Contoh Soal Spa Polines
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Network Monitoring The purpose of network monitoring is the collection of useful information from various parts of the network so that the network can be managed and controlled using the collected information. Most of the network devices are located in remote locations and they usually don't have directly connected terminals. Hence specialized tools are required to facilitate the network management application to monitor their status easily. Bandwidth management Heavy downloading can take its toll on network performance. Congestion and lack of responsiveness are often the result of large amounts of traffic being used by a small number of users. Sometimes even a single user can bring an entire network to a crawl as the internet gateway gets flooded with network traffic.
By using Bandwidth management tools, the administrator can have full control over the network using tools to allocate desired bandwidth to specified users for specified tasks. Traffic Analysis Traffic analysis is the Inference or deduction of useful intelligence from patterns of observable characteristics of data flow(s), even when the data is encrypted or otherwise not directly available. The characteristics used for the evolution of such patterns include the identities and locations of the source(s) and destination(s), and the presence, amount, frequency, and duration of occurrence. Penetration Testing The portion of security testing in which the evaluators attempt to circumvent the security features of a system. The evaluators may be assumed to use all system design and implementation documentation, that may include listings of system source code, manuals, and circuit diagrams.
The evaluators work under the same constraints applied to ordinary users. Ethical Hacking of a commissioned system is an integral part of penetration testing. Vulnerability Analysis Vulnerability analysis is the systematic examination of an AIS (Automated Information System for acquisition, storage, manipulation, control, display, transmission, or reception of data etc.) or product to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security measures, and confirm the adequacy of such measures after implementation. Network audit It is the process of assessing the various components and the operating environment of a computer network for vulnerabilities and other loopholes that might occur in the process of installing, configuring, or securing the network. This process may range from a relatively simple Automated audit to check a network for known vulnerabilities in the operating system through a black box or even a white box or manual audit to determine the network's overall status as compared to the prevailing 'best practice'.
Program Studi Teknik Mesin Produksi dan Perawatan akan meluluskan Sarjana Terapan profesional dan kompeten di bidangnya mempunyai kejujuran, disiplin tinggi, etos kerja, mandiri, bertanggung jawab, dan berwawasan kewirausahaan, yang mampu: a. Merencanakan dan melaksanakan sistem produksi dan. Soal Spa Polines Format The Excel File Into The Quickbooks Iif Format Capella 2008 Serial Bitcoin Mining Software Windows Gui Library Philips Tivo Remote Manual This War Of Mine Dmg Maxon Cinema 4D Free Download Crack Corel Contoh Skripsi Kualitatif Pdf File Burnout Paradise Legendary Cars Pack.
Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Anandita Puspitasari (23), seorang peneliti junior di salah satu LSM berhasil menjadi penerima Bloggership pertama di Indonesia yang diluncurkan pada Pesta Blogger 2008 lalu. 'Ini adalah sebuah amanat, untuk lebih mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang saya miliki supaya bisa memberi manfaat lebih untuk masyarakat.
Sedari awal, saya langsung merasa `klik` dengan tujuan program ini,' kata Anandita Puspitasari atau Dita dalam siaran pers yang diterima ANTARA di Jakarta, Selasa Dengan blognya yang beralamat di, dia dipilih sebaga pemenang oleh panitia seleksi yaitu Microsoft Indonesia dan 'bapak blogger Indonesia' Enda Nasution. Empat kandidat yang dikalahkan Dita yaitu Aulia Halimatussadiah (25 thn, Bernardus Dian Adi Prasetyo (29, Calvin Michael Sidjaja (22, dan Siwi Piranti Rahayu (21 thn, Sebagai pemenang, Dita berhak mendapatkan hadiah sebesar Rp 15 juta, smartphone Windows Mobile, serta perjalanan selama 6 bulan ke 3 propinsi dengan biaya ditanggung Microsoft Indonesia. Cheers, frizzy2008.
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Sebuah situs arsip Belanda yang sangat menarik untuk Indonesia akan dibuka untuk para peneliti, demikian dilaporkan koresponden ANTARA di Belanda, Ronald Frisart, Selasa. Arsip Belanda itu terdiri atas delapan puluh meter bahan arsip milik Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD, Institut dokumentasi perang Belanda). Arsip yang dapat dibuka lewat internet itu ( akan dipresentasikan pada tanggal 22 Januari di Amsterdam dan situs ini tidak hanya dalam bahasa Belanda, tetapi juga bahasa Inggris. Dalam arsip-arsip di situs tersebut terdapat lukisan-lukisan, koran-koran Indonesia, dokumentasi pemerintah Belanda, buku harian dan catatan perkara. Dokumentasi pemerintah Belanda dalam situs ini merupakan dokumentasi Belanda periode 9 Maret 1942 (kapitulasi KNIL/Belanda kepada Jepang), ketika tentara Jepang menguasai Indonesia sampai 15 Agustus 1945 (kapitulasi Jepang kepada tentara Sekutu). By Cheers, frizzy2008.
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Aku adalah penganut paham anti feodalisme. Edgar Allan Poe Masca Mortii Rosii Pdf Writer. Ini pandanganku mengenai keberadaan PRT (Pembantu Rumah Tangga) di rumah.
