft. Bring up the Device Manager panel Uninstall the driver Reboot This will then try to find the driver. When it does not find the driver you must then install the driver from above. If that has failed then try and install the driver in compatibility mode as shown below. Compatibility Mode option After the download is complete you will need to now follow the steps to install the RTL8187L driver in Windows Compatibility mode: • First locate the folder that has the.exe file.
Right Click on the setup file and click on Properties. • Go to Compatibility tab and check the box “ Run this program in compatibility mode for”.
• Select the Windows 7 (or the version of Windows for which the driver is downloaded) from the drop down list. Click on Apply and then on OK. • Double Click on the setup file and follow the onscreen instructions to install the driver.
This will normally solve all the problems. Many do complain that the RTL8187L driver does not work when installed however the compatibility option is the last option to make it work on your computer.