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🙂 HOW TO USE THIS CHART • Type in an unusual word or two from the QUESTION only • The Correct Answer will be in ALL CAPS or have the word “CORRECT” beside it in brackets ROUND 1 ANSWER CHART WW2BAM – ROUND 1 – QUESTIONS ANSWER In the 1997 film “Donnie Brasco,” Johnnie Depp memorably explains the varied nuances of what mob phrase? “FORGET ABOUT IT!” Which of these oft-quoted movie lines was originally spoken by Dustin Hoffman? “I’M WALKING HERE!” On a football field,the 50-yard line is located how many feet from either team’s goal line? 150 FEET As those who observe it well know, lent traditionally lasts how long? 40 DAYS The moon is roughly how far from the Earth?
240,000 MILES Haley’s comet, which last appeared in and will next return in 2061, takes how long to orbit the sun? 75 YEARS According to its commercial jingle, consumers are advised to use what amount of Daisy sour cream?
A DOLLOP In “The Princess Bride”,the vengeful Inigo Montoya seeks a murderer who has what? SIX FINGERS What is a bodega? A SMALL GROCERY STORE In the 2010 sequel “Tron:Legacy,” Jeff Bridges reprises his 1982 role in “Tron” as a man transformed into what? A COMPUTER PROGRAM The original cover art of the children’s classic “Charlotte’s Web” features all but which of the following? A TOAD In the 1995 comedy “Tommy Boy,” Chris Farley ruins David Spade’s clothes as he sings, “Fat guy in” what? A LITTLE COAT What punny prize is doled out each year by real Nobel laureates to highlight unusual research?
IG NOBEL The catastrophic 2010 BP oil spill resulted from the explosion of an offshore drilling rig with what name? DEEPWATER HORIZON Typically flavored with caraway seeds,which of these spirits derives its name from the Latin for “water of life”? AQUAVIT The American Dialect Society’s 2006 Word of the Year “to pluto” something means to do what to it? DEVALUE IT Established in 1990, the James Beard Foundation Awards recognizes excellency in which of these fields?
CUISINE Because they lack extra strokes on their letters, fonts like “Arial” and “Helvetica” are called “sans” what? SERIF Which of these sheet music notations directs a musician to play “lovingly”?
AMOROSO By definition, an analgesic is a type of medication intended primarily to do what? RELIEVE PAIN The word “aide,” used generally to refer to an assistant,is short for what longer French expression? AIDE-DE-CAMP Introduced in 1987,Viking is a popular high-end brand of which of these household items? COOKING RANGES What hit TV series’ pilot was a two-hour movie titled “Panic at Malibu Pier”? BAYWATCH In 1835, Charles Darwin spent five weeks observing the indigenous life on what chain of islands?
THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS Known for its spiciness,what Italian pasta sauce has a name that literally translates to “Brother Devil”? FRA DIAVOLO What 2010 movie prominently features a mythical beast called a kraken? CLASH OF THE TITANS Before becoming a successful film director, Rob Reiner played Michael Stivic on what classic sitcom? ALL IN THE FAMILY Produced in France since 1849, Cointreau is a popular liquor with what distinctive flavor? ORANGE Reflecting its owners’ religious faith, what fashion retailer prints “John 3:16” on its yellow shopping bags?
FOREVER 21 For several seasons, Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper have helped contestants on what reality TV show? THE BIGGEST LOSER Launched in 1964, Kellogg’s pop tarts were named for “pop art,” a movement popularized by whom? ANDY WARHOL In 1587, Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded for her part in a plot to assassinate which British monarch? ELIZABETH I Whose NY Times obituary noted that “his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America’s image of style”? RICHARD AVEDON In humans,the trachea is a tube that runs in front of what other body part? ESOPHAGUS The 2007 finance book “Grande Expectations,” chronicles what U.S. Company’s stock prices?
STARBUCKS Which of the following is the title of a 1963 Marvin Gaye song and not a phrase commonly uttered by courtroom attorneys? CAN I GET A WITNESS In geometry, which of these measurements applies only to circles and not triangles? CIRCUMFERENCE UGG, a trendy brand that specializes in sheepskin boots, originated in what country? AUSTRALIA Represented by a set of scales,what sign of the zodiac is derived from the Latin word for “pound”? LIBRA In which of these locations would a redcap most likely work? RAILROAD STATION Winner of seventeen James Beard awards, “Saveur” magazine primarily covers what topic?
CUISINE The Tasman Sea is part of what ocean? PACIFIC Which of these chart-topping albums was recorded by an “American Idol” champion?
SOME HEARTS “Saltimbocca,” the name of a flavorful Italian veal dish, means what in English? JUMP IN THE MOUTH In 2011,a Utah KFC controversially donated $1 for every giant soda sold to help cure what sugar-sensitive disease?
DIABETES Built to mark the 2,500th anniversary of the Persian Empire,the Azadi Tower is a landmark in what capital city? TEHRAN What French phrase, meaning “equal to,” is commonly used to refer to foreign nannies? AU PAIR Which of these stars is not among the few to have won an Emmy, Oscar, Grammy, and Tony? JULIE ANDREWS The head chef of a restaurant is often assisted by a person with what title? SOUS-CHEF In 1983,February 11th was declared “National Inventors’ Day,” fittingly the birthday of what great American? THOMAS EDISON Traditionally,s’mores are made by sandwiching chocolate and marshmallows between what?
GRAHAM CRACKERS Since 2003,what company has employed the advertising slogan “Imagination at work”? GENERAL ELECTRIC On the 2010 Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s largest companies,3 of the top 4 are in what sector? OIL Commonly used as seating in restaurants,banquettes are what type of furniture?
PADDED BENCHES By definition, which of these vessels is a canoe? KAYAK Having nothing to do with their political views, what sport features players labeled as right and left wing? HOCKEY In a memorable scene from “Beverly Hills Cop,” what does Detective Axel Foley use to disable a car?
BANANAS In which of these sports does the clock count up rather than down? SOCCER What kitchen utensil is often found in four-sided and six-sided versions?
GRATER Shel Silverstein spent over 3 years on the bestseller lists with his 1981 book “A Light in the” what? ATTIC Which of these objects is not part of the contraption at the center of the board game “Mouse Trap?” BICYCLE Which of these superstar superheroes,when properly spelled,has a hyphen before the “man”? SPIDERMAN Inspiring a character in a Robert Redford film,Buck Brannaman is known for his ability to “whisper” to what animals? HORSES By definition,Angora wool comes from one of two animals:the Angora goat or the Angora what? RABBIT Which of these winged creatures is not featured in the U.S.
Postal stamp series “Pollination”? EAGLE Created in the Chesapeake Bay area,Old Bay seasoning was meant to go with what type of food?
SEAFOOD The name of a popular menu item at Taco Bell, “gordita” is a Spanish word that literally means what? FATTY An article on titled “Frying Nemo” determines whether what animals can truly feel pain?
FISH In a 2008 interview, who did Oprah ask, “If you could take it back, would you still jump on the sofa?” TOM CRUISE The name of what headgear is derived from an old Persian term meaning “to tie”? TURBAN Though it sounds like a movie awards category,which of these is the name of a hotel chain? BEST WESTERN Which of these is not a type of jewelry, but rather a device for monitoring alcohol consumption?
SCRAM BRACELET When kissed,which of these landmarks is said to endow visitors with the “gift of gab”? BLARNEY STONE “He’s got crazy flipper fingers” and “Never tilts at all” are lyrics from a 1969 song by The Who titled what? PINBALL WIZARD What Tony-winning Broadway musical features a cast of risque, R-rated puppets? AVENUE Q Before he hit it big, what singer composed the famous ad jingle, “I’m stuck on BandAid”? BARRY MANILOW On the classic TV series “Welcome Back Kotter” what subject did Mr.
Kotter teach? SOCIAL STUDIES At the beginning of a game of chess,what pieces occupy the four corners of the board?
ROOKS According to a 2001 study at Sydney University, belly button lint is most likely what color? BLUE The classic Burberry check is a famous plaid pattern that features all but which of these colors? EMERALD In 1667, the Dutch traded Manhattan for the tiny Indonesian island of Rum, valuable for its abundance of what spice? NUTMEG Because people aren’t using it much, what term was scrapped from the New Oxford American Dictionary in 2005? INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY Which of the following words was spelled backwards in the movie and novel “The Shining”? MURDER A popular style of music,the blues takes its name from a shortened form of what phrase?
BLUE DEVILS According to an old nautical expression, when facing a difficult time you should do what to the hatches? BATTEN DOWN The monthly magazine “Cuesport” is primarily targeted toward enthusiasts of what game? POOL In 2010, “Survivor:Nicaragua” was won by Jud Birza,a 21-year-old male model with with apt nickname? FABIO The subject of a much-publicized hoax in 2009, 6-year old Falcon Heene was better known in the media as what? BALLOON BOY Famous for its 18th-century architecture,the historic neighborhood “Society Hill” lies in what city? PHILADELPHIA In the U.S., the Sherwin-Williams company is the largest producer of what product?
PAINT Made popular by men in the 50s, what hairstyle is named after a French mistress from the 1700s? POMPADOUR A person who is fighting imaginary opponents is said to be “tilting at a” what? WINDMILLS In 2004, who spawned a rubber-bracelet trend by selling yellow wristwear to raise money for charity? LANCE ARMSTRONG After Russia, what is the largest country in the world by land area?
CANADA Made with a beefy patty,an egg and beetroot,the McDonald’s Kiwiburger has only been sold in what country? NEW ZEALAND Popular in India, paneer is a type of what food?
CHEESE Passed by Congress in 1798, the Sedition Act focused on what problem? TREASONOUS ACTIVITY The largest of the all parrots, the hyacinth macaw’s plumage is what distinctive color? DEEP BLUE Mary Magdalene is often depicted as having what color hair, a detail that provides a key clue in “The Da Vinci Code?” RED “Hold Me Closer,Tony Danza,” a 2007 book about misheard song lyrics,references a song by whom? ELTON JOHN In the novel “A Tale of Two Cities,” Madame Defarge spends most of her time doing what? KNITTING In the act that incited WWI,Serbian Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 in what city?
SARAJEVO In the Schoolhouse Rock cartoon “Conjunction Function,” individual words are portrayed on what? TRAIN CARS Which of these fast food chains specializes in burgers known as “sliders”? MCDONALD’S What restaurant chain is famous for its trademarked Horsey Sauce? ARBYS The phrase “Quality is Our Recipe” is part of the logo of what fast-food chain? KFC In real estate listings, the common acronym “FSBO” means “for sale” what? BY OWNER On a man’s jacket, “notch” and “peak” are two common styles of what?
LAPELS What is the real first name of movie director Spike Lee? SHELTON THE SEC is a government agency that was established in response to what national event? 1929 STOCK MARKET CRASH Due to the way the player’s legs move,the difficult soccer maneuver known as a “scissors kick” is also called a what? BICYCLE KICK Like the tomato, which of the following is usually considered to be a vegetable but is really a fruit?
ZUCCINI The movie “Steel Magnolias” is often credited with a surge in popularity of what type of cake,popular in the South? RED VELVET CAKE The feel-good adjective “Cabraesque” is derived from the last name of a famous what? MOVIE DIRECTOR Found in Asia and Africa,jackals belong to the same family as what domesticated animals? DOGS The TV series “Ugly Betty” is set at the offices of what fictional “Vogue-like” magazine? MODE In the song “Folsum Prison Blues,” Johnny Cash claims, “I shot a man in Reno” for what callous reason? JUST TO WATCH HIM DIE Super-bowl winning coach Jimmy Johnson made his debut on what reality TV show in 2010? SURVIVOR Who is Michael Buble?
GRAMMY-WINNING SINGER A toilet plunger’s rubber head is an effective “mute” for which of these musical instruments? TRUMPET The dinar is the official currency of several countries in what region of the world? MIDDLE EAST Because it doesn’t contain yeast,which of these breads is considered a quick bread? CORN BREAD Which of these healthy edibles is a type of algae? KELP Marketed as a low-fat food, what cereal brand “challenges” consumers to “drop a jean size in 2 weeks”? SPECIAL K Which of these was not a member of the original cast of “Saturday Night Live”?
BILL MURRAY Which of these U.S. Cities is named after an ancient Greek city, not a Native American tribe?
SYRACUSE In which of these cities are you most likely to “suck the heads” at a traditional crawfish boil with friends? NEW ORLEANS Which of these newspapers is published the farthest west? LOS ANGELES TIMES Which of these illnesses is caused by a bacteria,not a virus? STREP THROAT Because it is primarily spread through saliva,what illness is popularly known as the “kissing disease”? MONONUCLEOSIS By definition, what does a gamekeeper keep? ANIMALS Often dubbed “the St.Tropez of South America,” Punta del Este is an upscale resort located where?
URUGUAY In a casino, someone who brings bad luck to a winning table is known as a what? COOLER Between the ages of 6 and 10,President Obama resided primarily in what country? INDONESIA At Chinese restaurants,which of these menu items is traditionally deep-fried? EGG ROLL “The Wicker Man, the Weather Man, and the Family man” are all films starring what lead man?
NICOLAS CAGE In the 2009 movie “The Hangover,” what eccentric celeb cameos as the owner of a stolen tiger? MIKE TYSON Because it was the highest point on the Ohio & Erie Canal,what city’s name derives from the Greek word for “high place”?
AKRON In the 2010 movie “Shutter Island,” Shutter Island is primarily home to what? MENTAL INSTITUTION Which of these Charlie Chaplin movies was intended to make fun of Adolph Hitler? THE GREAT DICTATOR Prior to becoming a world famous Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli had what occupation? LAWYER Deadly Nadders, Hideous Zipplebacks and Gronckles are feared creatures in what 2010 movie?
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON In movies, what actor has twice portrayed Dr. Alex Cross, the hero of several James Patterson movies? MORGAN FREEMAN Often seen in postcards of Paris,the historic Pont-Neuf is what type of structure? BRIDGE Which of these is not an example of static electricity at work? A CELL PHONE CHARGING The 2010 “Under the Boardwalk” documentary tracks the evolution and popularity of which classic board game?
MONOPOLY Paleontologists believe that which of these prehistoric animals were likely covered in feathers? VELOCIRAPTOR Pectin,a water-soluble carbohydrate,is an important ingredient in which of the following? JELLY The Broadway musical “American Idiot” is a stage adaptation of a popular album by what band?
GREEN DAY The Web site is a marketplace for buying and selling secondhand what? ENGAGEMENT RINGS In what U.S.
State would you find the American Indian pueblo of Zuni? NEW MEXICO A lover of learning, as of 2010 James Franco has enrolled in all but which of these universities? HARVARD In criminal law, a plea of “nolo contendre” is more commonly known as a plea of “no” what? CONTEST In 2010,Robert Halderman was sentenced to six months in jail for attempting to blackmail what late night comic? DAVID LETTERMAN Though scientists can now simulate the process,what milk’s preparation traditionally involved churning? BUTTERMILK Which of these classic board games is designed for the youngest age group?
CHUTES AND LADDERS In their campy 70s act, members of the Village People typically dressed like all but which of these people? FIREFIGHTER Web sites like charge for some of their content by keeping it behind a so-called what? PAY WALL Many scientists have reported that what malodorous cheese is as attractive to mosquitoes as human feet? LIMBURGER The Italian word “piazza” means what? OPEN SQUARE The “O” in Irish names like “O’Neill” and “O’Casey”comes from “ua”,an Irish word meaning what? GRANDSON In 2010, a British government official praised which of these TV actresses as a curvy role model for women? CHRISTINA HENDRICKS According to the title of a popular folk song, what animal is “in the Straw”?
TURKEY In 2011,what late night funnyman consented to an on-air beard shaving by Will Ferrell? CONAN O’BRIEN The 2010 movie “The Social Network” tells the real-life story of the young founders of what wildly popular website? FACEBOOK What is the singular form of the word “criteria”? CRITERION On dress shirts,button-down,spread and tab are popular types of what? COLLAR Developed by an elementary school teacher, Airborne is a popular herbal remedy that aims to do what?
FIGHT OFF COLDS Orzo is a type of Italian pasta shaped like what? GRAINS OF RICE Which of these actresses shares her name with a common shade of brown? SIENNA MILLER Candy made from fruits and nuts bound in starch and dusted with sugar is known as what kind of “delight”? TURKISH Created by a college professor, what is the CORRECT order when typing the original emoticon for a smiley face? COLON, DASH, PARENTHESES “World Without End” is the title of the 2007 follow-up to what author’s best-selling “Pillars of the Earth”? KEN FOLLETT The 2010 memoir “Confessions of a Prairie Bitch” was written by an actress who played what bratty TV character? NELLIE OLESON Which of these U.S.
States has a postal abbreviation whose letters are not in alphabetical order? NEW MEXICO For years, the Slim-Fast slogan was a “shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then a ” what for dinner? SENSIBLE DINNER Named for a line of eighteenth century kings, Georgian architecture originated in what country? ENGLAND Which “Dancing With the Stars” professional shares their name with a well-known brand of vodka? KARINA SMIRNOFF What MLB team has gone longer without winning the World Series than any other franchise in history?
CHICAGO CUBS What book of the Bible derives its name from the Greek word for “creation”? GENESIS Often governing the use of music,books and films acquired online,”DRM” stands for what kind of “Management”? DIGITAL RIGHTS The gossip Web site or “What Would Tyler Durden Do?” references a character from what film? FIGHT CLUB Which of these animals is a marsupial? WOMBAT In business, what phrase is used to describe traditional companies that do not exist purely on the Internet? BRICK AND MORTAR Introduced by infomercial legend Ron Popeil,GLH Formula Number 9 offers a solution to what problem? THINNING HAIR A statue of what movie character stands near the base of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art?
ROCKY BALBOA In what classic comedy does a confused Steve Martin memorably exclaim “Those aren’t pillows!”? PLANES,TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES Aimed at worn-out parents,the title of a best-selling 2011 kids’ book parody profanely urges kids to do what? GO TO SLEEP In 2010, what “reality” show finale revealed that its last scene was actually filmed on a Hollywood set?
THE HILLS In the children’s classic “Goodnight Moon,” what is the last thing that is bid “Goodnight”? NOISES EVERYWHERE Which of these Radio Hall of Fame inductees is nicknamed “King of the Countdowns”? CASEY KASEM A disorder where objects appear shrunken,Lilliputian hallucinations derives its name from what novel?
GULLIVER’S TRAVELS In 2010, what snack brand unveiled a new bag that, when crinkled, is reportedly louder than a jet cockpit? SUN CHIPS The catchphrase “to boldly go where no man has gone before” features what grammatical problem? SPLIT INFINITIVE In the film business, what tech-inspired term is often used to refer to “starting over” a popular film franchise? REBOOT What beverage is named for the football team at the University of Florida,where it was developed?
GATORADE Played by Honor Blackman,the provocatively named Pussy Galore is a character in what James Bond film? GOLDFINGER Which of these popular soft drink brands was named after a slang term for “moonshine”?
MOUNTAIN DEW As its name suggests, No “Zit” Sherlock is a beauty product that treats what unpleasant condition? ACNE Popularized by Audrey Hepburn,women’s shoes with short,slender heels are known as what? KITTEN HEELS Because its members are all related to a man named Leon, a rock band formed in 2000 has what name KINGS OF LEON Which of these animals hunts its prey using echolation, a system of biological sonar? BATS In 2008, George W. Bush ducked twice when an Iraqi journalist threw what at his head? SHOES What business was known as the Harold Company before it took the name of its most famous product?
