Brandt Trumpet Etudes Pdf Editor
Goto page 1, ->:: Author Message rararamen New Member Joined: 15 Feb 2015 Posts: 5 Location: Houston Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:24 am Post subject: Brandt 34 studies Does anyone have the Brandt 34 studies etude book. The Texas all state etudes come out today and I'm out of luck.

He suggests pronouncing 'taw-ee' while playing. The editor recommends adding little more air on the top note. (Such a technique is also needed to accomplish trills.) Arban devotes half of this whole section, though, to lip slurs. He concludes this section with a series of advanced studies combining slurred and staccato. Carousel previouscarousel next. Vassily Brandt - 34 Studies. Charles Colins, Lip Flexibilities. Claude Gordon - Systamatic Approach to Daily Practice. Charlier - 36 Etudes for Trumpet. David Hickman - Trumpet Lessons - Volume 1, Tone Production. Vassily Brandt - Thirty-four Orchestal Etudes for Trumpet. 160by2 Software Download For Pc there. Max Schlossberg.

If anyone has it, I'll need a favor. _________________ ~Music Man danny45635 Veteran Member Joined: 01 Feb 2015 Posts: 499 Location: New York Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:31 am Post subject: I have it. What exudes do you need to learn? How long do you have to learn the etudes?
_________________ Bach 37/25, Bach 72*/43, Bach D, Bach/Larson C, Schilke P5-4 danny45635 Veteran Member Joined: 01 Feb 2015 Posts: 499 Location: New York Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:37 am Post subject: Oh and there is a free off version of it online. It's on this site called imslp. Here's a link: (Brandt,_Victor_Fredrik_Albert) Everything on this site is legal to my knowlage so don't worry. Hope this helps EDIT I tried the link and it didn't work.
So just try googling it. _________________ Bach 37/25, Bach 72*/43, Bach D, Bach/Larson C, Schilke P5-4 Last edited by danny45635 on Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total oxleyk Heavyweight Member Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 3769 Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:38 am Post subject: Sheet Music Plus has it, Is the 34 Studies book different from the Etudes for Trumpet book? I have Etudes for Trumpet.
Kent Craig Swartz Heavyweight Member Joined: 14 Jan 2005 Posts: 7438 Location: Des Moines, IA area Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:45 am Post subject: Go here: There are probably 30 more places to buy the book online, it took me about 30 seconds to find these. Buy the book, it's standard trumpet material. (I'd buy the first on listed as it also has the 24 Last Etudes and costs less.) Man up, get in the habit of providing for yourself. If nothing else, it's what we need to do to keep the publications people and composers working for us. Good luck with the audition. Rararamen New Member Joined: 15 Feb 2015 Posts: 5 Location: Houston Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:50 am Post subject: I have no intentions of buying the book. I was just wondering if anyone could be a bro and scan a few of them for me and email me them.
_________________ ~Music Man rararamen New Member Joined: 15 Feb 2015 Posts: 5 Location: Houston Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:26 am Post subject: danny45635 wrote: I have it. What exudes do you need to learn? How long do you have to learn the etudes? I need etudes 7, 30, and 15. I have a masterclass on it next Monday.
_________________ ~Music Man razeontherock Heavyweight Member Joined: 05 Jun 2004 Posts: 10381 Location: The land of GR and Getzen Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:45 am Post subject: I've been working up #15 with double tonguing. #26 is great for that too, well worth buying. Danny45635 Veteran Member Joined: 01 Feb 2015 Posts: 499 Location: New York Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:47 am Post subject: If I were you, I would try to get the whole book.
My trumpet teacher says the book is used a lot in college (so it's quite worth it to but the whole book). I don't have any way to scan it so yeah. The most help I can give you is trying to find a pdf online. _________________ Bach 37/25, Bach 72*/43, Bach D, Bach/Larson C, Schilke P5-4 Turkle Heavyweight Member Joined: 29 Apr 2008 Posts: 1743 Location: New York City Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:48 am Post subject: I use this digital version, compiled and edited by Rich Willey: It's only $9, which is not a lot of money for something that is EXTREMELY worth practicing and can provide literally years of study material if you practice it correctly. Surprisingly difficult in ways you wouldn't expect! _________________ '08 Yamaha 8310zs '62 Connstellation 38B '64 Connstellation 38A '94 Bach Strad Bb L 25 '72 Bach Strad Bb ML 37 '72 Bach Strad CML 239 '?? Yamaha YFH-231 Flugel '38 King Master Cornet Curry 3.
Crazy Finn Heavyweight Member Joined: 27 Dec 2001 Posts: 6800 Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:52 am Post subject: Craig Swartz wrote: Buy the book, it's standard trumpet material. (I'd buy the first on listed as it also has the 24 Last Etudes and costs less.) Man up, get in the habit of providing for yourself.
If nothing else, it's what we need to do to keep the publications people and composers working for us. Good luck with the audition.