• PRT adalah manusia, sama dengan majikan. • Scope pekerjaannya harus jelas. • PRT yang telah melewati masa probation, maka harus diperlakukan seperti pegawai. • Jadwal dia bekerja, berlibur, mengambil cuti dan hak untuk bersenang-senang sebagaimana layaknya majikannya harus dihormati.
PRT punya waktu privacy sendiri di luar jam kerja. • Bahwa hidupnya seorang PRT itu tergantung dia sendiri bukan tergantung majikannya. • Majikan hanya berhak menegur untuk kesalahan profesi dan majikan tidak berhak menggunakan anggota badannya secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menyakiti hati dan diri seorang PRT (sesuai dengan hukum UU KDRT dan Pidana) • Jam kerja PRT harus mengikuti peraturan Depnaker. • Majikan harus memberikan basic training dan tidak membiarkan seorang PRT mengerjakan sesuatu yang belum dia mengerti cara melakukannya.
Dan majikan tidak berhak mengatakan bodoh kepada PRT untuk sesuatu hal diluar kemengertiannya. Kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh PRT harus dianalisa root causenya. Apakah karena lalai atau ketidaktahuan/ketidakmengertian. • Reward dan punishment harus diterapkan namun majikan tidak boleh menerapkan aturan denda financial kepada PRT, kecuali kerusakan materi yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian profesi. • Perlakuan lainnya adalah hal-hal yang sesuai dengan prinsip Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Semoga pemikiran ini bisa membuka wacana pemahaman kebangsaan yang lebih luas dalam arti kita memperlakukan manusia Indonesia di dalam diri, keluarga dan masyarakat kita.
PRT sangat bisa diterima sebagai profesi di luar negeri, dan tidak ada bukti PRT membuat bangkrut majikan. Mana pandanganmu?!!! Artikel frizzy untuk Gerakan Indonesia Bangkit Didukung oleh Cheers, frizzy2008.
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Halo sobat semua, hari minggu kemarin, acaraku padat sekali. • Habis gentayangan sampai subuh, tidur trus bangunnya siang.hehehe • Ngajak keluarga, dua anakku yang bandel2 dan sepupunya, main-main ke ancol. Naik perahu dengan ombak yang cukup besar, maklum hari bulan purnama. Trus berenang di pantai, kemudian kehujanan di ancol trus pulang deh.
• Tidur sebentar • Dari jam 19:00 sampai 22:15, diminta temennya nyokap ngajarin ngeblog. Secara ibu2 (maksudnya nenek2) sekarang dah pada pingin ngeblog, daripada bingung di rumah mo ngapain. • Tidur sampai pagi trus jogging sebentar. • Ngecek daftar blogwalker di shoutmix.I really love shoutmix actually. Inilah visitor blogku yang harus ku balas kunjungannya. Sebelumnya.TERIMA KASIH PARA SOBATKU.THANK YOU MY FRIENDS, for being my supporting friends.
Cheers, frizzy2008. Dazzle Dvc 170 Mac Drivers. • Approach the person.
Depending on the person's relationship to you, you might want to approach differently: • Family Hug: Approach kindly, but not too emotionally. • Friend Hug (girls): Approach caringly, sometimes humorously, and smile. • Friend Hug (guys): Approach quickly, usually not looking them in the eye. • Crush Hug: Approach carefully, but do not seem shy. Smile slightly and perhaps say a caring word or two.
• Lover Hug: It doesn't matter who starts this; either can make it just as romantic. When approaching, put your hands on their shoulders and look them in the eyes. Say you love them, how much you care for them, and how much you are loving every second with them. Then fall into each other and hug with all your heart. Lean forward and wrap your arms around the person. • Family Hug: You can keep talking when hugging; it will not ruin the momentum.
Where you place your hands is not important; the hugged won't think it over too much. Press gently; it is not necessary to have head-contact. Stroke your hands quickly across the top of the hugged's back. Smile when letting go. • Friend Hug (girls): Close your eyes and think about how much you love your friend when hugging.
Press as much as you feel like. (But don't squish!) Do not clap the hugged on the shoulders or such; it's too masculine and some girls think you don't like them if you do it the guys' way. • Friend Hug (guys): Embrace strongly, and clap each other on the top of your backs. If it's an emotional moment, keep in the hugged position for a brief moment and do not clap each other's backs. • Crush Hug: Press the hugged warmly towards you. If you are a man, remember that it is more masculine and more protective to fold your arms under hers. Her arms should be around your neck, and you should be embracing her around the waist.
When pressing her against you, you can lift her up a bit, pressing her chest and upper stomach against yours. Keep it in that position for a while, and then let go.
Look her in the eyes when you separate and continue the conversation naturally. • Lover Hug: 1) Males: Carefully sliding your hands down from her shoulders, put them on her waist and slide them around her lower back. Put your head on her shoulder and press her towards you for as long as you like. If you want to, you can give her a small massage with your hands, and try to warm her. When separating, you can look into her eyes, smile genuinely and, if the situation is fitting, kiss her.
2) Females: Extend your arms toward him and hold them around his neck and shoulders. Lean as close as possible and press your torso against his. In situations of extreme intimacy, interlocking your leg in his is appropriate. Avoid holding your arms below his shoulders and/or embracing strongly and tensely.