XEROX “EE” is an academic course of study that stands for “electrical” what? ENGINEERING Which of the following is not one of the 5 ingredients listed on a pint of Haagan Dags ice cream? EGG WHITES President Barack Obama was born during whose presidential administration? LBJ Derived from a Spanish term for a newborn animal, a “cria” is used to refer to a baby what? LLAMA In 2010, what comedienne became the first woman in 16 years to host MTV’s Video Music Awards?
CHELSEA HANDLER Because of its abundance of bright lights, what New York city landmark is called “The Great White Way”? BROADWAY From 1883 until the 1950s what country claimed Vietnam as a country? FRANCE What does the “E” stand for in “NEA”,the government agency that provides funding for the arts? ENDOWMENT In the original edition of “Trivial Pursuit,” what category is represented by the color yellow? HISTORY To enhance its sense of authenticity, which of these TV dramas was shot on location in Austin, TX? FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Which of these government officials counts Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan as predecessors?
BEN BERNANKE Which of these American Revolutionary War figures is buried not in the United States,but in London,England? BENEDICT ARNOLD The members of the European Union that collectively use the euro are often referred to collectively as the what?
EUROZONE Which of these groups define almost all hemophiliacs? MALES Which “Desperate Housewives'” actress’s first name is also a noun meaning “happiness”? FELICITY HUFFMAN Sometimes used with historical dates, the abbreviation “B.C.E.” stands for “Before the Common” what? ERA By defitnition, a pitch helmet is a lightweight hat worn to protect the hat from what? SUN AND HEAT By definition, a “doula” provides assistance during which of these events? CHILDBIRTH In American Sign Language, how do you make the letter “S”? MAKE A FIST The long-time running prime time soap “Knots Landing” was a spin-off of what other long-time soap?
DALLAS In a popular ’80s TV theme,”you take the good,you take the bad,you take them both,and there you have” what? THE FACTS OF LIFE The U.S. Tested its first atomic bomb in 1945 near what location?
ALAMAGORDO, NM A “cinephile” is a person who is a devoted and knowledgeable fan of what? MOVIES What was the relationship between U.S. Presidents William and Benjamin Harrison? GRANDFATHER & GRANDSON The animated TV series “The Flintstones” was based on what earlier TV series?
THE HONEYMOONERS As its literal title suggests, “Stuck On You” stars Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon as an affable pair of what? CONJOINED TWINS Unimpressed by cupies, split lifts and basket tosses, a federal judge ruled in 2010 that what is not a sport? CHEERLEADING Which of these is a fancy word for a “bartender”? MIXOLOGIST In cosmetic surgery, the temple lift is a procedure that addresses which of the following? DROOPY EYES Describing a person as “sinistral” is a fancy way of saying they are what? LEFT-HANDED In 2010, for the first time in 27 years, the House of Reps censured one of its members, Charlie Rangel of what state? NEW YORK The Salton Sea is a large salt lake located in what U.S.
CALIFORNIA A largemouth angler specializes in catching a variety of what fish? BASS A musician can play notes on which of these instruments while inhaling? HARMONICA Before playing a cheerleading coach on “Glee,” Jane Lynch played the manager of Smart Tech in what comedy film? THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN How many queens does a typical honeybee nest have at any one time? ONE What food legend, though born in Indiana, is more closely associated with the state of Kentucky?
COLONEL SANDERS Octoberfest is a famous beer festival held each year in what German city? MUNICH In 1990, George H.W. Bush signed the U.S. Interstate System after what President? EISENHOWER Millions more viewers tuned in for Little Ricky’s birth on “I Love Lucy” than whose inauguration the next day? EISENHOWER In the opening credits,what cartoon dad drops off his two kids at “Little Dipper School” and “Orbit High School”?
GEORGE JETSON In the U.S.,the Amish speak both English and a particular dialect of what European language? GERMAN The controversial 1915 movie “The Birth of a Nation” depicts what historical event? CIVIL WAR One of “The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills,” Camille Grammer is the ex-wife of the star of what TV sitcom? FRASIER A raucous road trip featured in the 1996 movie “Swingers” is said to have popularized what catchphrase? Perhaps alluding to the diets of very small children,deciduous or “baby” teeth are also known as what? MILK TEETH In 2010, what author revealed that he was writing his memoir about his years living under a “fatwa” death sentence?
SALMAN RUSHDIE A 2010 Billboard hit,”Dog Days are Over” is a song by the British band “Florence and the” what? MACHINE Jose Canesco’s book “Juiced” primarily addresses what controversial sports topic? STEROID USE Often marketed as a cure-all for fatigue and aging, royal jelly is a secretion produced by what animals?
HONEY BEES What actor’s guest role on a Showtime series inspired the 2010 headline, “Close Encounters of the Weed Kind”? RICHARD DREYFUSS “Buddha” is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning what? ENLIGHTENED ONE Considered an “easy A,” what college-level course is often jokingly referred to as “Clapping for Credit”?
MUSIC APPRECIATION Though his successor removed them, what U.S. President was the first to install solar panels on the White House roof? JIMMY CARTER What former U.S. President is often referred to by the nickname “Poppy”? BUSH Which of these painters is known for his prominent use of gold leaf?
GUSTAV KLIMT Often called Coach K, he won a fourth NCAA men’s basketball title with what school in 2010? DUKE “You take the high road and I’ll take the low road” is a line from a traditional song of what people? SCOTTISH In 1995, what country created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine its past?
SOUTH AFRICA Like “screwdriver,” which of these words refers to both a tool and a type of cocktail? GIMLET The 2008 book “The Encyclopedia Shatnerica” is about an actor who starred in what classic TV show? STAR TREK Donning a sizeable gray-ribboned hat, who performed “My Country Tis of Thee” at Barack Obama’s inaugeration? ARETHA FRANKLIN In farm lingo,the eggs laid by one hen during a single nesting period are known as what? CLUTCH In 2008,Jeremy Piven quit a Broadway play,blaming Mercury poisoning he got from eating too much what? SUSHI Which of these Looney Tunes cartoons stars Pepe Le Pew and not Speedy Gonzalez?
ODOR-ABLE KITTY In 2009, what country’s runaway inflation led their reserve bank to issue 100 trillion dollar bills? ZIMBABWE Home to a 5,000-year-old stone circle,the Hebrides islands are located off the coast of what country? SCOTLAND “Ti amo” means “I love you” in what language? ITALIAN Popularized by celebrities like Madonna, Kaballah bracelets are made from what color string?
RED The official flag of the European Union features a ring of twelve gold stars on a field of what color? BLUE What Dr.Seuss tale is set “On the 15th of May,in the jungle of Nool,in the heat of the day,in the cool of the pool”? HORTON HEARS A WHO! In 1950,Senator Joe McCarthy became the central figure in a national crusade known as the what? RED SCARE An organization for bald men,Bald R Us celebrates its International Bald Holiday on the birthday of what Oscar winner? YUL BRYNNER In Michael Jackson’s “You Rock My World” video,what actor makes a fitting cameo as the boss of “The Waterfront Hotel”?
MARLON BRANDO What clothing retailer features a line of jeans called 1969, a nod to the year its first store opened? THE GAP In keeping with its maritime image,what fashion label’s logo features a J-class sailboat? NAUTICA Which of these stringed instruments often has over forty-five strings? HARP What musical instrument, when made with a vertical frame and strings, is called an “upright”? PIANO What classic TV show is the inspiration for the text message service MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Because the storms were so destructive,all but which of these hurricane names have been retired?
IDA The song “Over The River and Through The Woods” was originally an 1844 poem about what holiday? THANKSGIVING Which of these major cities is located in Pakistan? ISLAMABAD Though it didn’t feature buffalo wings as an in-flight snack,what chain restaurant once operated its own short-lived airline? HOOTERS As of 2010, which of these movie franchises has not released a film in 3D? BATMAN “Red Shirt”, a term for a minor TV character doomed to be killed off quickly,derives from what classic show? STAR TREK Of all the U.S.
Presidents, which of these statements applies only to Ronald Reagan? HE WAS DIVORCED According to a popular expression,what is “always 20/20”? HINDSIGHT What animalistic sound is sung throughout the 1978 Warren Zevon hit song “Werevolves of London”? A few notes of the French national anthem, “La Marseillaise,” play at the start of what Beatles song? ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Which of the following is a 2007 movie featuring Beatles music and not a 60s movie starring The Beatles? ACROSS THE UNIVERSE The word “Draconian” comes from the name of a Greek statesman who was best known for doing what?
PASSING STRICT LAWS Which of these cities has roughly the same latitude as New York City? TOKYO Though they suspected it was hazardous,the ancient Romans extensively used what material in their water pipes? LEAD Which of these authors’ last names sounds the same as a capital city in Texas? JANE AUSTEN Which of these Beatles classics featured several lyrics sung in French? MICHELLE Since 1998,compilation CDs filled with pop music hits have been sold in the U.S. Under what emphatic name?
NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL MUSIC! Dwight Eisenhower renamed the presidential retreat “Camp David” in honor of who? HIS GRANDSON On a movie set, a boom is a long, movable pole often used to do which of the following? HOLD MICROPHONES Capsaicin is the chemical compound responsible for which of the following?
HEAT OF PEPPERS Which of these food items is predominantly produced in the Italian town of Modena BALSAMIC VINEGAR Which of these animal noise words is also the name of a popular online urban city guide? YELP What is the name of the cell ringtone that is popular with teens, as its high frequency makes it inaudible to adults? MOSQUITO RINGTONE Which of the following is a common definition for the word “tawny”? LIGHT BROWN What Donna Summers hit features the memorable refrain “toot toot, hey, beep beep”?
BAD GIRLS In 2010,Angus T.Jones topped the list of “TV’s Richest Kids” for playing Jake Harper on what sitcom? TWO AND A HALF MEN In 2011,Google unveiled its new service Google+,meant to compete directly with what popular website?
FACEBOOK Which of these is equal in number to the number of items in a baker’s dozen? ORIGINAL U.S. COLONIES Culinarily speaking,which of these nursery rhyme characters had the easiest access to mutton? LITTLE BO PEEP In a 1971 cult classic,what does an older woman say to a younger man when he says “I like you,Maude”? I LIKE YOU,HAROLD Which of these city-themed songs mentions Graceland and the ghost of Elvis in its lyrics? WALKING IN MEMPHIS In the late 1860s, Charles and Max Fleischmann created America’s first commercially produced what?
YEAST Said by Sigmund Freud to determine personality,which of these is not one of his three “agencies” of the mind? SUPERID Much of the animation of “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” is outsourced to what foreign country? SOUTH KOREA Khaled Hosseni’s bestseller “The Kite Runner” is primarily set in what country? AFGHANISTAN The 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution is located for a body of water located off the coast of which of these countries? VIETNAM In preparation for hosting the 2008 Olympics, what country launched a campaign to stop public spitting?
CHINA What single word is California’s state motto? EUREKA In a classic arcade game, a dot-devouring Pac Man is plagued by four ghosts who have all but which of these names? SLINKY By definition, where does an abyssopalegic animal live? AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA What does “Erin go bragh” mean?
IRELAND FOREVER With an alien hero sent to earth as an infant, the 2010 film “Megamind” shares a setup with what other movie? SUPERMAN What Native American tribe shares its name with a popular brand of recreational vehicle? WINNEBAGO Which of these words comes from a Latin term meaning, “almost an island”? PENINSULA What country’s cuisine would most likely be served in a taqueria? MEXICO What retailer’s original store in Freeport, MA has been opened 24 hours a day for over 50 years? BEAN In 2001,what author of “The CORRECTions” created controversy when he snubbed Oprah’s Book Club? JONATHAN FRANZEN Who once referred to her parents’ love triangle as the Brad Pitt/JenniferAniston/Angelina Jolie of their day?
CARRIE FISHER The Great Expectations boat ride is an attraction at a British theme park inspired by whom? CHARLES DICKENS Fresh blueberries grown in the U.S. Are typically in season during which of these months? JULY In 1978, an all-male rock band released an album titled “Q: Are We Not Men?
“A: We Are” who? DEVO Which of these ’90s romantic comedies did not star Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? FRENCH KISS Founded in Jamaica, the Rastafari religion was popularized by what famous iconic musician?
BOB MARLEY What legendary musician was known for his love of fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches? ELVIS PRESSLEY In 2009, the Fiesta of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain, held its first look-alike contest honoring what author? ERNEST HEMINGWAY Which of these theme restaurants typically features simulated thunderstorms and animatronic gorillas? RAINFOREST CAFE Before the 24th Amendment was passed, many U.S. States required people to pay a poll tax in order to do what? VOTE IN ELECTIONS The caduceus, a staff entwined with two serpents, is the symbol for what profession?
MEDICINE Administrative Professionals Day, once called National Secretaries Day, is observed during what month? APRIL In “27 Dresses,” Katherine Heigl’s character obtains 27 dresses by repeatedly serving as a what? BRIDESMAID Which of these U.S. States is located entirely in the Eastern time zone? OHIO American skiers should pack a passport if they plan to travel to which of these popular resort towns?
BANFF What future “Sex and the City” actress had a small role in the 1984 Oscar-winning film “Amadeus”? CYNTHIA NIXON Which of these birds is able to fly?
PEACOCK Hawaiian for “quick,” what word describes a web page that can be edited by many people? WIKI Earl Grey tea gets its distinctive flavor from the oil of what citrus fruit? BERGAMOT What is the name of the novelty tune used as the theme song to Britain’s long-running “Benny Hill Show”? YAKETY SAX A popular game on many college campuses,beer pong is typically played with a ball from what sport? TABLE TENNIS For years, the “Today” Show’s Willard Scott has wished centenarians happy birthday on a segment sponsored by whom? SMUCKERS An 1899 poem that begins, “I know what the caged bird feels” inspired the title of whose 1969 memoirs? MAYA ANGELOU At his 2011 Comedy Central roast,who playfully compared his famous hair to that of a “wet raccoon”?
DONALD TRUMP In a cliche scene from many Westerns, gunslingers meet for a final showdown when? HIGH NOON When would a car dealership need to sell a Ford Taurus in order to sell it during the astrological period of Taurus? EARLY MAY Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman named his daughter Uma,which means “bright one” in what language?
SANSKRIT In 2010, what actress became a mother again at the age of 48 when she gave birth to a boy named Benjamin? KELLY PRESTON In the critically acclaimed TV drama “The Good Wife,” who plays the good wife? JULIANNA MARGULIES In figure skating,which of these crowd-pleasing maneuvers requires two skaters? DEATH SPIRAL In 2009, Lego introduced a new toy model made of what architect’s iconic Guggenheim Museum? FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Which of these children’s games traditionally ends when someone reaches “tensies”?
JACKS People would most likely use the mnemonic “Every good boy does fine” when doing what? READING MUSIC The 2010 documentary “When You’re Strange” features unseen footage of what classic rock band? THE DOORS The 1986 movie “Sid and Nancy” chronicles a brief period in the life of a musician from what rock band?
THE SEX PISTOLS In movies,Eric Bana and Edward Norton have both played a comic book character that was played on TV by whom? BILL BIXBY IN 1975, Wally Adams became famous for making what type of snack food? CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Which of these Animal Planet TV Shows “stars” animals that typically grow the largest? GROWING UP CAMEL In 2011, what British reality TV judge replaced Larry King upon his retirement from his nightly CNN show? PIERS MORGAN Bateau,scoop and sweetheart are terms used to refer to different styles of a dress’s what?
NECKLINE What type of soup is known affectionately as “Jewish penicillin”? CHICKEN SOUP Which of these musical terms means “very slowly”? LENTISSIMO In the military,a U.S. Marine with the ranking “E-3” is better known as a “lance” what? CORPORAL Which of these is often defined as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? INSANITY Which of these entries from the Cassell Dictionary of Slang means “very closely”? LIKE WHITE ON RICE Which of these entries from the Cassell Dictionary of Slang means “to follow closely?” LIKE WHITE ON RICE What famous landmark was shipped to the U.S.
In 350 pieces aboard the French frigate “Isere?” STATUE OF LIBERTY Often used to make clothing, pima is a variety of what? COTTON Which of these bands gets its name from its bassist’s days making change as a cashier at Starbucks?
NICKELBACK What classic brand name comes from the German word for “water” and the Greek word for “oil?” VASELINE In the human body, the pericardium is a membrane that surrounds what organ? HEART Which of these sea creatures can be classified as a pinniped? SEAL Named for her most famous screen role,”Foxy” is the title of a 2010 memoir by what actress? PAM GRIER Evite is a popular website for people planning to do what? THROW A PARTY According to an old adage, one should “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a” what? PAUPER Dashiell Hammett’s Sam Spade mysteries are set in the seamy underside of what U.S. SAN FRANCISCO What city’s subway system is referred to by locals as “The Tube”?
LONDON April 12, 2011, marked the 150th anniversary of what event in U.S. START OF CIVIL WAR Though there is little historical evidence, horned helmets are often associated with whom? VIKINGS In the human body,a “bicuspid” can refer to a type of tooth and a type of valve located in what organ? HEART In 1939,Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded a company that today specializes in making what? COMPUTER EQUIPMENT A must-have for new moms, a popular contraption for disposing of dirty diapers is called the diaper what? GENIE Entertainment Weekly’s 2008 list of “Horrible Movie Accents” included Tom Cruise’s Irish brogue in what film? FAR AND AWAY In the children’s book “The Little Engine That Could”,what is the engine attempting to deliver?
TOYS Which of these is not one of the bones found in the human ear? TARSUS The dandelion gets its name from the corruption of the French phrase meaning “lion’s” what? TOOTH Because it’s spicy and made with tomato juice,the Michelada has been called a Mexican version of what classic drink? BLOODY MARY As any fashionista could tell you,what upscale designer’s shoes generally feature a signature red sole?
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN Famed Spanish shoe designer Manuel Blahnik is better known by what nickname? MANOLO Traditionally,the U.S. Congress takes a month-long recess during what month? AUGUST Basic Enlisted Submarine School is a training course offered by which branch of the U.S. NAVY On a “Golden Girls” episode, a confused Dorothy asks, “The actor or the sausage?” in reference to whom? JIMMY DEAN Which of these actors’ last names is often used as a slang term meaning “to go”?
HUMPHREY BOGART Which of the following names does not refer to the same rapper as the others? BIGGIE SMALLS Rainier cherries were named after a mountain in what U.S. State,where they were first grown? WASHINGTON Named #1 jingle of the century by Ad Age,”You Deserve a break today” appeared in ads for what? MCDONALD’S ILM, the special effects company founded by George Lucas, stands for Industrial Light and what?
MAGIC Which of these prefixes literally means “occurring together”? SYNCHRO- Taken from a Greek myth about a man forced to roll a boulder uphill forever, a tough-never-ending job is called what? SISYPHEAN In”Top Gun,” the characters Navy “call signs” include “Maverick,” “Goose,” and all but which of these?
NIGHTHAWK Since 2008,”Mustang”,a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a blue horse,has stood beside the terminal of what city’s airport? DENVER Love Field is a major airport of which of these US cities? DALLAS What NFL franchise plays home games in a venue appropriately named Arrowhead Stadium? KANSAS CITY CHIEFS Because they contain nitrogen,what beer’s bubbles appear to float downward when poured into a glass?
GUINNESS DRAUGHT As suggested by the food company he created,chef Hector Boiardi specialized in what cuisine? ITALIAN When asked why he titled his movie “Bananas,” what director replied, “Because there are no bananas in it?” WOODY ALLEN Known for playing Arizona on “Grey’s Anatomy,” actress Jessica Capshaw has what famous stepdad? STEVEN SPIELBERG In 2010,what teen pop star’s fragrance line “My World”,debuted on scented wristbands at Walmart?