It costs about two fancy cups of coffee. You'll be using it for a long time in any serious trumpet studies. I got in high school, and still have to use it - a few decades later. Of course, if you're not serious, don't bother. Rararamen wrote: I have no intentions of buying the book. I was just wondering if anyone could be a bro and scan a few of them for me and email me them.
If you can't be bothered to buy and can't be bothered to use (it's on there), then I'm certainly not going to bothered to 'help a bro.' Life doesn't hand stuff to you on a silver platter in the real world and the citizens of the world are not here to serve you. Help yourself out.
_________________ LA Benge 3X Bb Trumpet Selmer Radial Bb Trumpet Yamaha 6335S Bb Trumpet Besson 709 Bb Trumpet Bach 184L Bb Cornet Yamaha 731 Bb Flugelhorn TrumpetDan79 Veteran Member Joined: 27 Jan 2015 Posts: 148 Location: Los Angeles/Orange County Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:02 am Post subject: Rararamen, I am a trumpet teacher here in San Antonio, and will working on the material with the vast majority of my studio. I bought the book. I'm taking the time to work up the etudes despite all the other material on my plate. I strongly recommend you take it upon yourself to do the same vs. Ncomputing Vspace For Windows 7 Server 6 6 9 1 Zip Bags. Rely on others to locate this material for you.
It's as easy as going to IMSLP, downloading the file, printing it, and marking the errata, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. Sdgtpt Heavyweight Member Joined: 30 Mar 2004 Posts: 770 Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:04 pm Post subject: If he's not willing to buy the damn book. He probably can't be bothered to do the actual practicing involved to learn them at any kind of respectable level. Buy the book and get to work. BrucknerTheTrumpet Regular Member Joined: 18 Aug 2014 Posts: 64 Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:20 pm Post subject: Also, listening to quality examples of the material being performed should prove beneficial. Not only will it expedite the reading process, but it'll provide you with a reference by which to guide your practice and help inform musical decisions. Below is a link to OrchTrump's YouTube recording of Brandt Etude No.
I recommend listening to his YouTube recordings. While not perfect, they act as an excellent reference (at least initially). All the best, BTT _________________ 'We may not be changing the world dramatically, but we're improving it one note at a time.' -Sammy Nestico djpearlman Veteran Member Joined: 30 Aug 2002 Posts: 355 Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:18 pm Post subject: The link does work if you include the whole thing including the stuff in parentheses.
(Brandt,_Victor_Fredrik_Albert) _________________ Dan Pearlman Santa Fe, NM - Monette Cornette - Lawler cornet - Carolbrass Pocket Trumpet - Monette mouthpieces derekthor Veteran Member Joined: 01 Oct 2012 Posts: 406 Location: St. Paul, Minnesota Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:40 pm Post subject: rararamen wrote: I have no intentions of buying the book. I was just wondering if anyone could be a bro and scan a few of them for me and email me them. It would be the bigger bro move to buy the damn book instead of being a freeloader. If you want the art to live at all, you'll throw a few bones towards a publisher kind enough to put out a great book of etudes. Danny45635 Veteran Member Joined: 01 Feb 2015 Posts: 499 Location: New York Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:50 pm Post subject: derekthor wrote: rararamen wrote: I have no intentions of buying the book.
I was just wondering if anyone could be a bro and scan a few of them for me and email me them. It would be the bigger bro move to buy the damn book instead of being a freeloader. If you want the art to live at all, you'll throw a few bones towards a publisher kind enough to put out a great book of etudes. Now that you say freeloader, wouldn't it be hilarious if his name was Freddie? _________________ Bach 37/25, Bach 72*/43, Bach D, Bach/Larson C, Schilke P5-4 oxleyk Heavyweight Member Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 3769 Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:46 am Post subject: danny45635 wrote: derekthor wrote: rararamen wrote: I have no intentions of buying the book. I was just wondering if anyone could be a bro and scan a few of them for me and email me them.
It would be the bigger bro move to buy the damn book instead of being a freeloader. If you want the art to live at all, you'll throw a few bones towards a publisher kind enough to put out a great book of etudes.
Now that you say freeloader, wouldn't it be hilarious if his name was Freddie? Jerry Heavyweight Member Joined: 20 Jan 2002 Posts: 1604 Location: San Diego Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:13 am Post subject: oxleyk, Google 'Red Skelton.' Oxleyk Heavyweight Member Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 3769 Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:12 am Post subject: Jerry wrote: oxleyk, Google 'Red Skelton.' Jerry, Google 'Miles Davis.' Display posts from previous: ->All times are GMT - 8 Hours Goto page 1, Page 1 of 2 Jump to: You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot vote in polls in this forum.
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I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass. My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air, Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same, I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin, Hoping to cease not till death. Creeds and schools in abeyance, Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten, I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard, Nature without check with original energy. 2 Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, the shelves are crowded with perfumes, I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it, The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it. The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has no taste of the distillation, it is odorless, It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it, I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me.