• Don't hug too tightly. The best way to judge how tightly or loosely to hug is to let whomever you're hugging indicate what they want by how hard they squeeze.
If they are soft, be soft back; if they like bear hugs and squeeze tightly, hug back the same way (but don't suffocate him/her). • Don't let go too early. A hug is a powerful way to communicate your caring for another person, as it can feel great and greatly improve one's mood. If someone hugs you, they may want a long, loving hug (maybe they are upset or down), so just go along with it and hug them until they let go or loosen their hold. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Beyond free money, student loans are the best choice to secure additional financing for school. Here are the basics you need to make informed decisions when selecting student loans: Determine How Much to Borrow The following steps will help you determine exactly how much money you will need to borrow for school so you don’t come up short and find yourself charging items at higher interest rates. Step 1: Identify Your Educational Expenses Work with your school’s financial aid office to identify all expected costs.
Expenses to consider include: * Tuition * Fees (i.e., late registration, parking permits, etc.) * Room and Board * Text Books and Supplies * Special Equipment (i.e., computer, etc.) Step 2: Evaluate Your Existing Financial Resources Because the total cost of borrowing can increase significantly with time, a good strategy is to borrow only what is absolutely necessary. Evaluate non-loan sources first to pay for many of your educational expenses. These sources of funding include your savings and current income in addition to the awards listed in your financial aid package. Step 3: Calculate Funding Needed The additional money you need to pay for the full price of your education is calculated as follows: Total Educational Expenses – Total Funding Available = Amount to Borrow Example Total Educational Expenses $21,580 – Financial Aid $14,590 – Savings $ 2,000 – Gifts from Family $ 1,000 Additional Amount Needed $ 3,990 Use this estimate to evaluate your loan options. Remember, borrow only what you need by maximizing financial aid. Understanding Student Loan Interest Rates This section provides you the basics you need to calculate and understand student loan interest rates since they play an important role in determining how much you will pay over the life of the loan.
How Interest Rates are Calculated The interest charged on student loans is calculated as simple daily interest. Simply put, the outstanding principal balance is multiplied by the interest rate and divided by 365 days to calculate one day’s interest amount. So, if you have a $10,000 loan, with a 7.00% interest rate, the formula would be $10,000 x 0.07/365 and the interest amount for one day would be $1.92. Shop for Competitive Rates Since the federal government sets the interest rates for federal loans, you can be assured that all lenders offer the same interest rate. To get the most competitive offer, focus on borrower benefits.
The range of interest rates vary on private student loans, which are typically credit based. You may apply for a private loan on your own. However, if you don’t have an established credit history, you can apply with a creditworthy co-signer to potentially receive a lower interest rate. While it's tempting to choose the private loan with the lowest advertised interest rate, it's best to compare student loans using APR examples. APR is the Best Comparison Tool Unlike basic interest rates, which don't represent the true cost of the loan, the APR takes into account all of the associated loan costs such as finance charges and loan fees. Each of these factors can have a significant effect on the cost of a loan.
The APR adjusts for each of these items illustrating the true cost of borrowing for your education. Since all lenders provide APR examples, using them to compare two competing loans will give you a true apples-to-apples comparison of your options.
Borrower Benefits Reduce Interest Rates Many lenders offer money-saving benefits for services such as auto-debit payments. When shopping around, ask lenders how much you can expect to save over the life of the loan with their borrower benefits. When you look at borrower benefits, consider selecting a lender that will provide service for the life of the loan. Some lenders offer great borrower benefits but will sell your loan to another party or servicer upon repayment. Another servicer may not provide you with the servicing levels you expect.
Graduated Repayment Plan With a graduated repayment plan, you make interest-only payments for the first two or four years, or $50.00 a month, whichever is greater. After the initial period of lower payments, your payments will increase to include principal and interest for the rest of the term. When you reduce your monthly payments, you pay more interest over the life of the loan because you repay the principal at a slower rate.
Extended Repayment Plan for Federal Loans An extended repayment plan reduces your monthly federal loan payments by spreading them over a period of up to 25 years. Since payments are stretched over a longer term, total interest costs are higher when compared to a standard repayment plan or graduated repayment plan. Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: How would you describe the role of a sex therapist? Answer: A sex therapist can be a psychiatrist, a marriage and family therapist, a psychologist, or a clinical social worker. We are specially trained in sex therapy methods beyond the minimal amount of training about sexuality that is required for each of those licenses.
There are a few graduate schools in the U.S. That specialize in training for sex therapy. Some people assemble their training by rigorous self-study and by attendance at the major sexological organizations' annual conferences. We have about a dozen scientific journals dedicated solely to sexual research. There are about six major organizations that hold conferences and trainings. So seeing a sex therapist is like going to a gynecologist for gynecological problems rather than to a family practice physician.
Both have specialized particularly in that area. That isn't to say that one couldn't get good help from a non-sex therapist for a sexual issue, it's just that the likelihood might be a bit less.
Most sex therapists have a particular awareness of sexuality that rises above personal opinion or personal experiences. We usually have several choices of ways to treat a particular issue when someone presents it. We tailor our treatment to the person(s) before us.