JUSTIN BIEBER What TV star was famous for his stage-exiting catch-phrase, “And away we go”? JACKIE GLEASON Purdue University is one of the largest public universities of what state? INDIANA What popular grocery store brand comes in a distinctive grandmother-shaped container?
BUTTERWORTH’S SYRUP The famous line “Et tu,Brute?” is most likely to be used to accuse someone of being a what? TRAITOR Which of these title characters rarely talks?
MR BEAN Meaning “half moon” in Italian,a mezzaluna is a kitchen utensil used mostly for what? CHOPPING The Oregon state flag features an emblem on the front and image of what animal on the back? BEAVER Captured in an iconic photograph, the WWII flag-raising at Iwo Jima took place atop what mountain? MOUNT SURIBACHI “Honolulu” is a Hawaiian word meaning what? PROTECTED BAY “Someone left the cake out in the rain” is a lyric from what often-ridiculed pop song?
MACARTHUR PARK Which of these “colorful” characters does not appear in the 1992 movie “Reservoir Dogs”? MR.GREEN Mather Point and Yavapi Point are two of the most popular overlooks at what U.S. Tourist spot? GRAND CANYON Because of the way it looks, sneezing into the crook of your arm is commonly called a what?
DRACULA SNEEZE By definition, a “supermax” is an extremely high security what? PRISON Julia Roberts became the first actress to be paid $20 million for her role in what movie? ERIN BROCKOVICH “For Audrey” is a shade of blue nail polish that pays tribute to what classic Audrey Hepburn film? BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S Demonstrating the popularity of the internet,the CBS sitcom “$#*!” My Dad Says” actually began as a what? TWITTER ACCOUNT In the world of comics,who is Selina Kyle?
CATWOMAN In 2010, who coined the term “mama grizzly” to refer to the female political candidates she endorses? SARAH PALIN Which of these women helped created the “Parental Advisory Labels” found on albums with explicit content? TIPPER GORE Which writer captured the essence of Transcendentalism thinking with an 1841 essay that advised, “Trust thyself”?
RALPH WALDO EMERSON A common site for piercings, the auricle is a cartilaginous region located where on the body? EAR Believed by the ancient Greeks to be a sacred or holy bone,the sacrum is located in what part of the human body? PELVIS A common palindrome begins “A man,a plan,a canal” and ends with what country’s name? PANAMA Asthma is a medical condition that primarily affects what bodily system?
RESPIRATORY In the human body,the pancreas is part of both the endocrine system and what other system? DIGESTIVE Including its main thoroughfare,what southern city has over one hundred streets named Peachtree?
ATLANTA A contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2011, NeNe Leakes is an outspoken “Real Housewife” from what city? ATLANTA In the 1895 novel “Red Badge of Courage,” Henry Fleming, the main character, is a what? UNION SOLDIER What is the answer to the common crossword puzzle clue “Eve’s tempter”? SERPENT In 2010, what actress helped her 3-year old son launch his own Twitter account “Liam’s World?” TORI SPELLING Jon Bon Jovi reportedly wrote “You Give Love A Bad Name” about what actress,whom he once dated briefly? DIANE LANE Contestants on the reality show “Scream Queens” compete for a role in a movie that is part of what film franchise?
SAW If you have four shirts and three pairs of pants, how many unique ensembles can you put together? TWELVE By definition, a non-com is an enlisted member of the U.S. Armed forces who is what? NONCOMISSIONED What does the “N” stand for in the CBS hit drama “NCIS”?
NAVAL The term “lower forth-eight” is commonly used to refer to the U.S. Minus what two states? ALASKA AND HAWAII In the 1989 movie, “When Harry met Sally” Harry and Sally first meet at what university? UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO In 2010,Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski became the first senate candidate since 1954 to do what?
WIN AS A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE What national advocacy group uses the trademarked slogan, “We are their voice?” AFL-CIO Since Greek times, valerian root has been used to treat what condition? INSOMNIA In 2010, actress Portia de Rossi petitioned to legally change her last name to what? DEGENERES PSI, which stands for “pounds per square inch” is a unit commonly used for measuring what in cars? TIRE PRESSURE What Broadway musical spawned an unsuccessful 1990 sequel titled “Miss Hannigan’s Revenge”? ANNIE Which of these events occurs quadrennially? SUMMER OLYMPICS Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill star in a 2009 movie aptly titled what?
FUNNY PEOPLE What kind of food is produced in an apiary? HONEY In the world of Greek mythology, where do the souls of the deceased lie in eternal rest? ELYSIUM What famous U.S. Military leader was named “Old Blood-and-Guts”? GEORGE PATTON In the animal kingdom, what term is used to describe the male who is the dominant member of a group?
ALPHA According to superstition,where should you never put a hat? ON A BED Someone who has declared his candidacy for elected office is said to be “throwing his hat” where? INTO THE RING The “greaser” look of Shia LaBeouf’s character in “Indiana Jones 4” was modeled after Marlon Brando in what film? THE WILD ONE The theme song for “The Young and Restless,” “Nadia’s Theme” is named for a famous female what?
GYMNAST A popular brunch cocktail, the Bellini is typically made by mixing champagne with what pureed fruit? PEACH In the classic Shel Silverstein book “The Giving Tree,” what type of tree gives its fruit to a little boy? APPLE TREE Which of these phrases does not appear in the title of one of the bestselling Harry Potter books? FLIGHT OF THE DRAGON The musical “West Side Story” is based on what Shakespearean tragedy?
ROMEO AND JULIET Named for its proximity to the border between two states, the Flora-Bama nightclub is located where? SOUTHEAST The tabloid term “Brangelina,” which combines two names into one,is an example of what kind of word? PORTMANTEAU A fragrance by Christian Dior, Fahrenheit 32 gets its name from the temperature at which what happens? WATER FREEZES Ricky Gervais is the co-creator and star of the original,British version of what hit U.S. THE OFFICE The chant “Donna Martin graduates” will resonate with fans of what ’90s TV show? BEVERLY HILLS,90210 George W. Bush gets his middle name, “Walker,” from which of his relatives?
PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER What normally hairless actor has been bald since the age of 20 due to a makeup mishap involving greasepaint? MICHAEL CHIKLIS Which of these is a famous singer’s Web site and not a children’s entertainment site? KIDROCK.COM Kahlua is a brand of liquor that has what distinct flavor?
COFFEE The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits any punishments that are “cruel or” what? UNUSUAL “Not Really a Waitress”,OPI is a leading brand of what? NAIL POLISH In finance, what adjective is used to describe a person’s income after taxes have been taken out?
DISPOSABLE The Jewish holiday Passover celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from where? EGYPT Which of these is a genetic trait that causes one to have an unusual reaction to sunlight? PHOTIC SNEEZE REFLEX A paper clip in France is called what since it resembles that of a musical instrument in shape?
TROMBONE Which of these animals is known for “breaching”? WHALE In 2010, Reba McEntire won praise for cover of “If I Were a Boy,” originally a hit single by whom? BEYONCE Which of these firearms also serves as shorthand for punching a hole in a beer can and drinking it quickly?
SHOTGUN In 1999,the RIAA created what award to recognize albums that have sold more than 10 million copies? DIAMOND Indicating how the food is prepared, the cuisine “crudo” means what in Italian? RAW What ’80s musical act notoriously demanded M&Ms be provided backstage,but with the brown ones removed? VAN HALEN According to legend, what frigid country was given a “warmer” name to trick people into settling there? GREENLAND “Flyg,fula fluga,flyg!Och den fula flugen flog” is a tongue twister about an ugly fly in what language?
SWEDISH On a topographic map, contour lines are used to represent what? TERRAIN ELEVATION Ronald Reagan’s plainspoken and affable demeanor earned him the apt nickname “The Great” what? COMMUNICATOR Used to make rope,sisal fiber is a common material also found in which of these sporting goods? DARTBOARD In his memoir,celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain warns against ordering which of these foods on a Monday? FISH In 2011,the U.S.
Army announced that it was abandoning what type of hat as part of its official combat uniform? BERET Mensa,an organization for people with high IQs,has a name that means “stupid” in what language? SPANISH In Dante’s “The Divine Comedy,” a sign at Hell’s entrance instructs “ye who enter here” to do what? ABANDON ALL HOPE Who is Reginald Dwight? ELTON JOHN “Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow” would be an apt motto for which of these people? PROCRASTINATOR Which of these cable reality series is usually set nearest to the Arctic Circle? ICE ROAD TRUCKERS When you put the word “water” in front of it,which of these shoes becomes the name of a venomous snake?
MOCCASIN A simple image of a beam of light being refracted is depicted on the cover of what iconic 1973 album? THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Which of the following was the name of an upscale ocean liner that sailed from 1969 to 2008? QUEEN ELIZABETH II If the “OctoMom” Nadya Suleman had birthed one more child,she might have been called the what? NONAMOM According to company estimates, about 25% of Filet-O-Fish sandwiches are sold during what? LENT “Believe the legend.Beware the Wolf” is an apt tagline for a 2011 film featuring what fairy tale protagonist? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD “Rango,” the title character in a 2011 animated movie voiced by Johnny Depp,is what kind of desert creature?
CHAMELEON A bill of fare is more commonly known as a what? MENU After retirement,”emeritus” is traditionally added to the title of a person with which of these occupations? COLLEGE PROFESSOR “Thrombocyte” is another name for what common component of blood that aids in clotting? PLATELET Patagonian toothfish is served in restaurants under which of these more menu-friendly names? CHILEAN SEA BASS By definition,polyandry occurs when a woman has more than one what?
HUSBAND Charles de Gaulle once quipped about how difficult it is to govern a country with 246 different what? VARIETIES OF CHEESE In a 1970 song by The Partridge Family, David Cassidy croons, “I think I” what? LOVE YOU “Final Fantasy” is a popular series of video games that are classified as RPG’s, or what kind of “games”? ROLE-PLAYING In law,what is the term for a document that revises a person’s will? CODICIL In the acronym SRS, a common term for automobile airbags,the letter “R” stands for what? RESTRAINT Although they are actually different plant species,in the U.S. Sweet potatoes are often called what?
YAMS Often topped with caviar or smoked salmon, a blini is a small what? PANCAKE Besides sporting his trademark smoking jacket and pipe, what media mogul is often seen wearing a sailor’s hat? HUGH HEFNER The 2011 book “Rawhide Down” details the attempted assasination of which U.S. RONALD REAGAN What is the most populous city in the world’s most populous country? SHANGHAI Stephen King’s short story “The Body” was the basis for what popular ’80s movie? STAND BY ME The outlaw Robert Ford is remembered as a “coward” for doing what to his gang leader Jesse James? SHOOTING HIM IN THE BACK Afghan Girl was captured as the photo of what magazine?
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Since 1985, what magazine has a regularly published “Sexiest Man Alive” issue? PEOPLE From 1967-1989, Jesse White played what advertising icon? MAYTAG REPAIRMAN By definition,what kind of flower is a fleur-de-lis? IRIS What classic TV show’s open features the title character triumphantly flinging her hat through the air?
THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW According to a famous Albert Einstein quote, “God does not play” what with the universe? DICE Which of these common household objects is a simple incendiary device? MATCH For many years, which of these snack foods promoted itself as “the cheese that goes crunch”? CHEETOS The real-life town of Hameln,Germany,is famous as the site of a folk tale starring what legendary figure? PIED PIPER In “The Godfather”,Don Corleone says,”Someday,and that day may never come,I will call upon you to” what?
DO A SERVICE FOR ME In addition to English,which of the following is an official language of Canada? FRENCH The famous presidential declaration “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” was in response to what crisis? THE GREAT DEPRESSION At the 2011 North American International auto show, what automaker unveiled a new, roomier midsize Passat? VOLKSWAGEN Which of these state capitals is closest to the Mexican border? PHOENIX What artist painted his young daughter in his works “Paloma with an Orange” and “Paloma in Blue?” PABLO PICASSO Launched in 2010, Cupidtino is an online dating site that connects fans of what company’s products? APPLE What was the first name of the man who created Webster’s dictionary? NOAH Which of these American Revolutionary War figures is often considered the “Father Of The American Navy”?
JOHN PAUL JONES Daniel Handler writes the kids’ book series “A Series of Unfortunate Events” under what pen name? LEMONY SNICKET In 1979,a Florida restaurateur founded the Boca brand,starting with a line of meatless what? BURGERS When repeated three times,which of these words does not become the title of a Top 40 pop song? BAD Due to its rich history,what area of the world is popularly known as the “cradle of civilization”? MESOPOTAMIA Born in 1905, Eugene Fodor was a pioneer of what book genre? TRAVEL GUIDES Popular in the world of hip-hop, Courvoisier is a nearly 200-year old brand of what liquour? COGNAC In addition to being a popular playground attraction,a seesaw is an example of what type of simple machine?
FIRST-CLASS LEVER Which of these movie stars named “Sean” is a woman? SEAN YOUNG In 2009, Heath Ledger won an Oscar for a role played twenty years earlier by whom? JACK NICHOLSON What writer sought out his former college professor Morrie Schwarz after seeing him on an episode of “Nightline”?
MITCH ALBOM Curves is a popular fitness club chain aimed at what specific demographic? WOMEN The 2009 animated film “Fantastic Mr.Fox” is based on a 1970 children’s book by whom? ROALD DAHL In 2007, the Moldy Peaches hit it big after its ballad “Anyone Else But You” was featured in what film?
JUNO Ranch dressing,the popular salad topper,got its start at an actual California dude ranched named what? HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH The life of Maureen Marder,a construction worker and exotic dancer,inspired what ’80s movie? FLASHDANCE Which of these well-known nursery rhymes prominently features an insect?
LITTLE MISS MUFFET By definition,a quinquagenarian is a person who falls into what age range? FIFTIES What kind of athletes are most likely to use small optical devices known as “range finders”? GOLFERS Which of these popular candies are often sold in containers resembling milk cartons? WHOPPERS Mandy Moore voices for what classic fairly tale princess in the 2010 Disney animated film “Tangled”? RAPUNZEL In “Teen Wolf,” Michael J. Fox’s transformation into a werewolf causes him to excel at what high school sport?
BASKETBALL On the TV series “Community,” the main characters become friends after they all take part in a what? SPANISH STUDY GROUP By definition, a plutocracy is a government controlled by whom? THE WEALTHY Which of these lines of a traditional wedding rhyme is the name of a 2011 romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson? SOMETHING BORROWED In 1945,what food became the first to be intentionally microwaved? POPCORN Because it is considered disrespectful to the monarchy,what movie musical is reportedly banned in Thailand? THE KING AND I Originally made in Canada, canola is a vegetable oil made from what crop? RAPESEED According to myth,what country’s capital was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus?
ITALY Which of these geometric-sounding names is synonymous with the word “scam”? PYRAMID SCHEME By definition, an apivorous bird eats primarily what? BEES In the classic arcade game Centipede,players battle all but which of these deadly creatures? WASPS The official slogan of the United States Blind Golf Association is “You Don’t Have To See It To” what? TEE IT “Popping” and “locking” are moves associated with what style of dance? BREAKDANCING According to legend,country club employee Buddy Mulligan inspired a term often used in what sport?
GOLF In its title, a fitness article posted online asks the age-old question “Can You Get Six Pack Abs Without” what? CRUNCHES Because it featured many of its core “members,” which of these ’80s movies is considered a “Brat Pack” film?
ST.ELMO’S FIRE Issued in 1787, the U.S. Government’s first official coin was a penny featuring which of these mottos? MIND YOUR BUSINESS “Jenny dies from an incurable disease” spoils the ending of not only “Forrest Gump” but what other film?
LOVE STORY Merriam-Webster credits what prominent figure with popularizing a new definition of the word “earmark”? JOHN MCCAIN In a Youtube hit, the indie band OK Go performs an elaborate dance routine using what unlikely props? TREADMILLS In Shakespeare’s “Richard III,” the main character famously shouts, “My kingdom for a” what? HORSE French Impressionist Edgar Degas is famous for his paintings and sculptors depicting what performers? BALLET DANCERS President Barack Obama’s first name is derived from a Semitic word meaning what?
BLESSED Shredded cabbage is the main ingredient in which of these dishes? COLESLAW Which of these mammals has the longest maximum life expectancy? FINE WHALE The brand Seven for All Mankind is best known for its high-end brand of what? JEANS What comic book hero’s powers are the result of a botched gamma bomb experiment? THE INCREDIBLE HULK In Spain, which of these popular reality TV shows goes by the name, “No te lo pongas!” WHAT NOT TO WEAR What actress stars as as ruthless litigator Patty Hewes in the TV drama “Damages”? GLENN CLOSE After adopting her son there,what actress helped rebuild a school in her newly adopted city of New Orleans?
SANDRA BULLOCK Which of these TV personalities is a former fashion model,who once spent a summer modeling for Chanel? MARTHA STEWART Which of these words means “dramatic” or “theatrical?” HISTRIONIC Fittingly, what world landmark boasts a feature known as “The Tsar’s Tower?” THE KREMLIN Fittingly, the World Potato Congress was held in the U.S. For the first time in 2006 in what U.S. State capital? BOISE A collection of Sanskrit hymns and verses known as the Vedas are sacred texts in what religion? HINDUISM Which of the following is not a synonym for “trinket”?
HOOPLA Introduced in 1913, what popular toy derives its name from the Roman god of love? KEWPIE DOLLS Which of these words is derived from two Greek roots meaning “self” and “write”?
AUTOGRAPH In which of these sporting events is a victor often determined by means of a “split decision”? BOXING New York’s Oak Beach Inn is believed to be the birthplace of what cocktail? LONG ISLAND ICED TEA What filmmaker’s 2009 exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art included a Jack Skellington figure? TIM BURTON In a non-leap year, April Fools’ Day would fall on what numerical day of the year?` THE 91ST DAY What U.S. Reality show has a Chinese version whose title translates to “Forward at High Speeds”? THE AMAZING RACE In 2010,a single violinist set a world record by playing what frenetic classical piece in just over one minute? FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE Home to the National Christmas Tree,the park area directly south of the White House is known as what?
THE ELLIPSE Calling it “historical fiction” in 2011 the History Channel refused to air a miniseries about what political family? THE KENNEDYS Thanks to Dwayne Wayne,what TV show helped popularize “flip-up” sunglasses in the 1980s? A DIFFERENT WORLD The word “alligator” is derived from the Spanish term “el lagarto,” meaning what? THE LIZARD The name of the Italian opera house La Scala means what in English? THE STAIRCASE Legendary Scottish hero William Wallace is the subject of what 1995 Mel Gibson movie? BRAVEHEART On “Gilligan’s Island,” Captain Jonas Grumby of the S.S.
Minnow was known by what nautical nickname? THE SKIPPER Longtime Congressman Henry Waxman’s distinctive grooming has earned him what cheeky nickname? THE MUSTACHE OF JUSTICE TV journalist Jane Pauley is married to Garry Trudeau, a cartoonist best known for what strip? DOONESBURY Each of these 2010 films is primarily set in the state of Massachusetts, except for which?
UNSTOPPABLE The ab exercise that involves lying facedown and extending the arms forward over the head is aptly called what? THE SUPERMAN According to its slogan, Snapple is “made from” what? THE BEST STUFF ON EARTH Suggestive of fiery rumors and exciting deals, which of these terms refers to baseball’s off-season? THE HOT STOVE LEAGUE “Samuel Spade’s jaw was long and bony” is the first line of what famous detective novel? THE MALTESE FALCON The tradition known as “Carburetion Day” takes place every year on the Friday before what sporting event?
