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Many states across the country have math standards based on the Common Core Math Standards. As such, educators need teaching and learning resources that pair with the goals of the standards. 'Free' and low-cost with high quality are key words. The good news is that the Web has multiple sites from which to select resources. However, one needs to know where to look. That's where CT4ME comes in as a prime source. CT4ME has taken on the challenge to identify specific resources that are aligned to or can be used to address each cluster of the CCSS high school math standards.
Resources are intended to enhance instruction and to provide group and individual learning experiences for achieving the goals of the standards. Within each cluster for number and quantity, algebra, functions, geometry, and statistics and probability you will find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. The standards for mathematical practice, as they apply, are noted within many of those resources.

Additionally, the 2013 book by Leslie Texas and Tammy Jones,, will benefit math educators. It explains 'each of the eight mathematical practices and gives high school educators specific instructional strategies that align with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.' Select the strand and then a domain within it to begin your exploration from this page: • • • • • Notes and General Resources Tools and Plug-Ins: Some files in our collection are in pdf format. If needed, download, free software for viewing and printing PDF files. You might need to, a free plug-in to interact with virtual manipulative applets.
To interact with virtual manipulatives included within the Wolfram Demonstrations Project:. General Resources:: The section for mathematics includes Common Core exemplar tasks and assessments with explanations and supporting resources, and Common Core aligned exemplar lessons and units with supporting resources. There are also tools for planning, additional materials for understanding the math, and ready-to-use modules for professional development. Have been submitted by teachers. This is a free resource--just get started by signing up. The offers teacher and student versions.
Students can master concepts through practice and using PLIX (play, learn, interact, explore). Teachers can find a standards-aligned flexbook. Math includes grades 1-5, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Statistics, Probability, Measurement, Trigonometry, Analysis, and Calculus. Videos, real world applications, and reading resources are included. From the Mathematics Association of America is 'a collection of resources for Middle and High School Math Teachers that demonstrate practical ways to engage students in the lively exploration of mathematics and mathematical thinking using problems from America’s longest-running and most successful mathematics competition.
Developed by James Tanton, these resources include Ten Problem Solving Strategy Essays and Curriculum Bursts.' The problem solving essays 'relate specific AMC test questions to Common Core State Standards Problem Solving Strategies. The Curriculum Bursts are 'short essays, paired with a Curriculum Inspirations Video.'
These are found within individual content standards for each of the Common Core high school and middle school math strands. Includes grades preK-8, and high school algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, precalculus and advanced topics. The site includes the 'Common Core Standards, curriculum and instructional resources, bilingual resources, performance tasks and assessment guidelines and materials.' Also feature step-by-step solutions and videos related to problems to support learning. Problems focus on conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application.
Includes four courses: Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Each comes with multiple chapters divided into several lesson topics. Under each lesson, you'll find theory, examples, and video lessons. Includes high school curriculum aligned to Common Core standards. There are student texts and teacher editions for Secondary I, II, and III. There are performance tasks and 'ready-set-go assignments.'
The series takes a multi-tasking approach to learning. That is, each task addresses more than one standard and each standard is addressed in more than one task. Tasks are sequenced using the Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction framework: develop understanding, solidify understanding, and practice understanding. Has numerous animations, lessons, and interactive practice problems for algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. By James Sousa contains a collection of over 4000 mini-lessons and videos organized by course and topic: number sense, arithmetic/prealgebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, math for liberal arts, trigonometry, calculus 1, calculus 2, calculus 3, linear algebra, differential equations.
The site also includes problem solving activities with video solutions. Multiple Common Core topics are addressed in these. HOT!: emphasizes STEM resources for K-12 and beyond. You will find over 3000 resources related to the Common Core Math Standards and can refine your search by grade level, learning domain, and alignment. In general, search options include by education level, resource type, subject, standards, and an advanced search option to further narrow what you are looking for.
Most are open educational resources. Has videos, quizzes, lesson plans and assessments aligned to the Common Core math standards. You can search by standard. OpenEd has a free app,, for iPad and iPhone. It contains SBAC and PARCC style questions within quizzes covering math and language arts standards for grades 6 and up with some coverage of the elementary standards. Among resources, are ' aligned to most of the popular textbooks in the USA.