We are not a 'bigger hammer' there to coerce a person who wants less sex into wanting more. There is a sexological method to treating sexual issues. With the exception of when separate sexual surrogate therapists are added (in a very small number of cases), sex therapy is completely talk therapy. Sex therapy views sexual issues as being resolved by specifically addressing them, rather than by the assumption that when the individuals in a relationship work out the relationship issues, the sex will just fall into place. For years, I have had a practice full of couples for whom that simply was not true. Sex therapists also tend to have much greater than average knowledge about the physiological processes that are a part of human sexuality.
We tend to work collaboratively with physicians to address the entirety of the causes of sexual concerns. I would venture to say that there is near unanimity in the sex field when it comes to acceptance of sexual orientations and transgender existence. I have never met a sex therapist who tried to cure homosexuality -- though there are other mental health practitioners who do attempt to do so. We hold a positive outlook on the beneficial influence that sexuality can have on people's lives and in the world in general. And we are not naive about the ill effects that come as a result of sexuality. We simply try to address those issues from a rigorous scientific perspective, rather than from an ideological perspective.
Louanne Cole Weston, PhD, is a licensed marriage, family, and child counselor and a board-certified sex therapist in practice since 1983. Her work in the field of human sexuality includes extensive experience as a therapist, educator, and researcher. Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: By MIHealthCoach, eHow Member Step1 Clear away any standing water if possible in buckets, pool covers, etc. Step2 Mosquitoes hate garlic. You can use this to your advantage by rubbing a little onto your exposed skin, or eat it and it will permeate through your pores.
Step3 Citronella candles are effective and also can be rubbed on your skin Step4 Vitamin B-1 (thiamine hydrochloride) is known to give off an odor through the skin that repels mosquitos and also gnats, no seeums and black flies. Tablet, taken once daily should be effective. Step5 Plants such as marigolds, lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, catnip, and peppermint repel mosquitoes and can be planted in your garden. Centerpieces made of the same plants will also work and can be planted later. Step6 Bats are natural predators of mosquitoes. Take advantage of this by building bat houses to encourage them to take up residence.
Step7 When sitting outside, place a large electric fan by you. Mosquitos are too weak to fly against the air current. Cheers, frizzy2008.
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent Scientists have worked out why mosquitoes make a beeline for certain people but appear to leave others almost untouched. Specific cells in one of the three organs that make up the mosquito’s nose are tuned to identify the different chemicals that make up human body odour. To the mosquito some people’s sweat simply smells better than others because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide, octenol and other compounds that make up body odour. It is those people who are most likely to be bitten.
The researchers believe the discovery of the way the mosquito smells will lead to the development of a new generation of repellents that would block mosquitoes’ nose - preventing them finding humans prey - within five to 10 years. While helping those people who always seem to get bitten and people with allergic reactions to bites, such substances could also save millions of lives in the fight against malaria, most prevalent life-threatening disease in the world. Mosquitoes use three organs to smell and taste – a feathery antenna which can identify a wide range of different chemicals, a proboscis used for short-range detection and the maxillary palp for longer range smelling.
US scientists, whose research was published today in the journal Current Biology, have produced a detailed map of the maxillary palp. They found it contains a series of highly specialised receptor cells used to detect the different components of human body odour. Zwiebel, professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, who led the study, said: “What makes mosquitoes such good transmitters of malaria is that they are extremely good at finding people to bite.
“The amazing thing that we found was that all the sensory hairs that line the bottom of the maxillary palp are identical. “They are all attached to three neurons - one which is tuned to detect carbon dioxide, one which is tuned to detect octenol, and one which serves to enhance general olfactory reception. “We are looking to make a new generation of repellents based on targeting these molecular components in the mosquitoe nose. “If you can block or hyper-stimulate these receptors, the mosquito would not do nearly as well at finding human prey.” Prof Zwiebel added he expected the new repellents to be available for use within five to ten years. The tips of the organs that make up the mosquito nose are perforated with thousands of tiny holes that let aromatic compounds to penetrate. Once inside chemicals encounter the receptors that detect specific molecules that identify potential targets as human. Co-author of the research Tan Lu, also at Vanderbilt University, said: “These receptors are highly sensitive, which suggests that the maxillary palps serve as the malaria mosquito’s long-range detection system.” Most of the reason for people believing they are targeted more frequently by mosquitoes is in reality down to their suffering more serious swellings and allergic reactions.
However it has been shown that some people are bitten more often because of differences in their body odour. The researchers carried out their work on Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito species most responsible for spreading malaria. They believe it can be applied to other malaria-spreading species. Malaria infects some 650 million people per year worldwide and kills between one and three million, mostly young children in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The work is part of a large international collaboration led by the US National Institutes of Health aimed at developing a chemical strategy to combat the spread of malaria in the developing world. Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Keputusanku menjadi blogger, salah satunya adalah keinginan membuka diri seluas-luasnya, namun aku sadari, aku harus memiliki etika dan pemahaman dalam menjalani kehidupan blogger. Sudah lama mencari-cari bahan untuk menyampaikannya, eh ternyata muncul di kompas online pagi ini, 1/1/2009.