INDIANAPOLIS 500 With Dana Andrews as Lt. Ted Stryker,the 1957 film “Zero Hour!” served as the basis for what movie spoof? In the nursery rhyme “The Farmer in the Dell,” what “stands alone”? THE CHEESE The famous train robber Butch Cassidy headed up a loosely organized group of outlaws known as what? THE WILD BUNCH Which of these is a character on “The Sopranos” and not a cast member on “Jersey Shore”?
PAULIE WALNUTS Which of these TV shows typically concluded with its main character typing an entry into his computer diary? DOOGIE HOWSER, M.D. What food-related phrase refers to a simple task or an easily achieved goal? LOW-HANGING FRUIT On the TV sitcom “How I Met Your Mother,” what actor provides the voice of the unseen narrator? BOB SAGET What does the “T” stand for in the Disney acronym EPCOT? TOMORROW Who penned the 2008 memoir “Here’s the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice”? MAUREEN MCCORMICK The American Film Institute lists what movie’s “Juror #8” as one of the top fifty movie heroes of all time?
12 ANGRY MEN Like George Foreman,boxer Evander Holyfield released what type of kitchen gadget in 2007? GRILL ConocoPhillips belongs to a group of multinational corporations often referrred to as “Big” what? OIL In TV slang,a “zitcom” is a comedy series targeting what audience group?
TEENS Popular in the ’80s, “By Mennen” was a three-note jingle often heard at the end of commercials for what product? DEODORANT In 2010, TV personality Jo Frost announced her retirement from what popular reality show? SUPERNANNY At the end of each episode, which of these reality shows asks the losing contestant to “sashay away”? RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE The unique sound of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle engine idling is commonly described by what food phrase? POTATO POTATO POTATO Which of these foreign-language words literally means “the many”?
HOI POLLOI What is the architectural term for the part of a church where the congregation usually sits? NAVE “Top hat” and “junk shot” were two proposed,albeit bizarre-sounding,solutions for what 2010 crisis? BP OIL SPILL Some of the world’s oldest paintings are France’s Lascaux cave paintings which primarily depict what?
ANIMALS By definition, which of these geometric shapes is a parallelogram? RECTANGLE In the 1999 movie “American Pie” Alyson Hannigan’s character discusses playing what instrument at band?
FLUTE Bridal veils are typically made from what sheer material? Which of these Toyota models shares its name with the 3rd largest city in the state of Washington? TACOMA Merino wool comes from sheep originally native to what country? SPAIN Jodhpurs,a style of long pants worn by horseback riders,take their name from a city in what country? INDIA Jokingly called “Chicken Pizza” by visitors,Chichen Itza is a site of ancient Mayan ruins in what country? MEXICO Appearing at the end of many country names, the suffix “-stan” originates from what language?
PERSIAN U2’s hit song “Vertigo” begins with the line “Uno,dos,tres,catorce,”,spanish for one,two,three” what? FOURTEEN Roz Doyle,a producer on the ’90s sitcom “Wings”,was the namesake for a character on what other sitcom? FRASIER Which of these musical groups could be loosely described as a “string quartet”? FOUR VIOLINISTS In 2010,what 37-year-old model resigned her 13-year post as “Head Angel” of Victoria’s Secret? HEIDI KLUM Who is Rick Rubin? MUSIC PRODUCER Which of these countries is situated partly on what continent and partly on the other?
TURKEY The lowest possible temperature, 0 Kelvin is commonly known as what? ABSOLUTE ZERO If a group of people does something “en masse,” how are they doing it? IN UNISON Sargent Shriver is best remembered for his role in creating what organization PEACE CORPS Popular with tweens, the RipStik is a brand of sporting equipment that resembles a what? SKATEBOARD What is the only Grand Slam tennis tournament that makes its players dress almost entirely in white?
WIMBLEDON What U.S. State’s largest city is named for Frederick Billings, a president of the Northern Pacific Railway? MONTANA Which of these offenses can be committed simply by speaking? SLANDER Which of these names is trademarked by the Sealed Air Corporation?
BUBBLE WRAP Because it is produced by the body,which of these vitamins is classified as a hormone? VITAMIN D What Madonna single shares its name with a psychiatric “Personality Disorder” characterized by sharp mood swings? BORDERLINE A hectare is a metric unit used to measure what? AREA A group of what birds is known as “murder”? CROWS A zester is a common kitchen tool designed to be used with which of these kitchen foods? LEMON A movie genre characterized by dark lighting and bleak settings,”film noir” literally translates to what? BLACK FILM In Roman mythology, Vulcan was the god of what?
FIRE In the 1958 film “Vertigo,” Jimmy Stewart’s character has an irrational fear of what? HEIGHTS Which of the following is not one of the 8 vegetables in the beverage V8? RADISH Because it is often called “Roquette” in French, which of these gourmet salad greens is commonly referred to as “rocket”? ARUGULA Which of these vegetables is commonly referred to as a “spring onion” or “green onion”? SCALLION Capable of eroding tooth enamel, which of these fruits is the most acidic?
LEMON The bounty hunger Dwayne Chapman, star of an A & E reality series, is better known by what nickname? DOG “One husband, two kidsand multiple personalities” is the apt tagline for what showtime series? UNITED STATES OF TARA Which of these trees secretes a thick,sticky substance called pitch? PINE Night of the Living Dead popularized what monster? ZOMBIES In CB radio lingo,the question “What’s your twenty?” is actually asking what?
WHAT IS YOUR LOCATION? Which of these kitchen gadgets performs the same function as a “strainer”? COLANDER What Broadway musical is subtitled “The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical”? HAIR Sean Parker,the founding president of Facebook,also helped create what early Internet success? NAPSTER Found mostly in Asia,the macaque is a type of what animal? MONKEY A testament to wish fulfillment, what TV personality had, as a teen, a license plate that read L8NITE? JIMMY KIMMEL What poet is commonly credited with writing the traditional lyrics to the New Year’s Eve Song “Auld Lang Syne” ROBERT BURNS A paper called “The Assessment of Sultriness” was used to develop what meteorological measurement?
HEAT INDEX Edward Michael Grylls, rugged host of the Discovery Series “Man vs. Wild,” goes by what nickname? BEAR Used for centuries to make gunpowder and cure meats, potassium nitrate is commonly called what? SALTPETER The teenage drama “Gossip Girl” is partly set at a fictional New York City prep school called what? CONSTANCE BILLIARD SCHOOL Which of these U.S. States has a capital city whose name features an adjective?
ARKANSAS Caused by repeatedly looking down,a recent phenomenon of pronounced neck creases has been termed what? BLACKBERRY NECK What 2011 superhero movie was marketed in Russia using only its subtitle “The First Avenger”? CAPTAIN AMERICA The Golden Gate Bridge is painted a distinctive cover officially known as “international” what?
ORANGE In 2010, Whole Foods pulled what beverage from its shelves amid concerns over its high alcohol content? KOMBUCHA Presumably named after the love of his life, “The Olive” is a boat belonging to what character? POPEYE What is the common term for the oily “zone” of the face that includes the forehead, nose, and chin? T-ZONE The product of two negative numbers is always what? A POSITIVE NUMBER Far lighter than lead, what electron-rich metal does Chevrolet use for the batteries in its Volt car? LITHIUM Which of these movies features a prime number in its title?
101 DALMATIANS When it premiered,which of these movies had a title that referred to a date in the future and not the past? 2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY A criminal who has “cooked the books” has engaged in what kind of illegal behavior?
ACCOUNTING FRAUD In 2010, the Pentagon estimated that which poor nation is home to $1 trillion in untapped precious minerals? AFGHANISTAN Khaled Hosseini’s bestseller “The Kite Runner” is set primarily in what country?
AFGHANISTAN Over 17000 feet tall, Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain on what continent? AFRICA By definition,a taxiway is a paved strip used by what type of vehicle? AIRPLANE Due to his line of work, what notable American is often referred to by the press as “The Reverend Al?” AL SHARPTON What U.S. State is home to a city that promotes itself with the catchphrase “There’s No Place Like Nome!”? ALASKA In a running joke,Bugs Bunny frequently finds himself in strange locations after taking a wrong turn in what city?
ALBUQUERQUE When President Garfield was shot in 1881, who invented a type of metal detector to try and find the bullet? ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL A scratch test is an exam given by a physician to determine whether a patient has what ailment? ALLERGIES In the movie “The Sound of Music,” the Von Trapps escape the Nazis by trekking through what mountain range? ALPS Which of these Texan city names is Spanish for “yellow”? AMARILLO Which of these Texan city names is Spanish for “yellow”? AMARILLO Which of these precious metals is a form of resin?
AMBER On what TV series do the judges regularly accuse the contestants of being “pitchy?” AMERICAN IDOL Rumspringa, meaning “running around,” is a freewheeling rite of passage for teens in what community? AMISH What fictional East Coast resort town is the setting for the 1975 movie “Jaws”? AMITY On the Internet, the abbreviation “LOL” typically denotes which of these emotional states? AMUSEMENT College students interested in science commonly take a class known as “gross” what? ANATOMY A company known for its atlases and maps was born when William Rand went into business with whom?
ANDREW MCNALLY Which of these world leaders is a graduate of the University of Leipzig? ANGELA MERKEL The term “slush fund” was originally used by sailors to refer to the side money they made selling what? ANIMAL FAT Though her recent work is Christian-themed, what novelist announced in 2010 she was leaving Christianity ANNE RICE The iconic picture of Bruce Spingsteen’s butt that appears on his “Born In The U.S.A.” album was taken by whom? ANNIE LEIBOVITZ “Kitchen Confidential” is a best-selling memoir by what celebrity chef? ANTHONY BOURDAIN In “Slumdog Millionaire,” what is the CORRECT answer to Jamal’s final grand prize question?
ARAMIS Famous siblings Rosanna,David,Patricia and Alexis are all Hollywood actors with what last name? ARQUETTE What brand’s Web Site urges visitors to “become an agent for the Wetness Protection Program”? ARRID A US President and an actress from the TV Series “Golden Girls” share what surname? ARTHUR What U.S. City has a public transportation system known as MARTA? ATLANTA Robert Kardasian, the biological father of Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Robert Jr, was a well-known what?
ATTORNEY Which of these countries generally gets colder in temperature the farther south you travel? AUSTRALIA A popular New England appetizer, clams casino combines clams with breadcrumbs and what meat?
BACON “New Amerykah” is the title of a 2008 R&B album by an artist with what last name? BADU What European city is home to the famously whimsical architecture of Antonio Gaudi? BARCELONA What is the first name of the pop singer whose legions of devotees are known as “Fanilows”? BARRY CC Bloom’s,a hotel in the tropics of Thailand,is named after a character from what 1980s movie? BEACHES Despite having the word “fly” in their name, fireflies are actually what kind of insect?
BEETLE In Shakespearean English, the word “ere” was commonly used to mean what? BEFORE Which of these adjectives has never doubled as the name of a Pope? BENIGN What comedian often mentions his wife, Camille, in his stand-up performances? BILL COSBY As of 2011,which of these movie stars has not yet reached the unofficial “retirement age” of 65? BILL MURRAY Which of these well-known songs is an example of a sea chanty?
BLOW THE MAN DOWN An interrosseus part of the human body is, by definition, an area that is situated between two what? BONES In the comedy film “Fever Pitch,” Jimmy Fallon plays a crazed fan of what sports team? BOSTON RED SOX “Do a good turn daily” is the official slogan of which of these do-good organizations? BOY SCOUTS What major artery located in the upper arm,is commonly monitored to check a person’s blood pressure? BRACHIAL “Cerebro” is the Spanish word for what organ in the human body?
BRAIN Which of these tabloid mainstays is a mom to a young son named “Jayden James”? BRITNEY SPEARS Which of these vegetables is actually a miniature variety of cabbage? BRUSSELS SPROUTS The practice of performing in public places for tips and gratuities is known as what? BUSKING Most famous for his 1955 novel “Lolita,” author Vladimir Nabokov was also an expert in the study of what? BUTTERFLIES Since 2000, the logo for the online company MSN has featured a multicolored image of what animal?
BUTTERFLY What Broadway musical is largely set in a seedy nightclub called the Kit Kat Klub? CABARET Which of these U.S. States is home to the Chocolate Mountains, rumored to contain vast amounts of gold? CALIFORNIA Debuting in 2010,which As-Seen-On-TV product promises to make women’s outfits”office appropriate?” CAMI SECRET What country’s national anthem includes a version in the Inuktitut language for its Inuit population? CANADA Mentioned in “Twas the Night Before Christmas”,a “Sugarplum” is what kind of treat? CANDY The island nation of St Kitts and Nevis is located in what body of water?
CARIBBEAN SEA Based on France’s “24 hours of Le Mans,” America’s “24 hours of Le Mons” is a race involving what? CARS Believed to bring prosperity,Chinese restaurants often display a statue of what animal with one paw raised?
CAT In baseball,who is the only fielder positioned in foul territory? CATCHER Which of these psychology terms comes from a Greek verb meaning “to purge”? CATHARSIS Often used in French, what pronunciation mark is always placed under a letter and never above it? CEDILLA Which of these drinks is sometimes ceremoniously opened by cutting the top off the bottle with a specialized sword?
CHAMPAGNE Often used in desserts, mascarpone is an Italian variety of what? CHEESE Named for the Dutch city where it originated,Gouda is a well-known type of what? CHEESE Reflecting on a subject he masters, Garry Kasperov’s 2007 book is titled “How Life Imitates” what? CHESS A leghorn is a type of what animal? CHICKEN Garbanzo beans are also known by what name? CHICKPEAS Falafel,a popular Middle Eastern dish,is usually made by grinding and frying what? CHICKPEAS From 1898 to 1901, what country experienced a popular uprising known as the Boxer Rebellion?
CHINA After the U.S. And Russia,what is the only country to have launched a person into space aboard its own rocket? CHINA Unhappy with the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize award,what country launched its own “Confucius Peace Prize”? CHINA Which of these movies does not feature Jack Nicholson’s character dying a gruesome death?
CHINATOWN On TV’s “Family Guy,” creator Seth MacFarlane voices all but which of these members of the Griffin family? CHRIS At which of these places would a person most likely find a book called a hymnal?
CHURCH Which of these Disney Princesses was not born with,but rather married into her royal title? CINDERELLA A person with an excessive wardrobe and keen interest in dressing well is said to be a what?
CLOTHESHORSE In law, what is the term for a document that revises a person’s will? CODICIL What rock band dedicated a 2005 to it’s lead singer’s father-in-law, director Bruce Paltrow?
COLDPLAY Which of these card games is also called “Memory”? CONCENTRATION Since 1988,the brand Acuvue has billed itself as introducing the world’s first disposable what? CONTACT LENS Which of these is not one of the few elements that are naturally magnetic? COPPER Which of these is not a reed instrument? CORNNET Kirkland Signature is the in-house brand of what chain of stores?
COSTCO Instead of being aged until it has a stronger flavor,which of these cheeses is typically served fresh? COTTAGE CHEESE In the historical term, “V-J Day,” the “J” stands for the name of a what? COUNTRY In 1865, John Stetson introduced a now-famous version of what type of hat? COWBOY HAT People who selfishly prevent others from succeeding are sometimes compared to which of these animals “in a bucket”? CRABS Bubbles collapsing in synovial fluid is what creates the sound that occurs when you do what? CRACK YOUR KNUCKLES Derived from a passage in Balzac,a popular saying states “behind every great fortune is a great” what? CRIME What is the singular form of the word “criteria”?
CRITERION In 2010, Elian Gonzalez announced he was thankful he had returned to what homeland 10 years earlier? CUBA The Spanish-American War began in 1898 as an intervention by the United States on behalf of what country? CUBA A well-known term for a husband whose wife cheats on him is derived from which of these bird names? CUCKOO The term “melting pot” is often used to refer to the fact that the U.S. Is very what?
CULTURALLY DIVERSE What type of cloud is typically associated with fair weather? CUMULUS A popular tourist destination in Europe, Prague is the capital of what country? CZECH REPUBLIC Which of these female names has not appeared in a Rolling Stones hit song title? DAISY In 2010,the New York Post reported a bank robber dressed as whom made off with an “Alderaan-sized wad of cash”? DARTH VADER Comedians riffed about talking cars and lifeguards at a 2010 Comedy Central roast skewering what actor?
DAVID HASSELHOFF According to his TV theme song,who was “born on a mountaintop in Tennessee”? DAVY CROCKETT PEG’S LAW is a helpful mneumonic for remembering the names of the seven what? DEADLY SINS Marked up to 130 degrees,”The World’s Largest Thermometer” is a roadside attraction near what U.S. DEATH VALLEY Because the Roman calender began on March 1st,what month’s name comes from the Latin for “tenth”? DECEMBER Which of these scientific units is named in honor of the inventor of the telephone? DECIBEL The state whose name comes first alphabetically is located where in the U.S.?
DEEP SOUTH In 2007,the Plain White T’s scored a #1 hit with an infectious love song titled “Hey There” what? DELILAH “Five and a half” is the self-described age of what classic comic strip character? DENNIS THE MENACE A torch, an oak branch and an olive branch are featured on the back of what U.S. DIME Many graduate students find themselves in the ambiguous status commonly known as “ABD,” or “all but” what?
DISSERTATION Before starting a successful shoe company, Klaus Maertens held what position in the German army? DOCTOR What psychological condition shares its name with a region of the Atlantic Ocean known for its squalls and shifting winds/ DOLDRUMS Which of these snack brands has a name that was inspired by a First Lady? DOLLY MADISON In 1994,what country singer adapted her hit song “Coat of Many Colors” into a children’s book? DOLLY PARTON In 2009, what pizza chain revamped its recipe amid customer complaints that their old crust tasted “like cardboard”? DOMINO’S Even though he is a famous teetotaler,which of these celebrities launched his own brand of vodka in 2006? DONALD TRUMP Which of the following words is not a synonym for “brouhaha”? DOOHICKEY In architecture, a vertical window set in a gable on a sloping roof is called a what?
DORMER Lover,fighter,adventurer–what beer’s “spokesman” is billed as “the most interesting man in the world”? DOS EQUIS Former pro hockey player Tim Horton lent his name to a popular fast food franchise specializing in what? DOUGHNUTS Which of these slang terms is defined out west as “an urban easterner who vacations on a ranch?” DUDE A tune or song that becomes stuck in one’s head is slangily known as a what?
EARWORM In Christianity, Ascension Day is celebrated 40 days after what holiday? EASTER College students often use the term “Underwater basket weaving” to refer to classes that are what? EASY Hidden in the word “mosquito” is the name of the capital city of what South American country? ECUADOR The concert films “Delirious” and “Raw” feature memorable stand-up comedy routines by whom?
EDDIE MURPHY A famous 1855 poem by Walt Whitman begins, “I sing the body” what? ELECTRIC In the classic version of Monopoly, the two “utility companies” are Water Works and the what? ELECTRIC COMPANY In the classic version of Monopoly,the two “utility companies” are Water Works and the what?
ELECTRIC COMPANY Which of these Sesame Street characters is known for referring to himself in third person? ELMO Which of these cheeses is commonly known in the United States as “Swiss Cheese”? EMMENTALER A popular breed of poultry, Cornish hen takes its name from a region of what country? ENGLAND Former energy company Enron originally held what name,before realizing the word meant “intestine”? ENTERON After nearly thirty years on the job,Mary Hart stepped down as host of what TV show in 2011? ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The term “carbon footprint” refers primarily to the impact of a person’s lifestyle on the what? ENVIRONMENT What author famously defined “guts” as “grace under pressure?” ERNEST HEMINGWAY In which of these countries is it customary to eat using only the right hand, as the left is considered unclean?