They are paced by chapter, and include videos, formative assessments, homework assignments, games for the exact chapter of the textbook' that educators are teaching. From Pearson Education is an online, self-guided video tutorial site for math. There are over 1,500 video lessons covering grades 6-8 math, pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Pearson has made these videos available for free. You can also select Virtual Nerd. See additional within our math methodology curriculum resources. Vocabulary Building: CT4ME recommends that learners develop math vocabulary by creating their own vocabulary cards to include the word, its definition in their own words, examples and non-examples of the word, and characteristics and facts about the word, such as would be found using the Frayer Model.
Frayer Model Definition Characteristics Facts Word or Concept Examples Non-Examples by Robert Marzano and Julie Simms (2013) will help educators to incorporate CCSS vocabulary into teaching and learning. Among its goals is for readers to be able to make general academic and domain specific language from the CCSS relevant to students.
Granite School District in Salt Lake City, Utah, includes (K-7 and secondary including for the Common Core standards, and dual immersion) and resources for teaching vocabulary development. Select the following for the secondary level, which match the Common Core: • Vocabulary Secondary A-L • Vocabulary Secondary M-Z features 'terms and formulas from beginning algebra to calculus.' Terms include appropriate pictures, diagrams, tables, and examples and are indexed by subject area: numbers and symbols; sets, logic, proof; geometry, algebra, trigonometry, advanced algebra and precalculus, calculus, advanced topics, probability and statistics, real world applications. Entries that feature multimedia are noted.
Are your students ready for the Common Core math exams? You can find out by using, a free online tool from Naiku for Grades 3-High School. It is designed to help identify students' knowledge and skills with professionally developed assessments using questions from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Assess2Know® Benchmark Item Bank. Questions in the item bank are aligned to Common Core State Standards. There are beginning-of-year assessments help identify students’ readiness by domain and multiple interim assessments for each grade. Domain specific assessments provide teachers insight into student performance by standard.
For testing in your state and sample test items, see our CT4ME section for. Do you want to make parents more aware of the Common Core standards and how they can help their children? The Council of the Great City Schools produced in 2012 and 2013 for grades K-8 and high school to help provide guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning. The publications also include three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year so that students will be college and career ready upon their graduation from high school. ASCD Policy Points (2013, October) dispels rumors and myths surrounding the CCSS, so that parents, educators, policymakers, and the general public have a better understanding of what the standards are and are not.
PARCC and SBAC Testing Information: The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) includes a series of common policies related to assessment administration, scoring and the reporting of Common Core test results. There is also a section that addresses accessibility and test accommodations for learners with disabilities and English language learners. You'll also find released test items. See for Pearson Access, your technology set-up requirements, manuals and training, test preparation (sample items, tutorials, practice tests), bulletins, and support. The are available in computer based and print formats for each grade 3-8, algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, and integrated pathway. Lists Mathematics Guidance and Policies, including the following: • The PARCC Calculator Policy indicates for high school that a student may use 'Graphing calculators with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models.
(Student may also bring a scientific calculator or a four-function with square root and percentage functions.)' (2012, 2016 update, p. [Note: includes multiple activities for using the TI-84 calculator with learners. Activities are grouped by content area: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Calculus, and Statistics.] • PARCC's High School Assessment Reference Sheet (2016) will also be helpful to learners, as it contains key measurements and algebra and geometry formulas. Learners who will take the PARCC assessment should be aware of how their performance will be reported. For information, see.
'View the information on hardware and software requirements for administering the PARCC tests.' PARCC Assistive Technology Guidelines are also included.
Teacher Chris Aviles (2015, February 3) posted an informative video at Tech & Learning that introduces teachers to their role in administering the PARCC online on test day:.: The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments will include summative assessments for accountability purposes and optional interim assessments for instructional use and will use computer adaptive testing to the greatest extent possible. Assessments will go beyond multiple choice questions to include extended response and technology enhanced items, as well as performance tasks that allow students to demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Read SBAC's that outline the kinds of testing supports and tools that will be made available to all students, and particularly those with disabilities and English-language learners for the Common Core assessments. Also see the (2015), which notes calculators that students use for SBAC assessments. Number and Quantity Domains: Click on a domain to find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. • • • • General: • CCSS Initiative: • Annenberg Learner: Learning Math: Number and Operations: Session 2:. Exploration of the number sets that make up the real number system and on the concept of infinity and the importance of zero.
Videos and homework are included. • includes modules on complex numbers and matrices.
• • Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems: • • • • • LearnZillion:. • Each contains a tutorial and examples. Learners then complete problems for each section, most of which are multiple choice. • Virtual Nerd: CCSS aligned Math Video Lessons from Pearson Education, Inc.: Select the section for. Algebra Domains: Click on a domain to find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. • • • • General: • CCSS Initiative: • CK-12 FlexBooks: •: 'This revised and reorganized edition of CK-12 Algebra I is a complete high school course covering equations and functions, properties of real numbers, using linear functions and systems of equations, introducing higher order equations and functions, and including new material on probability and statistics.