Berikut tulisan yang disampaikan oleh Nilam Widyarini, MSi, dosen pada Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Guna Dharma, Jakarta MEMBUKA diri terhadap orang lain (self disclosure) itu ibarat mata uang, memiliki dua sisi. Di satu sisi berarti memasuki hubungan yang lebih matang. Di sisi lain, terdapat risiko dicemooh dan dikhianati.
Bagaimanapun, self disclosure merupakan isyarat berkembangnya hubungan yang sehat yang perlu dikelola. Kadang-kadang kita dibuat kagum oleh seseorang yang dengan sangat terbuka dapat menceritakan apa saja yang ia pikirkan, rasakan, dan inginkan. Meskipun banyak kesulitan atau kekurangan, hidup seolah dirasa sebagai hal yang ringan, dan dilakoni tanpa beban. Kita dapat menjadi lebih nyaman berinteraksi dengan pribadi seperti itu. Karena ia terbuka, kita pun dapat menjadi lebih terbuka, dan akhirnya relasi berlangsung lebih akrab dan saling percaya. Namun, pada kesempatan lain kadang terjadi sebaliknya. Kita justru merasa muak dengan seseorang yang terlalu membuka diri sampai ke hal-hal yang sangat pribadi, yang menurut kita tidak pantas untuk diceritakan kepada orang banyak.
Hal yang Diungkapkan Ada rambu-rambu dalam pengungkapan diri agar hubungan menjadi efektif: - Lebih mengungkapkan perasaan daripada fakta. Bila kita mengungkapkan perasaan terhadap orang lain, berarti kita mengizinkan orang lain mengenali siapa kita sesungguhnya. Misalnya, informasi bagaimana kita mengembangkan hubungan dengan saudara-saudari kita membuat orang lain memahami kita, daripada sekadar memberikan informasi bahwa kita memiliki saudara. - Semakin diperluas dan diperdalam. Mungkin kita masih mengalami perasaan tidak nyaman berbagi pengalaman dengan seseorang yang seharusnya dekat dengan kita. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengembangan hubungan ke arah yang lebih dalam (lebih mengungkapkan perasaan terhadap isu tertentu) dan diperluas (dengan mendiskusikan berbagai isu, seperti pekerjaan, keluarga, pengalaman religius, dan sebagainya).
- Fokus pada masa kini, bukan masa lampau. Bila berbagi pengalaman soal masa lalu menjelaskan mengapa dulu kita melakukan tindakan tertentu adalah bersifat katarsis (melepaskan ketegangan), tetapi dapat meninggalkan perasaan bahwa kita lemah. Hal ini terjadi terutama bila keterbukaan tidak berlangsung timbal balik. Jadi, lebih baik kita fokus pada situasi sekarang. - Timbal balik.
Kita harus selalu mencocokkan tingkat keterbukaan kita dengan tingkat keterbukaan orang yang kita jumpai. Hati-hati, jangan terlalu membuka diri secara dini, sebelum melewati masa-masa pengembangan hubungan yang familier dan saling percaya.
Di sisi lain, bila diperlukan, tidak perlu menunggu orang membuka diri. Jangan takut untuk memulai langkah penting membangun hubungan. Berikan contoh, dan orang lain akan menyesuaikan diri. Bila orang tidak merespon secara seimbang, hentikan langkah tersebut. Banyak Manfaat Keterbukaan diri memiliki manfaat bagi masing-masing individu maupun bagi hubungan antara kedua pihak. Dengan membuka diri dan membalas keterbukaan diri orang lain, kita dapat meningkatkan komunikasi dan hubungan dengan orang lain. Secara rinci manfaatnya adalah: - Meringankan.
Berbagi dengan orang lain mengenai diri atau persoalan yang kita hadapi, dapat memberikan kondisi psikologis yang meringankan. Misalnya, cerita tentang ketidakmampuan menghadapi ujian atau berakhirnya hubungan dengan seseorang. Bagaimana kita mengatasi hal itu? Bagaimana pandangan orang lain? Dengan membuka diri, kita memperoleh tambahan perspektif yang membantu diri sendiri melihat titik frustrasi dari sudut pandang orang lain. - Membantu validasi (menguji ketepatan) persepsi terhadap realita. Dengan sudut pandang sendiri, kita mungkin cenderung menggunakan ukuran yang idealistis menurut diri sendiri.
Bila kita mengomunikasikan hal tersebut dengan seseorang yang tepat (yang memberikan simpati, suportif, dapat dipercaya, dan pendengar yang baik), kita tidak hanya mendapatkan persetujuan, tetapi juga informasi yang diperlukan untuk lebih memahami diri sendiri, yang kita perlukan agar memahami dunia secara lebih realistis. - Mengurangi tegangan dan stres. Bila kita menghadapi ketegangan atau stres karena suatu hal, bila tidak diungkapkan akan berkembang menjadi eksplosif (mudah meledak). Sebaliknya, bila diungkapkan kepada orang lain, kita akan menemukan jalan keluar. Andaikan tidak mendapat jalan keluar, setidaknya lebih ringan karena kita merasa tidak sendirian. Hal ini justru dapat membuat kita menjadi lebih dekat dengan orang lain dan menambah rasa nyaman pada saat itu maupun dalam relasi selanjutnya.