ETHIOPIA The 70s sitcom “Good Times” centers on a family with what last name? EVANS Which of these body parts is not normally treated by an otolaryngologist? EYE The 2009 bestseller “The Accidental Billionaires”is an account of what Web company’s founding? FACEBOOK The title of the classic novel “Wuthering Heights” refers to what place?
FAMILY ESTATE Though airing in different decades, which of these TV shows featured the same actor as a character? FAMILY TIES & SPIN CITY Perhaps to distinguish themselves,certain ketchup packets boast what descriptive word on their label?
FANCY Which of these is the not-so-modest title of a ubiquitous hit song in 2006? FERGALICIOUS The gossip Web site,or “What Would Tyler Durden Do?,” references a character from what film? FIGHT CLUB A pescetarian breaks from the vegetarian code by eating which of these foods? FISH How many basic positions of the feet are there in traditional ballet? FIVE Held in New York, “Night of a Thousand Stevies” is a fan festival honoring what band’s former lead singer? FLEETWOOD MAC A woman traditionally waves a fan coyly across her body when performing which of these dances? FLEMENCO Since 1990, over one-third of all shark attacks worldwide have occurred off the coast of what state?
FLORIDA In the early 1900s,FTD began using the classic slogan “Say it with” what? FLOWERS In a classic series of TV ads, an unsuspecting customer’s coffee is secretly replaced with what brand? FOLGERS Because the government requires it,most enriched grain products in the U.S. Are fortified with what? FOLIC ACID What ’80s film is loosely based on events in Elmore City,Oklahoma,where dancing was banned for almost 100 years? FOOTLOOSE The first thirteen games of the ancient Olympics featured what sole event?
FOOTRACE “Pineapple shrimp, and lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp” is a line from what hit film? FOREST GUMP Which of these popular cell phone apps allows users to “check-in” to the places they visit? FOURSQUARE Courting worldwide controversy, in 2010 what country banned wearing full-face Islamic veils in public?
FRANCE With a wider wingspan than Air Force One, what country’s leader flies in an airbus dubbed “Air Sarko One”? FRANCE Due to licensing costs, what singer’s version of “Love and Marriage” is not on “MarriedWith Children” DVDs? FRANK SINATRA Which of these family movies about animals centers on a creature that weights the most? FREE WILLY Looney Tunes character Pepe Le Pew speaks with what kind of accent? FRENCH “God is dead” is a widely quoted line taken from the works of what famous philosopher? FRIEDERICH NIETSZCHE Retiring shortly after filming,what Oscar-winning actor’s final legacy is the 2004 comedy “Welcome to Mooseport”?
GENE HACKMAN When asked in 2007 if he had ever cried at a movie,what actor jokingly replied “At the premiere of Batman & Robin”? GEORGE CLOONEY Eric Clapton wrote the classic hit “Layla” as a love song to what rock star’s wife?
GEORGE HARRISON In 2010 what TV host changed his time slot from 11:00 to midnight to accommodate Conan O’Brien? GEORGE LOPEZ A late night talk show that debuted on TBS in 2009, the “Lopez Show” is hosted by whom? GEORGE LOPEZ Now produced around the world,Riesling is a white variety of wine that originated in what country? GERMANY During World War I,what country introduced a fleet of submarines known as “U-boats”? GERMANY The famous ’80s quote “Mr.Gorbachev,tear down this wall” referred to a wall in what country? GERMANY Which of these historic leaders was known to wear clothing he made himself using a spinning wheel? GHANDI The interior of a fiber-optic cable is usually made out of what substance?
GLASS Introduced in 1979, Croakies were designed to prevent people from losing what fashion accessory? GLASSES Which of these deserts is by far the coldest,with temperatures known to fall as low as minus 40 degrees?
GOBI Since 1980,what award has honored the worst in Hollywood filmmaking? GOLDEN RASPBERRY What was the first James Bond movie to show 007 ordering a martini,”shaken,not stirred”?
GOLDFINGER What component of a human cell is named after the Italian Nobel Prize winner who discovered it? GOLGI APPARATUS In the Bible, whose height is given as “six cubits and a span,” somewhere between nine and twelve feet? GOLIATH In the 1999 film “Muppets from Space,” what muppet is revealed to actually be an alien? GONZO Who is Mario Lavandeira? GOSSIP BLOGGER PEREZ HILTON In the Republican party abbreviation “GOP,” the “G” stands for what? GRAND In what U.S. National do backpackers brave challenging “Rim to Rim” hike?
GRAND CANYON In what classical musical does the main character have a bad-boy best friend named “Kenickie”? GREASE Which of these famous structures was built as a tomb? GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA In 2011,Seth Rogen and Ryan Reynolds both played movie superheroes with what colorful word in their name? GREEN Which of these famous scientists was an Augustinian monk? GREGOR MENDEL Also called a “Whammy bar” a “tremolo arm” is used to affect the pitch of which of these musical instruments? GUITAR What singer plays screen siren Jean Harlow in Martin Scorsese’s 2004 movie “The Aviator”?
GWEN STEFANI Which of these animals transports food in its cheeks? HAMSTER A clarsach–a traditional Irish musical instrument–is a kind of what? HARP Because it consists of seven installments,which of these popular book series is considered a “heptalogy”? HARRY POTTER Named for its distinctive shape, a porkpie is what type of fashion accessory?
HAT Known for its distinctive bottle that resembles a friar, Frangelico is an Italian liquer with what flavor? HAZELNUT In a nod to its home state of Pennsylvania, the “Keystone State,” what brand’s products have “keystone-shaped” labels? HEINZ Which of these NFL venues boasts a scoreboard topped with two giant condiment bottles?
HEINZ FIELD Before “Sex and the City,” “Sex and the Single Girl” was a 1962 groundbreaking advice book by whom? HELEN GURLEY BROWN A perennial dance favorite,a popular song by C&C Music Factory describes “Things That Make You Go” what?
HMMMM During WWI,butter often had to be imported from the Netherlands to France to create what aptly named sauce? HOLLANDAISE Which of these objects weights roughly 45.52 carets? HOPE DIAMOND Developed by engineer James Watt,what unit of measure is equivalent to lifting 33,000 “foot pounds” per minute? HORSEPOWER Legendary for his skill at pitching ringers,Alan Francis is widely considered the best player ever in what sport?
HORSESHOES Which of these actors’ last names is often used as a slang term meaning “to hog”? HUMPHREY BOGART In April 2010, which of these country’s erupting volcanoes shut down European air travel for nearly a week?
ICELAND What puny prize is doled out each year by real Nobel laureates to highlight unusual research? IG NOBEL The director of what 2010 film has said in interviews that he often gets asked, “Does the top ever stop spinning?” INCEPTION Sanskrit for “moon craft,” the Chandraayan I was the first lunar orbiter ever launched by what country? INDIA Often called the “Mozart of the Madras,” A.R. Rahman is a prolific composer from what country? INDIA A popular vacation spot,the Maldives is an island nation off the coast of which of these countries? INDIA Due to its strict obscenity laws, which of these countries once published a version of “Playboy” without any nudity? INDONESIA In the 2010 film “Eat, pray, love,” Julia Roberts eats in Italy, prays in India, and loves where?
INDONESIA Design guru Jonathan Ive is responsible for the look of which of these iconic products? IPOD According to a nerdy joke about chemical symbols, a female is made up of a male plus what element? IRON Though it’s in the dictionary, which of these words is considered an improper combination of two other words?
IRREGARDLESS The Mossad is the secret intelligence service of what country? ISRAEL Known for their classic fairy tale collections,the Brothers Grimm had what first names? JACOB & WILHEIM On the TV series “The Simpsons,” Marge has the same maiden name as what First Lady? JACQUELINE KENNEDY The 1975 documentary “Grey Gardens” follows the two Edith Beales, the eccentric relatives of which First Lady? JACQUELINE KENNEDY The “jerk” method of preparing and cooking meat originated in what country?
JAMAICA Because its presidential namesake had no middle initial, a Utah grade school goofed by giving itself what name? MADISON In his Oscar acceptance speech, what actor asked for a moment of silence for the victims of the Titanic? JAMES CAMERON Which of these members of “The Brady Bunch” is said to be suffering from “middle child syndrome”? JAN Because the American “r” sound is rarely pronounced, in what country is Ronald McDonald called “Donald McDonald?” JAPAN The Yuko hair straightening treatment is often referred to by its country of origin, which is what? JAPAN Much like a “Trekkie” loves “Star Trek,” an “otaku” is a big fan of the comics and pop culture of what country? JAPAN Formed in 1998, 30 Seconds to Mars is a Los-Angeles based rock band led by what actor?
JARED LETO The musical scores of the “Charlie Brown” animated TV series notably feature what genre of music? JAZZ What actor starred in the 1990s movies “Universal Soldier” and “Universal Soldier: The Return”? JEAN CLAUDE-VAN DAMME Dropping from a size 16 down to a size 6, what actress was spokesperson for Weight Watchers in 2010? JENNIFER HUDSON What late night TV host features a weekly segment in which he writes humorous thank you notes from his desk? JIMMY FALLON Which of these characters from AFI’s list of the fifty greatest movie villains was an actual movie star? JOAN CRAWFORD Who wrote the famous poem that begins, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”?
JOHN KEATS “Nowhere Boy” is a 2009 biopic about what legendary musician? JOHN LENNON Referring to its iconic founder, the first two letters in the firm today known as JP Morgan Chase stand for what? JOHN PIERPONT Starring Jeff Bridges,the 2010 film “True Grit” is a reworking of a 1969 film that won what actor his only Oscar? JOHN WAYNE In a landmark congressional hearing, “Have you no sense of decency sir?” was asked of whom? JOSEPH MCCARTHY In 2009, after decades of secrecy, Mrs. Butterworth’s first name was revealed to be what?
JOY What pop star made his TV acting debut in 2010, playing teenage bomber Jason McCann on “CSI”? JUSTIN BIEBER What pop star once quoted as saying “I don’t want to be Mr.Sexy back forever”? JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE What animals engage one another in a mating competition that is often compared to boxing? KANGAROOS Johnny Depp modeled his Pirates of the Caribbean character in large part after what musician? KEITH RICHARDS Though he lives and works in Nashville,which of these country singers is a New Zealand-born Australian? KEITH URBAN What U.S. State name is featured on labels of Jim Beam whiskey?
KENTUCKY The ensemble cast of the 2010 comedy “Grown-ups” reunites all but which of these SNL alums? KEVIN NEALON The ensemble cast of the 2010 comedy “Grown Ups” reunites all but which of these fellow SNL alums? KEVIN NEALON Considered “too fat” for a single seat, what film director was bumped from a Southwest Airlines flight in 2010? KEVIN SMITH Increasingly popular in the U.S.,the Southeast Asian sport “Muay Thai” is a form of what? KICKBOXING What internal organ was the first to be successfully transplanted between humans?
KIDNEY In 2008, Eva Longoria opened a Los Angeles restaurant named Beso, Spanish for what? KISS On food packaging, a circle with a “U” indicates that the food is certified as what? KOSHER Every year on March 31st,California observes Cesar Chavez Day to honor the birth of a famous what? LABOR LEADER Which of these retailers claim to be the most recognized name in “plus-size” clothing?
LANE BRYANT Torts is a common first-year course for students in what professional school? LAW A zester is a common kitchen tool designed to be used with which of these foods? LEMON The popular drink known as an “Arnold Palmer” is typically made with equal parts iced tea and what? LEMONADE What is the only piece of equipment needed to play the popular kids’ game known as cat’s cradle? LENGTH OF STRING What artist’s famous sketch, “The Vitruvian Man,” is said to depict the ideal proportions of the male body? LEONARDO DA VINCI Which of these male names comes from French words meaning “the king”?
LEROY The popular video game “Grand Theft Auto IV” is set in what fictional metropolis? LIBERTY CITY In 2009, Scotland allowed convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset to return to what home country? LIBYA In law,the time period during which a person may be sued is called the “statute of” what? LIMITATIONS What classic comic strip character is known for the catchphrase “Leapin’ Lizards!”?
LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE In the human body, what internal organ regulates the amount of glucose in the blood? LIVER Which of these berries is believed to be a hybrid of the blackberry and raspberry? LOGANBERRY What U. Windows Xp Ice Keygen Crack. S. State is home to a university whose football team is known as “The Ragin Cajuns?” LOUISIANA According to the lyrics of a 1964 song,the girl from Ipanema is “tall and thin and young and” what? LOVELY “Tramp Stamp” is a common slang term for a tattoo found where?
LOWER BACK When its first three letters are removed,what U.S. President’s name becomes that of an ’80s TV icon? LYNDON JOHNSON What adjective is often used to describe an unscrupulous political leader’s behavior? MACHIAVELLIAN Which of these country names can be spelled by placing three U.S.
State postal abbreviations in a row? MALAWI According to a 1974 Barry Manilow song, who “came and gavewithout taking?” MANDY Which of these cities is also the name of a famous cocktail made with vermouth, whiskey, and a dash of bitters? MANHATTAN Limestone that has been heated and pressurized eventually turns into what building material?
MARBLE In the British royal family,which of the following is not the name of one of Prince Charles’s three siblings? MARGARET Derived from its Greek name, areology is the scientific study of what planet? MARS The drink known as “Bloody Mary” shares its name with the nickname of what famous woman? MARY TUDOR To avoid blinking, many women unconsciously open their mouths when applying what cosmetic? MASCARA A phillumenist is a collector of what? MATCHBOOKS In 2010, what openly graying sitcom star revealed, “I dyed my hair red the whole time I was on ‘Friends'”?
MATT LEBLANC Which of these celebrities is not mentioned in the lyrics of the 1998 Barenaked Ladies hit “One Week?” MEG RYAN In the 1980s the Members Only brand became famous for its wildly popular version of what? MEN’S JACKET With Pluto being labeled a “dwarf planet” in 2006, what is now the smallest planet in our solar system? MERCURY In astrology, what planetary symbol of communication can cause discord when it is in “retrograde?” MERCURY The title of the 1927 novel “Treasure of the Sierra Madre” refers to a mountain range in what country/ MEXICO Often described as the nation’s largest block party,The Calle Ocho Festival takes place annually in what U.S. MIAMI What U.S. State is divided into two regions called the Upper Peninsula and the Lower Peninsula? MICHIGAN What naval vessel shares its name with a popular game that comes pre-installed on Windows computers?
MINESWEEPER In what horror film does a disturbed romance novel enthusiast repeatedly gush, “I am your number one fan”? MISERY According to its name,New York City’s MoMA specializes in what kind of art?
MODERN Which of these animal names is also a unit of measurement commonly used by chemists? MOLE The dapper board game mascot Mr. Monopoly typically sports all but which of the following? MONACLE In 2011,Charlene Wittstock was compared to Grace Kelly when she married Prince Albert II of what small state? MONACO On the children’s TV “Dora the Explorer,” Dora’s best friend Boots is what kind of animal?
MONKEY Because it is similar in texture,which of these fish is often called the “poor man’s lobster”? MONKFISH “Big Sky Country” is a popular nickname for what U.S. MONTANA In 1955,Rosa Parks made history when she refused to give up her seat on a public bus in what city? MONTGOMERY,ALABAMA Lunulae, the crescent-shaped marks on fingernails, are named for the Latin word for what? MOON In the Old Testament, who said, “I am a stranger in a strange land”?
MOSES The 1998 animated movie “The Prince of Egypt” tells the story of which of these biblical figures? MOSES Prized for its silk-producing abilities,the silkworm is the larva of what type of insect? MOTH An 18th century British diplomat, Baron St. Helens lends his name to a famous American what? MOUNTAIN Based on a true story, the 2010 film “127 Hours” stars James Franco as Aron Ralston, a courageous what? MOUNTAIN CLIMBER In 2010,what food mascot was given a makeover and new voice,courtesy of Robert Downey Jr.? MR.PEANUT Responsible for “artist and repertoire,” an A & R person is a powerful figure in what industry?
MUSIC Featured on a jokey apron,”Dijon Vu” is defined as “the feeling that you’ve had this” what “before”? MUSTARD Which of these reality shows is hosted by visual effects experts Jamie Hynamen and Adam Savage? MYTHBUSTERS In the world of politics,the accusatory acronym RINO stands for “Republican In” what? NAME ONLY Who designed the famous black and red dress worn by Michelle Obama the night of the 2008 election? NARCISCO RODRIGUEZ Which of these brave actresses appeared in a 2006 movie in which her head was shaved on screen? NATALIE PORTMAN In the classic story “Peter Pan,” what does Wendy use to reattach Peter’s shadow?
NEEDLE AND THREAD In what U.S. State does the U.S. Own the highest percentage of land, over 80 percent? NEVADA Since 1991,the Burning Man festival has been held in the late summer in what U.S. NEVADA Which of these U.S.
Cities is primarily serviced by a major airport named for jazz great Louis Armstrong? NEW ORLEANS What U.S. City is home to Grant’s tomb, the final resting place of President Ulysses S. NEW YORK In 2008, a high-profile sex scandal centered on the exposure of what elected official as “Client 9”? NEW YORK GOVERNOR Established in 1954, what Rhode Island city hosts a well-known jazz music festival every summer? NEWPORT Though a single issue costs $5.95, what weekly magazine was sold in its entirety in 2010 for only $1 NEWSWEEK At 1.98 millimeters thick, which of these U.S. Coins is the thickest?
NICKEL What candy bar sounds like it was named for the author of the short story “The Gift of the Magi”? Honolulu,the capital city of Hawaii,is located on which of its islands? OAHU Launched in 2010, Michelle Obama’s initiative, “Let’s Move” brings awareness to what childhood issue? OBESITY Which of the following words is spelled inCORRECTly?
OCCURENCE Which of these states has a postal abbreviation that is also a commonly used exclamation? OHIO Which of the following is a classic men’s toiletry brand and not one of the Spice Girls? OLD SPICE Which of the following is a classic men’s toiletry brand and not one of the Spice Girls? OLD SPICE Which of these Best Picture winners is about a fictional character and not a historical figure? Popular in Europe and the Middle East, the leeks belong to the same family as what other vegetable? ONION Someone who “views the world though rose-colored glasses” is unusually what? OPTIMISTIC According to its mission statement,which of these universities was “founded in the fires of evangelism”?
ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY Though not known to drive cats crazy,which of these herbs is classified in the same family as catnip? OREGANO “Citizen Cake,” a popular bakery in San Francisco,derives its name from a classic film directed by whom? ORSON WELLES “The Adventures of Trash Gordon” is a favorite bedtime story of what “Sesame Street’ character? OSCAR The city of Karachi is located in what country? PAKISTAN Traditionally worn by golfers, “plus fours” are a type of what? PANTS Which of these pieces of office equipment is widely regarded as useful for preventing identity theft? PAPER SHREDDER Which of these countries is an island nation in the Pacific and not a country in Africa?
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Brackets are best described as “square-cornered” versions of what other punctuation marks? PARENTHESES In Greek mythology, who succeeded in killing Achilles?
PARIS A lover of red meat and weaponry,Ron Swanson is Leslie Knope’s mustachioed boss on what popular sitcom? PARKS AND RECREATION A new way to teach kids to ride, balance bikes are bicycles that are missing what part? PEDALS What does the “P” stand for in the common financial abbreviation “APR”? PERCENTAGE What classic Disney film’s soundtrack features the song “Never Smile at a Crocodile”? PETER PAN Fittingly, the Liberty Bell is featured in the logo of what Major League Baseball team? PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES In response to a new immigration law, what city’s NBA team donned “Los Suns” jerseys in May 2010? PHOENIX In the comic strip “Peanuts,” what character is typically surrounded by clouds of dirt and dust?