This edition is here aligned by chapter in support of state implementation of Common Core State Standards for High School Math.' • • • CK-12: has multiple resources for algebra listed by concepts developed and additional Algebra FlexBooks. • by Common Core (2013) contains lessons combining conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. Formative assessments are included.
Content in Module 1 addresses standards: N-Q.1, N-Q.2, N-Q.3, A-SSE.1, A-SSE.2, A-APR.1, A-CED.1, A-CED.2, A-CED.3, A-CED.4, A-REI.1, A-REI.3, A-REI.5, A-REI.6, A-REI.10, A-REI.12. • is designed for grade 9 learners with resources organized by Common Core math standards. Per its description, 'Both teacher facing and student facing assets are included and are of various forms, e.g.
Text, video, and animations.' Dendane:: Free online tutorials for algebra and functions, many of which include applets for learner technology investigations. • and: a full-year curriculum with lessons organized in modules. •: free, open-source, dynamic mathematics software that joins geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus.
• • Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems: • • • • • Kuta Software:: Choose from Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. • LearnZillion:. • for Algebra, Geometry, and College Algebra. Many include videos.
• MathsIsFun. Applied Mathematics 3rd Edition Malik Monk. com:. Each contains a tutorial and examples. Learners then complete problems for each section, most of which are multiple choice. • has multiple content modules for beginning, intermediate, and advanced algebra that also include function topics, plus sections for word problems and an introduction to trigonometry.
• Virtual Nerd: CCSS aligned Math Video Lessons from Pearson Education, Inc. Select the section for. Functions Domains: Click on a domain to find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. • • • • General:: • CCSS Initiative: • CK-12 FlexBooks: •: 'This revised and reorganized edition of CK-12 Algebra I is a complete high school course covering equations and functions, properties of real numbers, using linear functions and systems of equations, introducing higher order equations and functions, and including new material on probability and statistics.
This edition is here aligned by chapter in support of state implementation of Common Core State Standards for High School Math.' • • •: This text provides an introduction to trig, and delves into trig graphs, trig identities, inverse trig functions, triangles and vectors, and the polar system. • CK-12: has multiple resources for algebra listed by concepts developed and additional Algebra FlexBooks. • Common Core Mathematics, A Story of Functions: Algebra I, Module 3, Module 4, and Module 5 by Common Core (2014) contain lessons combining conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. Formative assessments are included: • addresses standards: A-SSE.3, A-CED.1, A.REI.11, F-IF.1, F-IF.2, F-IF.3, F-IF.4, F-IF.5, F-IF.6, F-IF.7, F-IF.9, F-BF.1, F-BF.3, F-LE.1, F-LE.2, F-LE.3, F-LE.5. • addresses standards: N-RN.3, A-SSE.1, A-SSE.2, A-SSE.3, A-APR.1, A-APR.3, A-CED.1, A-CED.2, A-REI.4, A-REI.11, F-IF.4, F-IF.5, F-IF.6, F-IF.7, F-IF.8, F-IF.9, F-BF.3.
• addresses standards: N-Q.3, A-CED.1, A-CED.2, F-IF.4, F-IF.5, F-IF.6, F-BF.1, F-LE.1, F-LE.2. • • Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems: • • • • • LearnZillion:. • PARCC: Assessments: Administration: • has multiple content modules for beginning, intermediate, and advanced algebra that also include function topics, plus sections for word problems and an introduction to trigonometry. Dendane:: Free online tutorials for algebra and functions, many of which include applets for learner technology investigations. •: free, open-source, dynamic mathematics software that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. • • Kuta Software: Free Content Worksheets: Choose from Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. •
Each contains a tutorial and examples. Learners then complete problems for each section, most of which are multiple choice. • Virtual Nerd: CCSS aligned Math Video Lessons from Pearson Education, Inc.: Select the section for. Geometry Domains: Click on a domain to find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. • • • • • • General: • CCSS Initiative: • CK-12 FlexBook:: 'This revised edition of CK-12 Geometry is a complete high school course covering the essentials of geometry, logic and proof, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, similarity, perimeter, area, volume, and transformations, here aligned by chapter in support of state implementation of Common Core State Standards for High School Math.' • CK-12: has multiple resources for geometry listed by concepts developed and additional Geometry FlexBooks.