- Meringankan fisik. Terdapat keterkaitan antara pikiran dengan sistem tubuh kita. Adanya pengaruh positif pada pikiran (akibat pengungkapan diri), berakibat pada fisik. Berbagi atau mengungkapkan diri dengan orang lain, membuat stres kita berkurang, kecemasan berkurang, dan meredakan juga detak jantung dan tekanan darah.
Dengan kata lain, pengungkapan diri dapat berpengaruh positif terhadap kesehatan fisik, selain emosi. - Alur komunikasi yang lebih jelas. Dengan menunjukkan keinginan untuk membuka diri terhadap orang lain, dan menghargai pengungkapan diri orang lain, berarti kita meningkatkan kemampuan untuk memahami sudut pandang atau perspektif yang berbeda. Dengan demikian, kita akan lebih percaya diri untuk mengklarifikasi niat-niat atau makna-makna dari orang lain. Adanya umpan balik lewat diskusi terbuka, kekaburan dalam komunikasi diminimalkan. - Mempererat hubungan. Bila antarekan lebih saling mengenal satu sama lain, terjadi efek timbal balik: keterbukaan mengembangkan rasa senang yang semakin meningkatkan keterbukaan dan berakibat makin kuatnya rasa senang.
Tanpa pengungkapan diri, tingkat keeratan hubungan dan kepercayaan berada pada level rendah. Dengan keterbukaan dihasilkan kepercayaan, dan dengan kepercayaan dihasilkan kerja sama. Di dalam organisasi, kerja sama dan saling percaya ini menentukan inovasi yang sangat penting agar tetap survive dan mampu berkompetisi. Lebih dari itu, hasil riset menemukan bahwa bila antarekan kerja semakin menyukai kerja sama, mereka lebih produktif dalam mengerjakan proyek atau dalam situasi tim. Cheers, frizzy2008.
Kalo yang ini si, pesulap afkiran.hehehe Kronologi kisah frizzy: Jumat, 19/12 16:15, Aldy: Bos, jadi ke resepsi Demian - Yulia Rachman?, Frizzy: Oh??? Sekarang tanggal 19 ya? Waa lupa, ntar aku tanya istriku dulu deh Call si Bunda, Frizzy: Bunda, sekarang kan hari resepsinya si Demian, mo dateng gak?, Bunda: Oh iya ya, waa undangannya sama ibu. Barusan aku nolak nganterin ibu ke terapi, gimana mintanya ya? Gak enak nih, Frizzy: Yah, gimana dong padahal kan sudah kita rencanakan dari kemarin2, Bunda: Ya sud, aku coba ngomong sama ibu deh. 16:40, Bunda: Ayah, tadi katanya undangannya dibawa dek Ary kerumahnya terus ditaruh di kamarnya, dikunci.
Dek Arynya sendiri dihubungi masih meeting di kantor, katanya si sampai malam, Frizzy: Oooo, alamat gak jadi datang dong ni, waa. Coba telpon dek Ary, Bunda. 17:30, Bunda: Ayah, dek Ary katanya sudah di jalan., Frizzy: Waa, bisa berangkat dong kita.(lanjutin browsing2) 18:20, Aldy: Bos, data-data client dah ada ni, coba dilihat. (Aku ajak Aldy dan Dandy diskusi), Frizzy: Kita harus analisa dulu sebelum dapat solusinya. Apa sudah dicek requirement detilnya, Dandy: Itu tinggal disamakan dari beberapa sisi bos, semuanya harus telly. Makro yang sekarang hasilnya beda-beda bos., Frizzy: Oke deh, kita pelajari dulu lah yaa. 18:40, Bunda: Ayah kok blom berangkat dari kantor!!!(bunda agak geram), Frizzy: iya iya bunda, aku turun sekarang.
18:50, Mau keluar parkiran, sistem parkirnya rusak. Terjadi antrian panjang ditambah klakson orang2 yang mau keluar., Frizzy: Wooiiii, benerin dong, gue ada janji lagi nii., Parkir: Pak, muter aja ya lewat pintu masuk. 19:40, sampai di rumah., Bunda: ayah, kamera kita ada di rumah bapak joglo., Frizzy: oh ok deh bunda, mestinya kan sudah kita siapkan., Frizzy: bunda ganti celana panjang aja soalnya kita pake motor buat ngejar waktu. (secara si bunda dah siap pake gaun, hihihi.) Ambil kamera di joglo, trus tancap gas ke gedung PTIK. 21:05, Sampai di TKP, trus foto2in beberapa seleb n' gak lupa.makan sampai kenyang. 22:10, Sampai rumah, tidur. Sabtu 20/12, Izhar sakit, aku dan bunda ngurusin ke dokter.
Minggu 21/12, Bapak joglo ke Riau membawa kamera yang berisi foto2 resepsi demian - yulia yang belum aku transfer. Minggu 28/12, Bapak joglo pulang Senin 29/12, Foto baru didapat dan langsung diposting. Cheers, frizzy2008. Corporate philosophy The aim of our corporation is to constantly develop and create a highly efficient and productive organization that operates under any circumstances with the ultimate purpose to achieve a durable organizational that can adapt to any environment. This is measured by the external objectives of firstly, profit; secondly an expanding market share; thirdly information gathering and finally the enhancement of our corporate image.These are based on our belief that: information is a resource, time is money, management is profit, and people are assets.