PIGPEN ATM’s in London that offer instructions in Cockney slang ask you for your “Huckleberry Finn” instead of your what? PIN Which of these things found in nature are often classified as “angiosperms” or “gymnosperms?” PLANTS Once believed to ward off evil spirits,a Greek wedding tradition involves the ceremonious smashing of what? PLATES Texas humorist Kinky Friedman once noted, “Y’all is singular. All ya’all is plural.
“All ya’alls is” is what? PLURAL POSSESIVE Which of these cooking-related words is also a verb meaning “to hunt illegally”? POACH In 2006, Russell Crowe and his wife named their newborn baby boy Tennyson, after a famous what?
POET What is the name of a concise feature on Facebook that helps users get a friend’s attention? POKE Because it’s synthetic,which of these fabrics can be,and often is,made out of recycled plastic water bottles? POLAR FLEECE Though now made with artificial flavors, traditional grenadine syrup is made with the juice of what fruit? POMEGRANATE What world leader travels on an airplane nicknamed “Shepherd One”? POPE A popular Mexican treat, a paleta is a what?
POPSICLE In what movie do Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock play sisters who also happen to be witches? PRACTICAL MAGIC In 2010,what word did Gawker coin for a star getting a “career bump without actually being an addict”? PREHAB The Secret Service reportedly refer to Malia and Sasha Obama by what code names? RADIANCE & ROSEBUD What popular dish’s name is pronounced exactly like that of a well-known brand of pasta sauce?
RAGOUT What movie’s famous “counting cards” scene is spoofed in the 2009 comedy “The Hangover”? RAIN MAN Upon his arrival in D.C. In 2011, what newly-elected senator moved in with his congressman father Ron? RAND PAUL In a famous poem by Edgar Allen Poe, what animal repeatedly quoths the word “nevermore”?
RAVEN The style of pickup truck known as a “dually” gets its name from having twice the standard number of what? REAR WHEELS From Earth, Mars appears to be what shade of color?
RED Which of these brand names features two misspelled words? REDDI-WIP In the business abbreviation “R & D,” the “R” stands for what? RESEARCH Which of these actors is a devout Buddhist who studied with the Dalai Lama? RICHARD GERE What 2009 hit song heavily samples a 1985 song by the band “Dead or Alive”? RIGHT ROUND Referenced in Shakespeare’s nickname “the bard of Avon,” the Avon is a what? RIVER Known for the hit “Mr.Roboto,” the band Styx shares its name with a famous what in Greek mythology? RIVER The MTV reality show “The Challenge” began as a combination of “The Real World” and what other show?
ROAD RULES The 1920 play “R.U.R” by the Czech writer Karel Capek is credited with introducing what technological term? ROBOT Because he produced over 350 low-budget films,what filmmaker is known as the “King of the B-Movies”? ROGER CORMAN With the help of Martin Luther,the 16th-century Reformation began as a movement to reform what? ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Which of these European cities was built thousands of years ago atop seven hills? ROME What member of Congress is also an OBGYN who claims to have delivered more than 4000 babies? RON PAUL The first U.S. Presidential election in which Barack Obama was eligible to vote was won by whom?
RONALD REAGAN The musical “Million Dollar Quartet” depicts a legendary 1956 jam session by all but which of these artists? ROY ORBISON “It is better to have 100 friends than 100 rubles” is a proverb in what country? RUSSIA Which of these languages uses the Cyrillic alphabet? RUSSIAN In lunch counter lingo,what kind of bread does a customer get if his sandwich is “on whiskey?” RYE Someone who compliments you by saying they like “the cut of your jib” is using a phrase borrowed from what field?
SAILING In alternative medicine, halotherapy is a treatment that replicates what natural environment’s health benefits? SALT CAVE In New Orleans, the “po boy” is a signature style of what?
SANDWICH What popular movie was based on a 1976 magazine article about the 2001 Odyssey nightclub? SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER One of at least 50 children born to a construction mogul,Osama Bin Laden was,until 1994,a citizen of what country? SAUDI ARABIA Which of these words features the chemical symbols for sulfur, gold, and sodium? SAUNA Which of these fashion accessory names is sometimes used as a verb to mean eating very quickly? SCARF On a memorable episode of “Seinfeld,” Jerry is reprimanded for making out with his girlfriend during what movie? SCHINDLER’S LIST Which of these ocean-dwelling creatures is named for its equine profile?
SEA HORSE A thickening agent used in ice cream,agar is essentially powdered what? SEAWEED Though it doesn’t contain egg or cream, an “egg cream” traditionally contains which of the following?
SELTZER WATER In a tradition inspired by the Bible, a sabbatical leave is usually taken once every how many years? SEVEN Which of these is the CORRECT name of a popular brand of eco-friendly household products? SEVENTH GENERATION In a 2006 hit single,Justin Timberlake repeatedly claims to be “bringing” what “back”?
SEXY What fictional character is often depicted smoking a distinctively-shaped calabash pipe? SHERLOCK HOLMES In Spanish cuisine,the dish “gambas al ajillo” is literally what main ingredient in garlic sauce? SHRIMP A type of thick-crusted, rectangular pizza is named after what region in Italy? SICILY Named for the artist who famously photographed it,Mount Ansal Adams is a peak in what U.S.
Mountain range? SIERRA NEVADA On “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” soundtrack, Renee Fleming sings in what language? SINDARIN A classic 1969 work by poet Maya Angelou is titled “I Know Why The Caged Bird” what? SINGS A unicorn, a ram, and a triceratops have how many horns altogether? SIX The letter “S” is directly printed on individual pieces of what brand of candy?
SKITTLES Appropriately,the Spanish word for heaven,”cielo,” is also the word for what? SKY Born in England, musician Saul Hudson is better known by what stage name? SLASH What U.S. Institution is nicknamed “The Nation’s Attic”?
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE What candies are described on their packaging as “semisweet chocolate nonpareils?” SNO-CAPS Seen at sporting events near you,MetLife Insurance’s blimp has what call sign? SNOOPY ONE In 2010, Oprah hosted a reunion special for “The Color Purple,” in which she talked about playing what role? SOFIA Perhaps best known in its computerized version,Klondike is a popular variety of what card game? SOLITAIRE In 2009, the U.S.
Navy rescued Captain Richard Phillips from pirates off the coast of what nation? SOMALIA One of Hollywood’s funniest movie quotes,”Well,nobody’s perfect!” is the last line of what classic film? SOME LIKE IT HOT The term “Tin Pan Alley” originally referred to a New York City district famously associated with what industry? SONGWRITING Despite how its spelled,what state’s capital name is properly pronounced “PEER”? SOUTH DAKOTA “Kim” and “Park are two of the most common family names in which of these Asian countries?
SOUTH KOREA A dish usually consisting of marinated meat,poultry or fish,satay was originally popularized in what part of the world? SOUTHEAST ASIA What company’s longtime slogan is “You are now free to move about the country”? SOUTHWEST AIRLINES On a standard computer keyboard, what key usually lacks any number or symbol to indicate its function? SPACE BAR Which of these pastas derives its name from an Italian word meaning “little twine”? SPAGHETTI A crowd of people are running away from a bull on the cover of the 2008 Fodor’s guide to what country? SPAIN Eva Longoria once sadly noted that the only bilingual cartoon character of her youth was who?
SPEEDY GONZALES The name of a famous grocery brand, “Spam” is a combination of “ham” and what word? SPICED As its name suggests, Wookieepedia is an online source of information about what sci-fi movie series? STAR WARS Which of these 80s action icons is not featured in the 2010 action flick “The Expendables”? STEVEN SEAGAL The mortarboard hat seen at graduations shares its name with a tool used by which of these craftsmen?
STONEMASON A “potbelly” is an old-fashioned type of what household appliance? STOVE The double bass is a low-pitched member of what musical instrument family?
STRING Who holds the record for the longest Senate speech, spending 24 hrs attacking a famous Civil Rights bill? STROM THURMOND Sipping water through a straw is a very basic example of what scientific principle at work? SUCTION Deoxiribose, a main component of DNA, is a type of what? SUGAR Noted for its grainy texture, sucanet is an alleged healthier version of what common kitchen ingredient? SUGAR What comedy movie once inspired a line of T-shirts bearing the boastful slogan “I am McLovin”? SUPERBAD “TomKitten” is a tabloid nickname for a celebrity kid with what first name?
SURI Home to a large global banking industry, Zurich is the most populated city of what country? SWITZERLAND Manufactured in the U.S.,Chinet is a brand that specializes in what disposable item? E Gas Sly Injection Software Downloads. TABLEWARE What fast food chain was the target of a 2011 class action lawsuit that claimed there wasn’t enough beef in its beef? TACO BELL What traditional M&M’s Milk Chocolate candy color was replaced by blue in 1995? TAN Bearnaise, a classic French sauce served with steak, is traditionally flavored with which of these herbs? TARRAGON “Calculus” is another name for what dental problem? TARTAR In tabloid gossip,the term “new ink” refers to a star’s newly acquired what?
TATTOO In England,a “hackney carriage” is another name for a what? TAXI CAB Which of these overused words on Lake Superior University’s “Banished Words” list was added last? TEACHABLE MOMENT Meaning “one who has gone before,” the Japanese word “sensei” is often used to mean what? TEACHER What baseball legend shares his name with a “golden voiced’ homeless man who shot to national fame in 2011? TED WILLIAMS The classic song “Chattanooga Choo Choo” immortalized a train station located in what Southern state?
TENNESSEE Michael Jordan has appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine playing all but which of these sports? TENNIS The snail Bufonaria borisbeckeri was named by a German researcher in honor of a champion in what sport?
TENNIS Creator of a famous sportswear brand,Rene Lacoste was a French champion in the 1920s in what sport? TENNIS On a classic “Seinfeld” episode,what future “desperate housewife” declared “They’re real,and they’re spectacular”? TERI HATCHER In 2007,what U.S. State acknowledged the town of Robstown as the birthplace of the “Hold ‘Em” style of poker? TEXAS In the world of reality television, who is Patti Stanger?
THE “MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER” What classic Alfred Hitchcock film is set primarily in the seaside town of Bodega Bay, California? THE BIRDS Due to its political content, which of these comics was often published in newspapers’ op-ed sections? THE BLOOMDOONS In a memorable scene from “Mad Men,” Don Draper pitches what actual name for a Kodak slide projector? THE CAROUSEL In 1587, what family gave birth to Virginia, the first English child born in the Americas?
THE DARES Which of these well-known nicknames is not commonly used to refer to a former U.S. THE DONALD Which of these classic films was directed by Diane Sawyer’s husband? THE GRADUATE Actor Paul Rudd had roles in all but which of the following comedy blockbusters? THE HANGOVER Since the mid 1970s, singer Tom Petty has performed with what musical band? THE HEARTBREAKERS The first female to receive the honor, Kathryn Bigelow received a Best Director Oscar in 2010 for what film? THE HURT LOCKER What classic song features the distinctive chant, “a-wimoweh, a wimoweh, a-wimoweh?” THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT Actress Mackenzie Phillips is the daughter of John Phillips,a singer from what popular music group? THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS What classic TV show’s open features the title character triumphantly flinging her hat into the air?
THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW In 2011,what country announced plans to close its notorious marijuana-peddling “coffee shops” to tourists? THE NETHERLANDS “Pinoy Idol” and “Pinoy Big Brother” are what country’s version of the popular reality shows? THE PHILLIPPINES What 2009 big screen comedy features Betty White as a wacky grandmother? THE PROPOSAL Which of these ’90s movies shares a main character with the best-selling novel “Hannibal Rising”? THE SILENCE OF LAMBS Which of these patriotic songs was written by a person whose last name ends with the letters “U-S-A?” THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER All three of the popular “CSI” TV dramas feature theme songs performed by what rock band? THE WHO What U.S.
President famously declared that he felt as “strong as a bull moose?” THEODORE ROOSEVELT Who was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice13 years after winning “Brown v. Board of Education”? THURGOOD MARSHALL In cooking, recipes commonly call for “sprigs” of which of these ingredients? THYME On the classic TV series “The Brady Bunch,”what is the name of the Brady family dog? TIGER A 2011 box set celebrates the 13-film collaboration between composer Danny Elfman and what film director? TIM BURTON Though a female turkey is called a hen,a male is known not as a rooster but as a what?
TOM What is the name of MySpace’s president,who is included as the first “friend” for every new member? TOM ANDERSON Including the 2006 film “The Queen,” actor Michael Sheen has portrayed what politician 3 different times? TONY BLAIR Of the following Tonys,who is the only won to have won a Tony Award? TONY KUSHNER Founded in 1958, the FAA is a government agency controlled by what U.S. TRANSPORTATION By definition, what shape is a gable roof? TRIANGULAR In “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” Pee-Wee memorably interrupts the filming of what metal band’s music video?
TWISTED SISTER Which of these candy bars was once marked with the slogan “Two for me,none for you”? TWIX “Handheld collapsible canopy” is a very brief definition of which of these words? UMBRELLA Which of these words features four consecutive letters in alphabetical order? UNDERSTUDY The U.S. Constitution begins “We the People of the United States,in order to form a more perfect” what?
UNION The Australian flag features what country’s flag in its upper left-hand corner? UNITED KINGDOM In England, the term “Oxbridge” is used to refer collectively to the country’s two best-known what? UNIVERSITIES What university lists its official colors as “Madonna blue and papal gold”? UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME What does the “V” stand for in the name of the QVC cable shopping network? VALUE What Canadian city’s streets saw riots after their beloved Canucks lost the 2011 Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins? VANCOUVER Which of these nouns does not function as a one-word definition for the word “teddy”?
VEHICLE A hand gripping the Holy Grail is depicted on pints of what Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor? VERMONTY PYTHON Benjamin Franklin once quipped that what government post should be addressed as “Your Superfluous Excellency”? VICE PRESIDENT In the classic T.V. Series “The Waltons,” the Walton family lives in which U.S.
VIRGINIA “Enriched flour” is flour that has which of the following added to it? VITAMINS In 2010, what Fortune 500 company overtook Royal Dutch Shell to become the largest in the world? WALMART Which of these Ben and Jerry’s flavors was named after a key figure in the 1969 Woodstock festival? WAVY GRAVY Which of these breeds of dogs takes it name from the region in Germany where it was originally bred?
WEIMARANER Song parodist Alfred Matthew Yankovic is better known by what nickname? WEIRD AL A large bridge spanning the New River Gorge is depicted on the commemorative quarter of what U.S. WEST VIRGINIA Cape Wrangell is located at what extreme point in the U.S.? WESTERNMOST Both “gam” and “pod” are terms used to describe what group of animals? WHALES Which of these fast food chains specializes in miniature hamburgers known as “sliders”? WHITE CASTLE Which of these famous phrases was chanted throughout the New Orleans Saints’ Super Bowl victory in 2010? WHO DAT Which of these popular ’80s sitcoms shares its names with a TV game show that aired in the ’50s?
WHO’S THE BOSS? By definition, a person whose mouth is “agape”has a mouth that is what? WIDE OPEN Muscatel is a sweet-flavored type of what? WINE An oenophile is a person who enjoys what?
WINE Dubbed “The Angriest Man in the World,” viral video star Jack Rebney is better known as what? WINNEBAGO MAN “The Widows Of Eastwick” is the follow-up novel to a 1984 work with which of these words in its title? WITCHES The 1983 holiday film “A Christmas Story” memorably features a kitsch floor lamp in the shape of a what? WOMAN’S LEG In a 2002 hit, Grammy-winning artist John Mayer sings “your body is a” what? WONDERLAND Since the show premiered in 2002,”CSI:Miami” has used what song by The Who as its opening theme? WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN A nurse takes a person’s radial pulse by feeling what part of the body? WRIST An alternate to Equal or Sweet’N Low,Splenda is a sugar substitute that comes in what color packets?
YELLOW Named for the expensive spice, the color saffron is what hue? YELLOW-ORANGE “Help you I can” is an example of what Star Wars character’s famously “inverted manner of speaking”? YODA The Red Cross estimates that how much blood is collected during a typical donation? 1 PINT In 2010,the space shuttle Atlantis honored Isaac Newton by carrying what into space? A PIECE OF AN APPLE TREE As demonstrated by Egyptian protesters in 2011, Arabs consider it disrespectful to wave which of these at someone?
A SHOE By far the rarest, only 1 percent of the U.S. Population has what blood type? AB NEGATIVE “Potent potable” is a fancy phrase that refers to which of the following? ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To prevent fires, consumers are often warned not to use which of these products in a microwave oven?
ALUMINUM FOIL Who is Curtis Stone? AN AUSTRIAN CELEBRITY CHEF Claire Danes won an Emmy for playing Temple Grandin, a real-life autism advocate and expert in what field? ANIMAL BEHAVIOR While First Lady,Nancy Reagan regularly enlisted the help of Joan Quigley,a San Francisco what? ASTROLOGER IN the UK, new parents often refer to which of these everyday objects as a “pram”?
BABY CARRIAGE “Runaway,” a sprawling 35-minute musical film by Kanye West,prominently features what performers? BALLERINAS Introduced in 1977, KC Masterpiece is a leading brand of which of the following? BARBECUE SAUCE Because it resembles the exercise equipment, tongue-piercing jewelry is often referred to as a what?
BARBELL Hirsutism is a medical condition common among which of these circus performers? BEARDED LADIES What physical characteristic is also known as “a nevus”? BIRTHMARK According to its author, which of these books was written to promote kindness toward horses? BLACK BEAUTY Traditionally served on New Year’s Day,Hoppin’ John is a popular Southern side dish made with what type of bean? BLACK-EYED PEAS In the popular diet book “Eat Right 4 Your Type,” what is the “type” the author wants you to “eat right for”? BLOOD TYPE Where on a personal check can you typically find its nine-digit ABA or “routing number”?
BOTTOM LEFT CORNER Bill Clinton once said that climbing Kilimanjaro and running a marathon were two items on his what? BUCKET LIST Which of these slang phrases means roughly the same thing as “put the pedal to the metal”? BURN RUBBER In order to “ford” a stream, how does a person cross it?
BY WADING Taking its name from the “thirty-mile zone” around Hollywood, is devoted to what subject? CELEBRITY GOSSIP In publishing,what nickname is commonly used for novels that are geared toward a female readership? CHICK LIT In 2008, “Subway Guy” Jared Fogle went on a “Tour de Pants” to raise awareness about what issue? CHILDHOOD OBESITY In the Bizet opera, “Carmen,” the flirtatious Carmen works in what type of establishment?
CIGARETTE FACTORY The phrase “Dawn of a new era” includes the names of two popular brands of what? CLEANING PRODUCTS A national dish of Thailand, Pad Thai is traditionally made with all but which of these ingredients? COCONUT MILK In math, a ratio is commonly written as two numbers separated by which of these punctuation marks? COLON With roughly 1 in 10 companies giving employees the day off,what is the least-observed major U.S.
COLUMBUS DAY Actor Matthew Perry shares his first and last name with a famous American who held what U.S. COMMODORE OF THE NAVY In the courtroom expression “pleading the Fifth,” the word “Fifth” refers to a what? CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Popular in India, a tandoor is a clay structure used for what purpose? COOKING FOOD To reduce the risk of a bladder infection,many experts advise drinking what tannin-rich beverage? CRANBERRY JUICE Named for the Fair Isaac Corporation, a FICO score measures a person’s what?
CREDIT RATING By definition, which of these popular craft hobbies involves the use of a hooked needle? CROCHET The cable series “American Chopper” features a father and son who specialize in what? CUSTOMIZING MOTORCYCLES The NBA’S Philadelphia 76ers are named for the year what historic document was signed?