• Common Core Mathematics, A Story of Functions, Geometry by Common Core (2013, 2014) is available in five separate modules, each with lessons combining conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. Formative assessments are included: • • • • • • 'is a collection of resources for a high school course in Geometry. The resources are organized by Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and reflect a ninth or tenth grade course. Both teacher facing and student facing assets are included and are of various forms, e.g. Text, video, and animations' (Content section description).
• uses a project-based approach to teach geometry. There are several Common Core State Standards (CCSS)- aligned projects from which to choose. They can be taught in any order. Each focuses on two or more of the eight CCSS mathematical practices and includes technology and Web 2.0 resources. Quizzes, exam suggestions, and project assessment rubrics are provided. You'll find: • Selling Geometry • Designing a Winner • What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras?
• TED Talk: House of the Future • The Art of Triangles • How Random is My Life? •: a full-year curriculum map with lessons organized in modules. •: free, open-source, dynamic mathematics software that joins geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus. • • Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems: • • • • • • • Kuta Software:: Choose from Geometry. • LearnZillion:. • for Algebra, Geometry, and College Algebra. Many include videos.
• Each contains a tutorial and examples. Learners then complete problems for each section, most of which are multiple choice. • is a free geometry textbook for high school learners by John Page. There are topics in plane geometry, coordinate geometry, and solid geometry (e.g., cylinders, cubes). Its focus is on using interactive materials and animations to develop concepts. Students can manipulate numerous interactive applets with at least one accompanying nearly every concept that is presented.
• PARCC: Assessments: Administration: • Virtual Nerd: CCSS aligned Math Video Lessons from Pearson Education, Inc.: Select the section for. Statistics and Probability Domains: Click on a domain to find technology investigations, multiple choice and constructed response exercises, and performance tasks. • • • • General: • CCSS Initiative: • CK-12 FlexBook: • CK-12: or have multiple resources for each listed by concepts developed and additional Statistics and Probability FlexBooks.
• by Common Core (2013) contains lessons combining conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. Formative assessments are included. Content in Module 2 addresses standards: S-ID.1, S-ID.2, S-ID.3, S-ID.5, S-ID.6, S-ID.7, S-ID.8, S-ID.9. • American Statistical Association:: Report for preK-12. This report contains examples that learners can do to investigate concepts in both statistics and probability with focus on real world applications.
•: Module 5 includes 19 lessons on probability, random variables and discrete probability distributions, and using probability to make decisions. • • Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems: • • • • • LearnZillion:. • Each contains a tutorial and examples. Learners then complete problems for each section, most of which are multiple choice.
•, also includes probability. • Virtual Nerd: CCSS aligned Math Video Lessons from Pearson Education, Inc.: Select the section for.
Maximize your opportunities to use technology in instruction. In Technology Readiness for College and Career Ready Teaching, Learning and Assessment, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (2012) reminded educators that: ' Digital testing requires digital learning.
Students using technology to take high--stakes tests must have significant opportunities to develop and demonstrate master of tested knowledge, skills and abilities via substantially similar technology prior to being tested. Teachers must be prepared to support this shift in instruction' (p. CT4ME has multiple resources to help with this endeavor.
ASP.NET Core is the new, open source, and cross-platform, web-application framework from Microsoft. ASP.NET Core MVC helps you build robust web applications using the Model-View-Controller design. This guide will help you in building applications that can be deployed on non-Windows platforms such as Linux. Starting with an overview of the MVC pattern, you will quickly dive into the aspects that you need to know to get started with ASP.NET.
You will learn about the core architecture of model, view, and control. Integrating your application with Bootstrap, validating user input, interacting with databases, and deploying your application are some of the things that you will learn to execute with this fast-paced guide. You will test your knowledge as you build a fully working sample application using the skills you’ve learned throughout the book.
Moving forward, this guide will teach you to combine the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core and Angular 2. Not only will you learn how Angular 2 can complement your.NET skills and toolkit, you'll also learn everything you need to build a complete, dynamic single-page application. Find out how to get your data model in place and manage an API, before styling and designing your frontend for an exceptional user experience. You will find out how to optimize your application for SEO, identify and secure vulnerabilities, and how to successfully deploy and maintain your application.
From here, you will delve into the latest frameworks and software design patterns to improve your application performance. The course offers premium, highly practical content on the recently released ASP.NET Core, and includes material from the following Packt books: Learning ASP.NET Core MVC Programming, ASP.NET Core and Angular 2, and ASP.NET Core 1.0 High Performance.