Thus we treat information as the resource, time as the money, management as the profit and talent as the capital. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: By Mark Ward Technology correspondent, BBC News Bletchley Park is best known for the work done on cracking the German codes and helping to bring World War II to a close far sooner than might have happened without those code breakers. But many believe Bletchley should be celebrated not just for what it ended but also for what it started - namely the computer age.
The pioneering machines at Bletchley were created to help codebreakers cope with the enormous volume of enciphered material the Allies managed to intercept. The machine that arguably had the greatest influence in those early days of computing was Colossus - a re-built version of which now resides in the National Museum of Computing which is also on the Bletchley site.
Men and machine The Enigma machines were used by the field units of the German Army, Navy and Airforce. But the communications between Hitler and his generals were protected by different machines: The Lorenz SZ40 and SZ42. The German High Command used the Lorenz machine because it was so much faster than the Enigma, making it much easier to send large amounts of text. 'For about 500 words Enigma was reasonable but for a whole report it was hopeless,' said Jack Copeland, professor of philosophy at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, director of the Turing Archive and a man with a passionate interest in the Bletchley Park computers. Hut 6 during wartime, Bletchley Park Trust The Allies first picked up the stream of enciphered traffic, dubbed Tunny, in 1940. The importance of the material it contained soon became apparent. Like Enigma, the Lorenz machines enciphered text by mixing it with characters generated by a series of pinwheels.
'We broke wheel patterns for a whole year before Colossus came in,' said Captain Jerry Roberts, one of the codebreakers who deciphered Tunny traffic at Bletchley. 'Because of the rapid expansion in the use of Tunny, our efforts were no longer enough and we had to have the machines in to do a better job.' The man who made Colossus was Post Office engineer Tommy Flowers, who had instantly impressed Alan Turing when asked by the maverick mathematician to design a machine to help him in his war work. But, said Capt Roberts, Flowers could not have built his machine without the astonishing work of Cambridge mathematician Bill Tutte. 'I remember seeing him staring into the middle distance and twiddling his pencil and I wondered if he was earning his corn,' said Capt Roberts.
But it soon became apparent that he was. 'He figured out how the Lorenz machine worked without ever having seen one and he worked out the algorithm that broke the traffic on a day-to-day basis,' said Capt Roberts. 'If there had not been Bill Tutte, there would not have been any need for Tommy Flowers,' he said. 'The computer would have happened later. Valve trouble Prof Copeland said Tommy Flowers faced scepticism from Bletchley Park staff and others that his idea for a high-speed computer employing thousands of valves would ever work. Valves on Colossus, BBC 'Flowers was very much swimming against the current as valves were only being used in small units,' he said.
'But the idea of using large numbers of valves reliably was Tommy Flowers' big thing. He'd experimented and knew how to control the parameters.' And work it did. The close co-operation between the human translators and the machines meant that the Allies got a close look at the intimate thoughts of the German High Command. Information gleaned from Tunny was passed to the Russians and was instrumental in helping it defeat the Germans at Kursk - widely seen as one of the turning points of WWII.
The greater legacy is the influence of Colossus on the origins of the computer age. 'Tommy Flowers was the key figure for everything that happened subsequently in British computers,' said Prof Copeland. After the war Bletchley veterans Alan Turing and Max Newman separately did more work on computers using the basic designs and plans seen in Colossus. Turing worked on the Automatic Computing Engine for the British government and Newman helped to bring to life the Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine - widely acknowledged as the first stored program computer. The work that went into Colossus also shaped the thinking of others such as Maurice Wilkes, Freddie Williams, Tom Kilburn and many others - essentially the whole cast of characters from whom early British computing arose. And the rest, as they say, is history. Cheers, frizzy2008.
Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Microsoft has given yet another reprieve to its seasoned Windows XP operating system. The cut off date for PC makers to obtain licenses for the software was 31 January 2009. But now Microsoft has put in place a scheme that will allow the hardware firms to get hold of XP licences until 30 May 2009. Previously Microsoft extended XP's life until 2010 - provided it was installed on netbooks and low-cost laptops. Windows XP was originally due to disappear off shop shelves on 30 January 2008.
It was to be removed so as to make way for Windows Vista which went on sale to consumers early in 2007. Despite Microsoft's claims that Vista has sold well, consumers have reacted badly to its release.
Microsoft granted the reprieve largely because of customer's preference for XP. Many PC makers also got around the restrictions by exploiting a clause in Microsoft's licensing terms that allowed them to offer a 'downgrade' licence. Issued with a new PC running Vista it allowed customers to replace it with XP. The latest reprieve affects PC makers and resellers who were working to a 31 January 2009 deadline to order licences for XP.
Many feared they would have to stockpile licences before the cut-off and hope they could sell them in the coming months. Now, Microsoft has changed the terms allowing the resellers to order before 31 January but take delivery at any time up to 30 May. The change in policy is another indication of the general resistance to Windows Vista. Early versions of Windows 7, the replacement for Vista, are due to appear in late 2009. By BBC Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: Link for The biennial International Radio Playwriting Competition is run by the BBC World Service and the British Council and is now in its eleventh year. It is a competition for anyone resident outside Britain, to write a 60 minute radio drama for up to six characters.