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE A task performed on the reality show “Top Chef,” a brunoise is made by doing what? DICING VEGETABLES Breathalyzer test results are often introduced as evidence in cases involving which of these crimes? DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE The copying method that gave rise to Xeroxes,”xerography” derives its name from Greek words meaning what?
DRY WRITING In 2004,Douglas Hamilton and Antonio Burr reenacted what 1804 event between their ancestors? DUEL British General James Brudenell, the namesake of a popular style of sweater, held which of these titles? EARL OF CARDIGAN Also called the “cone of shame,” the plastic collar often worn by dogs after a medical procedure is named what? ELIZABETHAN COLLAR By definition,a diurnal event occurs how often? EVERY DAY In 2004, the FDA approved Botox injections as a treatment for what?
EXCESSIVE SWEATING Meaning “they go out”,what Latin term do playwrights use to indicate that actors should leave the stage? EXEUNT In 2010, Apple introduces a video calling service for the iphone 4 with what snappy name? FACETIME Though airing in different decades, which of these TV shows featured the same actor as a main character? FAMILY TIES AND SPIN CITY Which of these slang phrases means “to contribute money to a special collection”? FEED THE KITTY As its name suggests,the Web site allows users to do which of the following online? FILE TAXES In addition to a golden globe,the Golden Globe Awards statuette features a what? FILM STRIP As depicted in the “Iron Man” movies,which of these is one of Iron Man’s superpowers?
FLIGHT Which of these phrases does not appear in the famous last line of the Gettysburg Address? FROM THE PEOPLE David Letterman and Madonna are two celebrities known for having a diastema, the medical term for a what?
GAP BETWEEN TEETH Pointillism,a painting technique involving tiny dots of color,was pioneered by what French artist? GEORGES SEURAT In music industry lingo, an artist’s record “drops” when it what? GETS RELEASED In the 1979 hit song “Escape,” what does the singer claim to like in addition to pina coladas? GETTING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN The legendary Heisman trophy features a helmeted player in what distinctive pose? GIVING A STIFF_ARM Banksy, a wildly popular contemporary artist, is best known for what kind of works?
GRAFFITI PAINTINGS A scholar who is a classicist deals primarily with texts originally written in what languages? GREEK AND LATIN In France,”haricot vert” is the term used for which of these vegetables?
GREEN BEAN “Ursus arctos horribilis” is the scientific name for what kind of bear? GRIZZLY BEAR R&B singer Robin Thicke is the son of a famous TV actor,best known for what ’80s sitcom? GROWING PAINS What’s unusual about the way Ziggy, the loveable comic strip character, is commonly depicted?
HE DOESN’T WEAR PANTS Not as pleasant as it sounds, giving someone a “Glasgow kiss” means doing what to them? HEADBUTTING THEM According to reality star Mike”The Situation” Sorrentino,”The Situation” refers to what muscular body part? HIS ABS Due to its unique chemical qualities, which of these foods can remain edible for centuries if sealed from moisture? HONEY Each year, the Bram Stoke awards are presented to writers of what literary genre? HORROR Because it focuses on the relationship of its two male stars, which of these films is called a “bromance”?
I LOVE YOU MAN In the movie “Arthur,” what does Arthur say to elicit his butler’s famously dry response “I’ll alert the media”? I’M GOING TO TAKE A BATH Due to its history, New York’s Ellis Island is home to a museum focusing on what subject? IMMIGRATION The voice actor Don LaFontaine was famous for what signature phrase, often heard in movie trailers? IN A WORLD Where would you find a widow’s peak? IN SOMEONE’S HAIRLINE In restaurant lingo,a server who is falling behind is said to be where?
IN THE WEEDS In a nod to her Spice Girl nickname, Melanie Brown’s 2010 reality TV series is subtitled what? IT’S A SCARY WORLD If your astrological sign is the one that comes first alphabetically,then when is your birthday? JANUARY OR FEBRUARY In 2010, what formerly married couple announced their respective engagements within days of each other? JESSICA SIMPSON & NICK LACHEY Which of these non-common disorders did not exist until the 20th century?
JET LAG During his presidency, Bill Clinton added which of these amenities to the White House? JOGGING TRACK Named for a Shakespeare character, a balcony roughly large enough for one person to use is called a what? JULIET BALCONY Introduced in 1913, what popular childrens’ toy derives its name from the Roman god of love? KEWPIE DOLLS A peace treaty has never been signed for which of these major conflicts? KOREAN WAR Which of the following is equal to the number to the total number of days in a fortnight? LINES IN A SONNET Which of these terms for a writing implement is actually a brandname trademarked in 1957?
MAGIC MARKER Because it contains liquid, passengers may not carry which of these New York souvenirs on board an airplane? MANHATTAN SNOW GLOBE On which date do all the places in the Earth experience 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness?
MARCH 21ST For a holiday promotion, TravelLodge offered a free “room at the inn” for couples whose first names were what? MARY AND JOSEPH With roughly 8000 residents, what is the smallest state capital in the United States?
MONTPELIER VT A winter time staple,red wine that has been warmed and flavored with spices is called what? MULLED WINE The inspiration for the trademarked term “Botox,” Botulinum toxin is commonly used to treat what? MUSCLE SPASMS Who is Rick Rubin?
MUSIC PRODUCER Which of these would be an appropriate response to the Spanish question “Que tal”? MUY BIEN The Latin phrase “mea culpa” is closest in meaning to which of these modern slang phrases? MY BAD “Sixteen coaches long” is a lyric in an Elvis Presley song titled what?
MYSTERY TRAIN Which of these gases is not considered one of the “greenhouse gases” believed to contribute to global warming? NEON Which of these is a common slang term meaning “an extremely short period of time”? NEW YORK MINUTE A 2010 study found that nearly 70% of what imported item failed to live up to its claims of being “extra virgin”? OLIVE OIL Selling high-end cookware since 1972, the name of retail company Sur La Table in French means what? ON THE TABLE Selling high-end cookware since 1972,the name of retail company Sur La Table is French for what?
ON THE TABLE When a person is at rest,about how long does it take for all of his blood to circulate through his heart? ONE MINUTE Due to the appearance of the numbers, what poker hand is slangily known as “snowmen”? PAIR OF EIGHTS Trial lawyers often refer to the false expectation that a witness will confess under cross-examination as what? PERRY MASON SYNDROME What TV cartoon centers on two stepbrothers,their pet platypus and an evil scientist named Dr.Doofenshmirtz?
PHINEAS AND FERB Which of these French terms is used to refer to the main exhibit in a collection? PIECE DE RESISTANCE On the E!
Reality TV series, “The Girls Next Door,” who are the girls next door? PLAYBOY MODELS A 2009 New York Times article coined the term “Ralph Kramden” to refer to what physical trait? POT BELLY Hillary Clinton’s 1996 bestseller was based on the African proverb “It takes a whole village to” do what? RAISE A CHILD Who is Marshall Bruce Mathers III? RAP STAR EMINEM The word “discotheque” comes from a French word meaning what?
RECORD LIBRARY The name of Louisiana’s state capital,Baton Rouge,is a French phrase meaning what? RED STICK Considered good for the heart, tannis are compounds found primarily in which of these beverages? RED WINE Which of these phrases is commonly used to describe a person who is emotional and creative? RIGHT-BRAINED Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is an unpleasant sports injury commonly known as what? RUNNER’S KNEE When digesting one’s food,which of these steps in the digestion process occurs first? SALIVARY DIGESTION “Maximum Angle of Stability of a Wet Granular Pile” is a published physics study on how to build the perfect what? SAND CASTLE Grammatically speaking,which of these reality TV show titles is an imperative statement?
SAY YES TO THE DRESS What is the name of the classic toy that utters lines such as “The cow says moo” with the pull of a string? SEE N SAY According to a well-known children’s song “The bear went over the mountain” to do what? SEE WHAT HE COULD SEE Often used to describe something incredibly dumb online,Urban Dictionary defines “smh” as what? SHAKING MY HEAD Which of these adjectives is not included in the lyrics of the 1958 novelty song “Purple People Eater”?
SIX-LEGGED Often served as an hors’d’oeuvres, a cornichon is a what? SMALL PICKLE Superstars in Great Britain,the celebrity couple “Posh and Becks” is one pop singer and one what?
SOCCER PLAYER In 2010,what singer released an album featuring a philharmonic orchestra,aptly titled “Symphonicities”? STING Which of these terms of endearment are repeated throughout the Motown classic “I Can’t Help Myself”? SUGAR PIE,HONEY BUNCH According to astronomers,what is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere? SUMMER SOLSTICE A famous Shakespeare sonnet begins with the question “Shall I compare thee to” what?
SUMMER’S DAY As host of the Tonight Show, Johnny Carson famously ended his monologues by pretending to do what? SWING A GOLF CLUB At the National Spelling Bee,official “pronouncers” may provide all but which of the following to the spellers? SYNONYMS The author of the 2010 bestseller “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang” also has which of these jobs? TALK SHOW HOST Which of the following values is equal to one billion? TEN TO THE NINTH POWER After her breakout role on “The Cosby Show,” Raven-Symone starred in what aptly-named kids’ show? THAT’S SO RAVEN On his talk show “Maury,” host Maury Povich famously says to some of his guests “you are NOT” what?
THE FATHER In 2010,Doris Roberts reunited with “Raymond” castmate Patricia Heaton when she guest starred on what sitcom? THE MIDDLE Which of these comedies features both Luke and Owen Wilson?
THE ROYAL TENEBAUMS Both Katharine Ross and Nicole Kidman have played Joanna Eberhart, the main character from what novel? THE STEPFORD WIVES Which of these statements is true regarding Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris wines? THEY ARE BOTH WHITE By definition,a defenestrated object has been what? THROWN OUT A WINDOW The anterior fontanelle usually knows as “the soft spot”is located where on a newborn baby?
TOP OF THE HEAD In a formal place setting,where should a wine glass be positioned relative to the plate? TOP RIGHT Commonly used in the shower, a loofah is the fibrous interior of which of the following?
TROPICAL GOURD Founded in 1881, the Wharton School is a prestigious business school at what university? UNIVERSITY OF PENNSLYVANIA Single Awareness Day, or SAD is often celebrated as a humorous alternative to what holiday? VALENTINE’S DAY In a much-hyped 2010 event,Chelsea Clinton walked down the aisle in a wedding dress designed by whom? VERA WANG Which of these beloved comedy pairings consists of two animated characters and not two real-life people?
WALLACE AND GROMIT On average, what is the most abundant gas released into the atmosphere by a volcano? WATER VAPOR Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s book “All the President’s Men” details what event in U.S. WATERGATE SCANDAL Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s book “All the President’s Men” details what event in U.S. WATERGATE SCANDAL In the 1967 film “Bonnie and Clyde,” Clyde famously offers what terse description of the duo’s occupation?
WE ROB BANKS Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the popular breed of dog much prized by Queen Elizabeth II? WELSH CORGI “I Feel Pretty,” “America,” and “Tonight” are all songs featured in what classic musical? WEST SIDE STORY Which of these is a popular carnival game in which you hit mechanical critters on the head with a mallet? WHACK-A-MOLE In which of these films does Harrison Ford play a villain and not a hero?
WHAT LIES BENEATH The 1980 Devo song “Whip It” suggests a person must “whip it” in all but which of these scenarios? WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU A GONG Despite being only 10 sentences long, what children’s book was adapted into a 94-minute film in 2009? WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE The name for a food item popular in China, “bok choy” literally means what?
WHITE VEGETABLE Actress Estelle Getty is best remembered for a TV role in which she always did which of the following? WORE A WIG In hip-hop lingo,the word “shorty” commonly refers to a what? YOUNG WOMAN “You probably think this song is about you” is a famously caustic lyric from what hit song? YOU’RE SO VAIN If a person was born in 1991, what birthday did they celebrate during the palindromic year? 11TH Which of these characteristics must be true about an Olympic-size pool?
50 METERS LONG In the 1994 movie “Speed,” a bomb is set to go off as soon as a bus’s speed falls below what? 50 MPH Which of these animals commonly moves around using a technique known as “knuckle-walking”? CHIMPANZEES Clocking in at over 8 minutes,what psychedelic Beatles track is by far the longest the group has ever recorded? REVOLUTION 9 “Lands End,” a mansion in Long Island built in 1902, is said to have inspired a fancy home in what classic novel?
THE GREAT GATSBY By definition, someone who is “skirling” is playing what type of musical instrument? BAGPIPES In the Oscar-nominated 2009 movie “Fantastic Mr.
Fox,” who voices Mr. GEORGE CLOONEY What is the primary setting of the 1975 classic film “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest MENTAL HOSPITAL Which of these states is longer from east to west than it is from north to south? NEBRASKA As of 2010, what is the only state that does not have mandatory seat belt law for adults? NEW HAMPSHIRE What country’s two official languages are French and Creole?
HAITI What nut is a primary ingredient in the chocolate-flavored spread Nutella? HAZELNUT During deep sleep, a healthy adult’s brain emits which of these kind of waves? DELTA On airplanes,a person’s ears “pop” because of air moving through what part of the body? EUSTACHIAN TUBE In 2010, what company’s founder surprisingly donated $100 million to the public schools of Newark, NJ? FACEBOOK Which of these terms is used to refer to things that are suitable for either gender? UNISEX The five interlocking rings on the Olympic flag are representative of what? CONTINENTS Years before starring in the movie “Enchanted,” what actress worked briefly as a Hooters waitress?
AMY ADAMS The logo for the Goodyear tire company features the winged foot of what Roman god? MERCURY In Apple’s slogan, “There’s an app for that,” the “app” mentioned is short for what? APPLICATION Cavendish is the most popular supermarket variety of what fruit? BANANA Considered one of the world’s greatest soccer players, Cristiano Ronaldo hails from what country? PORTUGAL The lambada is a spirited ballroom dance originating in what country?
BRAZIL In 1997, what state passed a law allowing its residents to cast absentee ballots from space? TEXAS Which of the following classic sitcom characters had only sisters for siblings? THEO HUXTABLE Fittingly,which of these popular 20th century authors is buried in Tarzana,California?
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The 2006 movie “Dreamgirls” stars what pop singer as Deena Jones,the leader of a 1960s soul trio? BEYONCE Closely related to a wallaby and another marsupial, a wallaroo is native to what continent? AUSTRALIA Doppler is the team mascot of what WNBA franchise? SEATTLE STORM Named for the writer who first popularized it,what questionnaire appears in issues of “Vanity Fair”? PROUST QUESTIONNAIRE In which of these countries might you find “gauchos” riding horses across lowlands called “pampas”?
ARGENTINA Which of these nouns is not commonly used as a slang verb meaning “to dismiss from a job”? HORN Thought to be a combination of “simon” and “napoleon,” “simoleon” is an old-fashioned slang term for a what? DOLLAR BILL Someone who performs a handspring properly will finish by landing on what part of his or her body? FEET Because of their unique shape, TiVo remote controls are often playfully referred to as what? PEANUTS Which of these ocean-dwelling creatures is named for its equine profile?
OCTOPUS A dangerous type of what bug gets its name from the port town of Taranto, Italy? SPIDER Which of these European capitals is not located along the Danube river? BERN Before beginning her solo career, Aimee Mann was the lead singer of what 1980s pop band? TIL TUESDAY At five feet eleven inches, Michelle Obama is tied with whom for tallest First Lady? ELEANOR ROOSEVELT About “boys, drama, and best friends” in 2010 what reality star announced her upcoming novel, “A Shore Thing?” NICOLE “SNOOKIE” POLIZZI The 2010 headline “Chaz is the Man” refers to the recent major life change of what pop diva’s eldest child? CHER By definition, a snickerdoodle is a what? COOKIE The iconic logo for Paramount Pictures features the summit of a mountain encircled by 22 what?
SNOWFLAKES Which of these U.S. Cities is located in the tri-state region known as “Ark-la-Tx”? SHREVEPORT When an NFL head coach chooses to challenge a referee’s ruling,he throws what color “flag” onto the field? RED In Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel “Treasure Island,” Long John Silver has a pet parrot named what? CAPTAIN FLINT In “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the adjective “perilous” is used to describe what word? FIGHT In the late 1800s, William “Boss” Tweed led a corrupt political machine centered in what U.S.
NEW YORK What country is famous for the scenic fjords that line its shores? NORWAY What TV drama’s opening narration begins, “My name is Michael Weston. I used to be a spy, until” BURN NOTICE Though he often just goes by his first name,celebrity physician Dr.Drew has what surname? PINSKY Contestants on the singoff in 2010, the Whiffenpoofs are an a capella group from what university? YALE Named for a city in Poland,what food has been described as “a bagel that’s lost inside a Polish joke”?
BIALY Since 1916, Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest has been held annually at what iconic New York locale? CONEY ISLAND According to legend,the ghosts of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh haunt what London landmark? TOWER OF LONDON The Lido deck on a cruise ship takes its name from a historic seaside resort area in what city? VENICE,ITALY What presidential last name can be typed using just the right-hand side of a standard keyboard? POLK As of 2011,which of the following has never been the title of a reality show about making cakes?
CAKE MIX Which of these branches of mathematics would a student most likely learn first? ARITHMETIC Which of these animals has the longest gestation period, lasting an average over 20 months? ELEPHAND Besides elephants and rhinoceroses,what other animals are considered pachyderms? HIPPOPOTAMUSES Which of these countries lies in the coffee-producing region of the world known as the “bean belt”? COLUMBIA Though it later became associated with Christie Brinkley, Billy Joel’s hit “Uptown Girl” was originally about whom? ELLE MACPHERSON Referring to an old-fashioned term for feline appreciation,which of these is the name of a long-running magazine? CAT FANCY First found in the U.S.
In 1999,West Nile virus is primarily transmitted by what? MOSQUITOES Which of these trademarked kitchen products is a form of acrylic? CORIAN Until his abrupt dismissal in 2011, John Galliano had been head designer of what fashion house since 1996? CHRISTIAN DIOR In the 2004 movie “Sideways,” wine lover Miles adamantly states that he will not drink what varietal? MERLOT The name of the restaurant chain Au Bon Pain is a French expression meaning “place of good” what?
BREAD In hiking, the marks on trees that indicate the trail are called what? BLAZES What fashion designer is typically credited with inventing “the little black dress”? COCO CHANEL Which of these actors is a devout Buddhist who has studied with the Dalai Lama?
RICHARD GERE At Disneyland Paris,”Le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant” is the castle for what fairy tale heroine? SLEEPING BEAUTY The adrenal,thyroid and pituitary glands are important components of what bodily system? ENDOCRINE Which of these TV characters commonly buzzed friends into his home using a two-way intercom?
JERRY SEINFELD “He is a very good little elephant” is a line in the popular child’s tale “A Story of” who? BABAR What state contains the ten tallest peaks in the U.S. ALASKA If you wanted to visit the “Geographic Center of North America,” you’d have to go to what U.S. State/ NORTH DAKOTA Myology is the scientific study of what? MUSCLES An expensive building material, particle board is made by pressing together small pieces of what?
WOOD The first word of the national anthem of the U.S., “O say, can you see,” is what part of speech? INTERJECTION The expression “I’ll be a monkey’s uncle” was popularized by skeptics of what scientist’s theories? CHARLES DARWIN Which of these characters is from the 1978 movie “Grease” and not the 1988 movie “Hairspray?” MARTY MARASCHINO Which of these apple varieties shares its name with a well-known mountain in Japan?
FUJI Which of these cocktails typically requires the use of a bartending tool called a muddler? MOJITO At which of these food retailers are about 80% of the products on the shelves the store’s own brand? TRADER JOE’S What was the relationship of fashion designer Donatella Versace to the late Gianni Versace?