There are two categories: one for writers with English as their first language and one for writers with English as their second language. The two winners will come to London and see their play made into a full radio production, which will then be broadcast on the BBC World Service. They will also each receive a £2,500 prize and there are also prizes for the runners up. The play must be in English, unpublished and must not have been previously produced in any medium.
Whether you're experienced, new, or somewhere in between, we want to hear from you. Just check the Rules and How to Enter sections to find out more about sending us your play. Once again, we have two first prizes: for the best play by a writer with English as their first language and for the best play by a writer with English as their second language.
These two winners will each receive £2500 sterling and a trip to London to see their play being recorded for broadcast on BBC World Service in the World Drama slot. * £2500 sterling for the overall winning playwright of the best play written with English as a first language and a trip to London to see the play being recorded and to attend a prize-giving evening. * £2500 sterling for the overall winning playwright of the best play written with English as a second language and a trip to London to see the play being recorded and to attend a prizegiving evening. * A prize of a digital or short wave radio for the best radio play to be written from each of the following geographical areas: The Americas; Europe; Africa and the Middle East; South Asia; Russia and the Caucasus; Asia and Pacific. * BBC goodie bags for all writers whose plays reach the judges' final shortlist.
Playwriting Competition 2009 BBC World Service Drama Room 118 East Wing Bush House London WC2B 4PH United Kingdom Cheers, frizzy2008. Fahmi Rizwansyah says: “Rotten egg” smell? The presence of hydrogen sulfide in water gives it an unpleasant smell, sometimes even rendering it unusable. Cloudy water? Raw water comes into your home with any number of impurities that cause turbidity. Chlorine taste or smell? Municipalities use chlorine to disinfect water.
However, not only does it taste and smell unappealing but it also has a drying effect on skin and hair. Musty, earthy, fishy taste or smell? Caused by algae, molds and bacteria that live in water and can multiply within a home’s plumbing system. Metallic taste or smell? Generally caused by metals such as iron and manganese, these substances not only taste and smell bad but can also be harmful to your health.
Calcium and magnesium ions in water create hardness, which is what causes soap scum in tubs and showers and spots on faucets and fixtures. Hard water is also what causes scaling in appliances, which results in less efficiency and costly repairs. By Kinetico Cheers, frizzy2008.
Silicate minerals are rock-forming minerals made up of silicate groups. They are the largest and most important class of rock-forming minerals and make up approximately 90 percent of the Earth's crust. They are classified based on the structure of their silicate groups, which contain different ratios of silicon and oxygen. Lawsonite is a hydrous calcium aluminium sorosilicate mineral with formula CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2H2O. Lawsonite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system in prismatic, often tabular crystals. Crystal twinning is common.
It forms transparent to translucent colorless, white, and bluish to pinkish grey glassy to greasy crystals. Refractive indices are n?=1.665, n?=1.672 - 1.676, and n?=1.684 - 1.686. It is typically almost colorless in thin section, but some lawsonite is pleochroic from colorless to pale yellow to pale blue, depending on orientation. The mineral has a Mohs hardness of 8 and a specific gravity of 3.09. It has perfect cleavage in two directions and a brittle fracture. Ilvaite is a sorosilicate of iron and calcium with formula: CaFe2+2Fe3+Si2O7O(OH).
Both manganese and magnesium substitute in the structure. Ilvaite crystallizes in the monoclinic system in black prismatic crystals and columnar masses. It is black to brownish black to gray and opaque. It has a Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6 and a specific gravity of 3.8 to 4.1. Ilvaite is structurally related to lawsonite. It occurs in contact metamorphic rocks and skarn ore deposits.
It also occurs less commonly in syenites. Ilvaite was first described in 1811 on the island of Elba and the name ilvaite from the Latin name ilva of the island.
Sometimes referred to as yenite. Commonly encountered species and varieties: Schorl species: Brownish black to black—schorl Dravite species: from the Drave district of Carinthia Dark yellow to brownish black—dravite Elbaite species: named after the island of Elba, Italy Red or pinkish-red—rubellite variety Light blue to bluish green—Brazilian indicolite variety (from indigo) Green—verdelite or Brazilian emerald variety Enstatite is a mineral; the magnesium endmember of the pyroxene silicate mineral series enstatite (MgSiO3) - ferrosilite (FeSiO3). The magnesium rich members of the solid solution series are common rock-forming minerals found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. The intermediate composition, (Mg,Fe)SiO3, has historically been known as hypersthene, although this name has been formally abandoned and replaced by orthopyroxene. When determined petrographically or chemically the composition is given as relative proportions of enstatite (En) and ferrosilite Monoclinic cummingtonite is compositionally similar and polymorphic with orthorhombic anthophyllite, which is a much more common form of magnesium-rich amphibole, the latter being metastable. Cummingtonite shares few compositional similarities with alkali amphiboles such as arfvedsonite, glaucophane-riebeckite. There is little solubility between these minerals due to different crystal habit and inability of substitution between alkali elements and ferro-magnesian elements within the amphibole structure.