SISTER A 1960s TV character played by Al Lewis, Count Vladimir Dracula is better known by what name? GRANDPA MUNSTER Which of these is a show on the Fox Business Channel, and not a USA Network drama/ FREEDOM WATCH Chevre, Montrachet, and Bucheron are all cheeses primarily made from the milk of what animal? GOAT The unconventional women of America’s Jazz Age are commonly known by what nickname? FLAPPERS West Point,the oldest military academy in the United States,is located on the bank of what river? HUDSON Not surprisingly,Wiz Khalifa’s rap hit “Black and Yellow” served as what NFL team’s unofficial anthem in 2011? PITTSBURGH STEELERS A blanket or shawl made of colored squares sewn or crocheted together is called a what?
AFGHAN Which Baldwin brother wrote “The Unusual Suspect,” an account of becoming an evangelical Christian? STEPHEN As of 2010, which of these historic people has not been depicted on a Pez dispenser? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN The 1929 stock market crash occurred in what month of the year? OCTOBER “There’s More Than Meets the Arch” is the former motto of what U.S.
ST LOUIS In 2011,what 66-year-old actress beat out Elle MacPherson to win L.A. Fitness’ “Body of the Year” poll?
HELEN MIRREN The theme song “Eye of the Tiger” is featured in the third installment of what movie franchise? ROCKY Which of these glands are present only in a person’s skin?
SWEAT Which of these household appliances contains a vacuum tube called a magnetron? MICROWAVE OVEN Which of these classic fictional characters performs his on-the-job duties in a belfry? QUASIMODO Opponents of genetically modified food often refer to it by what “scary” name? FRANKENFOOD Popular at high school proms, an “upto” is a type of what? HAIRSTYLE The two countries in the world whose names come last alphabetically are both located where? SOUTHERN AFRICA What vegetable’s name is an answer to the common riddle “What has eyes but cannot see”? POTATO What former president’s initials are “U” and “S”?
GRANT Before Barbara Bush, what First Lady’s husband and son both served as U.S. ABIGAIL ADAMS In the 1989 movie “Field Of Dreams”,a mysterious voice inspires a farmer to build what in his cornfield? BASEBALL DIAMOND Able to rotate 360 degrees,SkyCity is a restaurant at the top of what U.S. SPACE NEEDLE Which of these birds is able to fly? FLAMINGO Known as “The Flying Lady,” the hood ornament on Rolls-Royces is officially called “The Spirit of” what? ECSTASY In a hit song from 1982,Thomas Dolby revealed “She Blinded Me With” what?
SCIENCE Captain Edward John Smith famously piloted what historic craft? RMS TITANIC In 2008, “Saved by the Bell” alum Mario Lopez became host of what entertainment news show? EXTRA In “Twilight,” Edward and Bella listen to a recording of “Claire de Lune,” a famous piano piece by what composer? CLAUDE DEBUSSY In the agency abbreviation “EEOC,” the first E stands for “equal” and the second stands for what? EMPLOYMENT What famous historical figure’s dying words were, “Hold the cross high so I may see it through the flames”? JOAN OF ARC In a 2003 bestselling novel, Mitch Albom writes about “The Five People You Meet” where?
IN HEAVEN Which of these words contains an umlaut? DOPPELGANGER In the name of the famous 1980s British band,what word follows “Psychedelic”? FURS Once dubbed “The Notorious B.A.G.” by the media,Brian Austin Green starred in what ’90s teen drama? BEVERLY HILLS,90210 In the film “Million Dollar Baby,” Maggie wears a robe labeled “Mo Cuishle,” a saying in what language? GAELIC By definition,a gullywasher is a sudden,strong what? RAINSTORM Which of these has never been the title of a reality series about people who attempt to flip houses?
ON THE FLIP SIDE The Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Depot is located in what state? SOUTH CAROLINA Boston’s Ted Williams tunnel is named in honor of a legendary player in what sport? BASEBALL A popular maker of parenting accessories, the Babybjorn company is headquartered in what country? SWEDEN Walt Whitman’s poem “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” was written as an elegy for what notable American? ABRAHAM LINCOLN On “The Lord Of The Rings:The Return of The King” soundtrack,Renee Fleming sings in what language?
SINDARIN Slangily used to describe a curvaceous woman, the Yiddish word “zaftig” literally means what? JUICY According to an old expression, “Great oaks grow from little” what? ACORNS Kiddingly referred to as the only food that is “made” backwards, Edam is a type of what? CHEESE Before starring in “Scrubs,”Sarah Chalke was dubbed “The other Becky” for her fill-in role on what TV show? ROSEANNE Founded in London in 1766,Christie’s is one of the world’s oldest what?
AUCTION HOUSES In the wireless phone abbreviation “4G,” the “G” stands for what? GENERATION What sci-fi movie depicts an ageist, futuristic world in in which people over 30 are systematically shot? LOGAN’S RUN Known for his unique batting stance, which of these Hall of Fame ball players was nicknamed “The Man”? STANLEY FRANK MUSIAL “Rocky Top” is one of the official songs of what state? TENNESSEE The 1954 work “Flag” was the first in a famous series of paintings by what American artist? JASPER JOHNS According to census data, the language most frequently spoken in U.S.
Homes, besides English, is what? SPANISH Responding to charges that her cuisine leads to obesity,what TV chef once said “I’m your cook,not your doctor!”?
PAULA DEEN What actor’s mother reportedly named him after he kicked her in the womb while she was looking at a Da Vinci painting? LEONARDO DICAPRIO What animals are some of the only adult vertebrates with the ability to regrow a limb that has been cut off? SALAMANDERS Someone or something that is given up for the common good is often called the “sacrificial” what? LAMB A blacksmith works primarily with what metal?
IRON Since 1955, what has been the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival? GOLDEN PALM Buzz Aldrin served as the model for which of these popular award statuettes? MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARD Based on the childrens’ books, the main characters of the Nick Jr TV show “Olivia” are what animals? PIGS In 1876, what inventor uttered the now-famous words, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you”? ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Which of these events derives its name from a Greek word meaning “to dip”?
BAPTISM The TV shows “Glee,” and “Freaks and Geeks” are both set at high schools named after which U.S. WILLIAM MCKINLEY Adding an “a” to the end of what president’s surname gives the name of a wildly popular 19th-century dance? JAMES K.POLK On the TV show “Throwdown,” chefs are challenged to a cook-off of their signature dish by what star chef? BOBBY FLAY A close friend of her Greek actor father,Telly Savalas was the godfather of which of these movie stars?
JENNIFER ANISTON At the 1936 Olympics, Jesse Owens shocked the host nation by winning 4 golds in what event? TRACK AND FIELD A prissy blonde brat named Nellie Oleson was a memorable character on what TV show? LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE As a boy,Louisiana governor Piyush Jindal named himself “Bobby” after a character on what sitcom? THE BRADY BUNCH What is the name of Robert De Niro’s star-obsessed character in the 1983 film “King of Comedy”? RUPERT PUPKIN Introduced in 1979,Croakies were designed to prevent people from losing what fashion accessory? GLASSES Who is the only person who has won Emmys for both Lead Actress in a Drama and Lead Actress in a Comedy? EDIE FALCO What animalistic sound is sung throughout the 1978 Warren Zevon hit “Werewolves of London”?
The square dance move “do-si-do” is derived from the French phrase “dos-a-dos,” which translates to what? BACK-TO-BACK To make paper-mache,kids traditionally dunk newspaper strips into paste made from water and what? FLOUR In 2010,country star Kenny Chesney’s 40-acre home was all wet when floods washed over what city? NASHVILLE Which of these words is derived from the popular name of a notorious London mental institution? BEDLAM Dee Brown’s bestselling history of the American West is titled “Bury My Heart” where?
AT WOUNDED KNEE An old way of wondering if a new product or work of art will have mainstream success asks, “Will it play” here? IN PEORIA In what country do people normally answer the phone by saying “Moshi, moshi”? JAPAN Doppler is the team mascot of what WNBA franchise? SEATTLE STORM Filled with warm, slightly salty water, a neti pot is used for treating what common condition?
SINUSITUS In his 1989 book “From Beirut to Jerusalem,” Thomas Friedman recounts a journey he once took from Lebanon to where? ISRAEL “Two small antelopes can beat a big one” is a traditional proverb in which of these countries? GHANA People who are getting Xrays taken commonly wear protective bibs containing what metal? LEAD A muumuu is a loose-fitting dress traditionally worn where? HAWAII Named for a famous poet, Pushkin Square is a busy intersection in what world city?
MOSCOW The fantastical lands of Gondor,Mordor,and the Shire feature prominently in what author’s fiction? TOLKIEN A breakthrough in fashion,”jeggings” are leggings designed to look like what? JEANS As of 2010, Athina Rousell de Miranda is the only surviving heir to whose vast fortune? ARISTOTLE ONASSIS What musician wrote the 1989 bestseller, “Tales from Margaritaville”?
JIMMY BUFFETT What tattooed celebrity has the name of his three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz, inked on his back? DAVID BECKHAM Before starring in ABC’s “Modern Family,” Ed O’Neill was best known for playing what classic TV dad? AL BUNDY Which of these singers could sing “EIEIO” if she sang only the vowels in her name in a row? CELINE DION What comedian’s production is named Happy Madison, a play on the titles of his two films? ADAM SANDLER In 1984, the NBA Championship Trophy was renamed to honor what legendary NBA Commissioner? LARRY O’BRIEN In 2010, what philanthropist announced plans to give away 99 percent of his estimated $47 billion fortune? WARREN BUFFETT In 1966, rock guitarist James Hendrix officially changed the spelling of his first name to what?
JIMI Because he shares his name with his late father,what NASCAR superstar is popularly known as “Junior”? DALE EARNHARDT Retired New York Yankees uniform number 3 belonged to which baseball great? BABE RUTH What football icon lends his name to one of the top-selling video franchises of all time? JOHN MADDEN The 2010 documentary “4192:The Crowning of the Hit King” examines the career of what legendary athlete?
PETE ROSE What actor delivers the oft-misquoted line, That dirty, double-crossing rat” in the 1931 film “Blonde Crazy”? JAMES CAGNEY Fluent in French, what actress often dubs her own lines for the French language versions of her films? JODIE FOSTER In the United States,National African American History Month is celebrated when? FEBRUARY Translating to “Fashion Dispatch,” what 80s band took its name from a French fashion magazine? DEPECHE MODE Which of these poultry-peddling fast food chains is famous for always being closed on Sundays?
CHICK FIL A La Petite Roche, a riverside rock formation once used for navigation, inspired the name of what state’s capital? ARKANSAS Which of these grocery items is commonly sold in a container that features a gabled top?
MILK “Fierce,” “ferosh,” and “hot tranny mess” are all catchphrases coined by what popular reality star? CHRISTIAN SIRIANO What reality star had her famous catch-phrases “I die!” and “Bananas!” trademarked in 2009? RACHEL ZOE When you use a key resource to gain advantage in a deal,it is said that you are playing what kind of “card”? TRUMP Challenging players to win control of an island,a wildly popular board game is known as “The” what “of Catan”? SETTLERS Playing himself,what TV actor pays for the burger feast at the end of “Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle”? NEIL PATRICK HARRIS Which of these cities in Michigan shares its name with a cryptocrystalline variety of the mineral quartz? FLINT Since 2002,Carson Daly has hosted a very late night show with what apt name?
LAST CALL In a 1970 hit song, James Taylor sings, “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen” what? RAIN What classic rock song’s first line urges you to “get your motor runnin, head out on the highway”? BORN TO BE WILD Which of these creatures are on display in the Nocturnal House at the Cincinnati Zoo? BATS Patients who elect to have malar augmentation surgery wish to increase the size of their what? CHEEKS Each May, what European country observes National Windmill and Pumping Station Day?
THE NETHERLANDS Which of these Broadway musicals was inspired by a famous painting? SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE Which of these political pundits is nicknamed “The Ragin’ Cajun?” JAMES CARVILLE The term “Polyanna” refers to a person who is excessively what? CHEERFUL Moet & Chandon’s headquarters in France features a statue of which of these French icons? DOM PERIGNON Teen superstar Miley Cyrus dances in and around a cage in her music video aptly titled “Can’t be” what?
TAMED In “SpainOn The Road Again,” chef Mario Batali explores the cuisine of all but which of these cities? PALERMO What is the CORRECT term for someone who is a member of The Mafia? MAFIOSO On the pronunciation of her last name, what actress has explained that it’s “like the lettuce?” REBECCA ROMIJN In 2010, Russell Brand and Katy Perry were quietly married near what country’s Rathambore tiger sanctuary?
INDIA On the Simpsons, what member of the Simpson family is commonly seen sucking on a pacifier? MAGGIE Which branch of the U.S. Military was founded most recently? AIR FORCE On the 2010 Forbes 400 list, what billionaire identifies himself as residing in Medina, Washington? BILL GATES Which of these animal classifications best describes the traditional symbol of the Republican Party? PACHYDERM Which of these songs by the Beatles contains three different pronouns in its title? I ME MINE What U.S.
State is home to England’s historic London Bridge, which was dismantled and moved in 1968? ARIZONA What company’s iconic logo was created by an Oregon college student in 1971 for just $35? NIKE What actor donned fake chest hair and a bald cap for a cameo in the 2008 comedy “Tropic Thunder”?
TOM CRUISE What popular TV program began as a local talk show called “AM Chicago?” OPRAH A traditional “Hawaiian” pizza is topped with an unusual combination of pineapple and what? HAM A bushel is a standard unit originally used to measure the weight of what? GRAIN The family drama “7th Heaven” launched the acting career of which of these Hollywood stars? JESSICA BIEL Hollywood’s star-studded Walk of Fame is centered at the famous intersection of Hollywood Blvd and what?
VINE What country’s annual film awards are called “The Goyas”,named for its celebrated native artist? SPAIN Located in New York, the National Tennis Center is named in honor of what famous athlete? BILLIE JEAN KING In “The Matrix” film series, the character Neo was born with what first name?
THOMAS Which of these movie stars got her famous last name from her first husband? DEMI MOORE Famous for playing a butcher, what eccentric actor has taken time off to work as a cobbler? DANIEL DAY-LEWIS In 2006,the International Astronomical Union downgraded Pluto from planet to what lesser celestial body?
DWARF PLANET Most experts would agree that which of these kitchen staples is the best way to treat a jellyfish sting? VINEGAR What 60s TV show peppered its fight scenes with words such as “kapow” or “biff” flashed onto the screen? BATMAN In 2010,an Oregon man changed his name to “Captain Awesome” in honor of a character from what TV show? CHUCK In cartoons,Tweety Bird is often portrayed as the pet of a woman simply referred to by what name? GRANNY Latin is the official language of which of these small European countries?
VATICAN CITY A 1995 documentary subtitled “Hollywood Madam” examines the rise and fall of what scandalous figure? HEIDI FLEISS Inspired in part by a jazz legend,what did Sandra Bullock name her newly adopted baby boy in 2010? LOUIS Which of these children’s games uses a spinner to determine a player’s move? CHUTES AND LADDERS Tonic water is distinctively flavored because it contains what chemical? QUININE In 2009, which of these “Family Guy” characters moved to Stoolbend, VA to star in his own spin-off? CLEVELAND BROWN In 2010, an out-of-control Amish teenager led police on a wild one-mile chase involving what? HORSE-DRAWN BUGGY “Who Do You Think You Are” is a question repeatedly posed to the “Mr” in what hit song?
BIG STUFF In 2011, the Oxford English Dictionary added an entry for “Dutch colonial,” a term used to designate a style of what? ARCHITECTURE What firearm shares its name with a classic Beatles album? REVOLVER In 2008, who became the first rock musician ever to be awarded a Pulitzer Prize? BOB DYLAN What popular toy was created when engineer Scott Stillinger tied together a bunch of rubber bands? KOOSH BALL In 1820,Maine became the 23rd state in the Union by separating from what other state?
MASSACHUSETTS The 2010 Bravo Series “Bethenny Getting Married” is a spin-off of what “Real Housewives” edition? NEW YORK CITY Which of these famous teenagers is a black belt in karate? TAYLOR LAUTNER Which of these famous WWII battles took place on a Pacific island?
IWO JIMA Which of these continents lies in the Northern,Southern,Eastern and Western Hemispheres? AFRICA What U.S.
State’s 3 most populous cities all have names beginning with the letter “C”? OHIO Performed to assist breathing, a tracheotomy is a surgery on what part of the body? WINDPIPE Which of these natural wonders is a well-known example of a chasm? GRAND CANYON Which of these “old” cities shares its name with a popular brand of Mexican food products? OLD EL PASO In 2011,Lady Gaga’s single “Born This Way” was criticized as being a “rip-off” of what 1989 Madonna hit?
EXPRESS YOURSELF Made by combining milk with a sweetened coffee syrup, “coffee milk” is the official beverage of what U.S. State/ RHODE ISLAND What U.S.
State was denied statehood until 1896, after it agreed to ban the practice of polygamy? UTAH Meant to symbolize hard work and productivity,the beehive is the official emblem of what U.S. UTAH A famous auto racing venue,the Bonneville Salt Flats occupy over 30,000 acres of what U.S. UTAH “As-Salaam Alaikum,” which means “peace be unto you,” is a traditional greeting among whom? MUSLIMS The prestigious Juno Award is the Canadian equivalent of what American honor? GRAMMY An iconic road sign located just south of the Los Vegas Strip welcomes visitors to what? FABULOUS LOS VEGAS What gaseous element makes up about 70 percent of the mass of the Sun?
HYDROGEN Also known as the striped polecat,the zorilla closely resembles what other black and white animal? SKUNK Which of these vegetables is also known as the “Mexican turnip”? JICAMA Which of these singers had a Top 40 song with a title that begins with the letter “X”? OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN Michael Jackson’s father shares his name with a famous baseball player who had what nickname? SHOELESS In mathematics,what punctuation mark is commonly used between numbers to indicate a ratio?
COLON Shot in his hometown, Ben Affleck’s 2010 film “The Town” takes place in what U.S. BOSTON Which of these U.S.
Cities’ social elite were commonly known as “brahmins” in the 19th century? BOSTON The Oscar-winning film “No Country for Old Men” was adapted from a novel by what author? CORMAC MCCARTHY In Greek mythology,who is the goddess of the rainbow? IRIS Because it is thought to be easier than other sciences,what college course is nicknamed “Rocks for Jocks?” GEOLOGY Hailed as a must-have for new parents, “Sophie” is a French-made baby’s chew toy in the shape of what animal? GIRAFFE Which of these natural wonders is a cataract? NIAGARA FALLS Since 2003,the Heart Truth campaign has presented a NY fashion show in which celebrities don what color dresses?
RED What color is created when blending the standard billiard ball colors seen on the eight ball and the cue ball? GRAY Timothy Q.Mouse initially frightens,but then befriends the title character of what classic Disney film? DUMBO The Queen song “Bohemian Rhapsody” mentions which of these great thinkers in its lyrics? GALILEO A staple of Argentinean cuisine, asado is a dish consisting of meat cooked using what technique? GRILLING “Ariel’s Beginning” is the sub-title of a 2008 straight-to-DVD prequel of what animated Disney movie? THE LITTLE MERMAID IN the quality inspection process known as “candling,” which of these foods is held in a bright light? EGGS The title of a famous show tune from the 1949 musical “South Pacific,” “Bali Ha’i” is a what?
ISLAND What unit of measure is still based on a century-old platinum-iridium cylinder kept near Paris, France? KILOGRAM In 1994, Texas native Tom Ford began his legendary tenure as creative direct.